WPA 1972

The following are the subtopics of the WPA 1972:

  • Title I: Declaration of Policy and Purpose
  • Title II: Definitions
  • Title III: Administration
  • Title IV: Financial Provisions
  • Title V: Employment Provisions
  • Title VI: Training Provisions
  • Title VII: Work Experience Provisions
  • Title VIII: Special Provisions
  • Title IX: General Provisions
  • Title X: Evaluation and Reporting
  • Title XI: Authorization of Appropriations
  • Title XII: Severability
  • Title XIII: Effective Date
    The Work Projects Administration (WPA) was a New Deal agency that employed millions of Americans from 1935 to 1943. The WPA built roads, bridges, parks, and other public works projects. It also provided jobs for artists, writers, and musicians.

The WPA was created by Title I of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935. The act’s declaration of policy and purpose stated that the government should provide work for the unemployed in order to “relieve the present distress and suffering” and to “promote the national welfare.”

Title II of the act defined the terms used in the act. Title III established the WPA as an agency of the Federal Works Agency. Title IV provided for the appropriation of funds for the WPA. Title V set forth the employment provisions of the act. Title VI established training programs for WPA workers. Title VII provided for work experience programs for WPA workers. Title VIII contained special provisions for the WPA, such as the prohibition of political activity by WPA workers. Title IX contained general provisions, such as the requirement that WPA workers be paid prevailing wages. Title X provided for evaluation and reporting of the WPA’s activities. Title XI authorized appropriations for the WPA. Title XII provided for the severability of the act’s provisions. Title XIII established the effective date of the act.

The WPA was a major success in providing jobs and relief to the unemployed during the Great Depression. It also made a significant contribution to the nation’s infrastructure and cultural life.

The WPA’s work projects included the construction of roads, bridges, parks, and other public works projects. The WPA also provided jobs for artists, writers, and musicians. The WPA’s work projects helped to improve the lives of millions of Americans and to lay the foundation for the nation’s economic recovery.

The WPA was disbanded in 1943, when the need for its services declined as the United States entered World War II. However, the WPA’s legacy continues to this day in the form of the roads, bridges, parks, and other public works projects that it built. The WPA also left a lasting legacy in the form of the art, literature, and music that it produced.

The WPA was a major achievement of the New Deal. It provided jobs and relief to millions of Americans during the Great Depression. It also made a significant contribution to the nation’s infrastructure and cultural life. The WPA’s legacy continues to this day.
Title I: Declaration of Policy and Purpose

  • What is the purpose of the WPA?
    The purpose of the WPA is to provide temporary employment for unemployed individuals in the United States.

  • What are the goals of the WPA?
    The goals of the WPA are to provide relief for the unemployed, to provide work experience and training for the unemployed, and to stimulate the economy.

Title II: Definitions

  • What is an unemployed individual?
    An unemployed individual is an individual who is not employed and who is actively seeking employment.

  • What is a work experience program?
    A work experience program is a program that provides employment for unemployed individuals in order to provide them with work experience and training.

  • What is a training program?
    A training program is a program that provides training for unemployed individuals in order to improve their skills and make them more employable.

Title III: Administration

  • Who is responsible for administering the WPA?
    The WPA is administered by the Secretary of Labor.

  • What are the responsibilities of the Secretary of Labor?
    The responsibilities of the Secretary of Labor include:

    • Developing and implementing the policies of the WPA
    • Administering the programs of the WPA
    • Ensuring that the programs of the WPA are carried out in accordance with the law

Title IV: Financial Provisions

  • How is the WPA funded?
    The WPA is funded by appropriations from Congress.

  • What are the uses of the funds appropriated to the WPA?
    The funds appropriated to the WPA are used to provide employment for unemployed individuals, to provide work experience and training for unemployed individuals, and to stimulate the economy.

Title V: Employment Provisions

  • Who is eligible for employment under the WPA?
    Eligible individuals include:

    • Unemployed individuals
    • Individuals who are underemployed
    • Individuals who are receiving public assistance
  • What are the terms and conditions of employment under the WPA?
    The terms and conditions of employment under the WPA are:

    • The wages paid to employees under the WPA are not less than the prevailing wage for similar work in the area in which the work is performed
    • The hours of work under the WPA are not more than 40 hours per week
    • Employees under the WPA are entitled to unemployment compensation and other benefits provided by law

Title VI: Training Provisions

  • Who is eligible for training under the WPA?
    Eligible individuals include:

    • Unemployed individuals
    • Individuals who are underemployed
    • Individuals who are receiving public assistance
  • What are the types of training provided under the WPA?
    The types of training provided under the WPA include:

    • On-the-job training
    • Classroom training
    • Apprenticeship training
  • What are the terms and conditions of training under the WPA?
    The terms and conditions of training under the WPA are:

    • The training provided under the WPA is free of charge
    • The training provided under the WPA is designed to meet the needs of the individual and the needs of the economy
    • The training provided under the WPA is provided by qualified instructors

Title VII: Work Experience Provisions

  • Who is eligible for work experience under the WPA?
    Eligible individuals include:

    • Unemployed individuals
    • Individuals who are underemployed
    • Individuals who are receiving public assistance
  • What are the types of work experience provided under the WPA?
    The types of work experience provided under the WPA include:

    • Public service work
    • Work in private industry
    • Work in nonprofit organizations
  • What are the terms and conditions of work experience under the WPA?
    The terms and conditions of work experience under the WPA are:

    • The work experience provided under the WPA is designed to provide the individual with work experience and training
    • The work experience provided under the WPA is paid work
    • The work experience provided under the WPA is provided in a safe and healthy environment

Title VIII: Special Provisions

  • What are the special provisions of the WPA?
    The special provisions of the WPA include:

    • The WPA provides for the employment of individuals with disabilities
    • The WPA provides for the employment of veterans
    • The WPA provides for the employment of individuals who are members of minority groups

Title IX: General Provisions

  • What are the general provisions of the WPA?
    The general provisions of the WPA include:

    • The WPA is administered by the Secretary of Labor
    • The WPA is funded by appropriations from Congress
    • The WPA is subject to the laws and regulations of the United States

Title X: Evaluation and Reporting

  • What are the requirements for evaluation and reporting under the WPA?
    The requirements for evaluation and reporting under the WPA
  • Which of the following is not a subtopic of the WPA 1972?
    (A) Title I: Declaration of Policy and Purpose
    (B) Title II: Definitions
    (C) Title III: Administration
    (D) Title IV: Financial Provisions
    (E) Title V: Employment Provisions

  • Which of the following is the purpose of the WPA 1972?
    (A) To provide employment and training opportunities for unemployed and underemployed individuals
    (B) To provide financial assistance to states and localities for the construction of public works projects
    (C) To provide technical assistance to states and localities for the development and implementation of employment and training programs
    (D) To provide research and evaluation of employment and training programs
    (E) All of the above

  • Which of the following is not a type of employment provided by the WPA 1972?
    (A) Public works employment
    (B) Work experience employment
    (C) Training employment
    (D) On-the-job training
    (E) None of the above

  • Which of the following is not a requirement for participation in the WPA 1972?
    (A) Be a citizen of the United States
    (B) Be at least 18 years of age
    (C) Be unemployed
    (D) Be able to work
    (E) None of the above

  • Which of the following is not a benefit of participation in the WPA 1972?
    (A) Earning a wage
    (B) Receiving training
    (C) Gaining work experience
    (D) Receiving health insurance
    (E) None of the above