Wildlife Trust Of India

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Wildlife Trust Of India:

  • About
  • News
  • Projects
  • Conservation
  • Education
  • Advocacy
  • Partnerships
  • Support Us
  • Contact Us
    Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is a non-profit organization that works to conserve India’s wildlife and natural habitats. WTI was founded in 1991 by Belinda Wright, a British conservationist who has been working in India for over 30 years.

WTI’s mission is to “ensure the survival of India’s wildlife and natural habitats through conservation, research, education, and advocacy.” The organization works in a variety of ways to achieve its mission, including:

  • Conducting field research on threatened species and habitats
  • Developing and implementing conservation projects
  • Providing education and training to local communities
  • Advocating for policies that protect wildlife and their habitats

WTI is one of the leading conservation organizations in India. The organization has a strong track record of success, and its work has made a significant contribution to the conservation of India’s wildlife.

In recent years, WTI has been working on a number of important projects, including:

  • The Great Indian Bustard Conservation Project: This project aims to conserve the critically endangered great Indian bustard, a large bird that is found in the grasslands of India.
  • The Tiger Conservation Programme: This program aims to protect tigers and their habitats in India.
  • The Elephant Conservation Programme: This program aims to protect elephants and their habitats in India.

WTI also works to educate local communities about the importance of wildlife conservation. The organization provides training to teachers and community leaders, and it organizes workshops and events to raise awareness about wildlife issues.

WTI is a well-respected organization that is making a real difference in the conservation of India’s wildlife. The organization’s work is essential to the survival of India’s many threatened species.

If you are interested in supporting WTI’s work, you can make a donation on the organization’s website. You can also volunteer your time or skills to help with one of WTI’s projects.

Every little bit helps, and your support will make a difference in the lives of India’s wildlife.

Thank you for your support!

Here are some additional details about WTI’s work:

  • WTI has over 1,000 employees and volunteers.
  • The organization works in over 20 states in India.
  • WTI has received numerous awards for its work, including the Indira Gandhi Prize for National Integration and the Ramon Magsaysay Award.
  • WTI is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

WTI is a well-run and effective organization that is making a real difference in the conservation of India’s wildlife. If you are interested in supporting wildlife conservation, I encourage you to consider donating to WTI.

  • What is the Wildlife Trust of India?
    The Wildlife Trust of India (WTI) is a non-profit organization that works to conserve India’s wildlife and its habitats.

  • When was WTI founded?
    WTI was founded in 1989.

  • Where is WTI headquartered?
    WTI is headquartered in New Delhi, India.

  • What are WTI’s main goals?
    WTI’s main goals are to conserve India’s wildlife and its habitats, to promote sustainable use of natural resources, and to educate the public about wildlife conservation.


  • What are some recent news stories about WTI?
    Some recent news stories about WTI include:

    • WTI launches new campaign to protect tigers
    • WTI works to conserve India’s critically endangered vultures
    • WTI partners with the government to protect India’s forests


  • What are some of WTI’s current projects?
    Some of WTI’s current projects include:

    • The Tiger Conservation Programme
    • The Vulture Conservation Programme
    • The Forest Conservation Programme


  • What are some of the threats to India’s wildlife?
    Some of the threats to India’s wildlife include:

    • Habitat loss
    • Poaching
    • The illegal wildlife trade
  • What is WTI doing to conserve India’s wildlife?
    WTI is doing a number of things to conserve India’s wildlife, including:

    • Protecting habitats
    • Reducing poaching
    • Combating the illegal wildlife trade
    • Educating the public about wildlife conservation


  • What is WTI doing to educate the public about wildlife conservation?
    WTI is doing a number of things to educate the public about wildlife conservation, including:

    • Running workshops and training programs
    • Producing educational materials
    • Working with schools and other educational institutions


  • What is WTI doing to advocate for wildlife conservation?
    WTI is doing a number of things to advocate for wildlife conservation, including:

    • Lobbying the government
    • Working with other organizations
    • Raising awareness about wildlife conservation issues


  • Who are some of WTI’s partners?
    Some of WTI’s partners include:

    • The government of India
    • Other non-profit organizations
    • International organizations
    • Businesses

Support Us

  • How can I support WTI?
    You can support WTI by:

    • Making a donation
    • Volunteering your time
    • Spreading the word about WTI

Contact Us

  • How can I contact WTI?
    You can contact WTI by:

    • Visiting their website
    • Calling their office
    • Writing to them
    • Emailing them
    • Wildlife Trust of India is a non-profit organization that works to protect wildlife and their habitats.
    • Wildlife Trust of India was founded in 1991.
    • Wildlife Trust of India has over 100 projects in India.
    • Wildlife Trust of India works in a variety of ways to protect wildlife, including conservation, education, advocacy, and partnerships.
    • You can support Wildlife Trust of India by donating money, volunteering your time, or spreading the word about their work.
    • You can contact Wildlife Trust of India by visiting their website or calling their office.

Here are some MCQs about Wildlife Trust of India:

  1. What is Wildlife Trust of India?
    (A) A non-profit organization that works to protect wildlife and their habitats
    (B) A government agency that regulates wildlife in India
    (C) A private company that sells wildlife products
    (D) A research organization that studies wildlife

  2. When was Wildlife Trust of India founded?
    (A) 1991
    (B) 1992
    (C) 1993
    (D) 1994

  3. How many projects does Wildlife Trust of India have in India?
    (A) Over 100
    (B) Over 200
    (C) Over 300
    (D) Over 400

  4. How does Wildlife Trust of India work to protect wildlife?
    (A) Conservation
    (B) Education
    (C) Advocacy
    (D) Partnerships

  5. How can you support Wildlife Trust of India?
    (A) Donate money
    (B) Volunteer your time
    (C) Spread the word about their work
    (D) All of the above

  6. How can you contact Wildlife Trust of India?
    (A) Visit their website
    (B) Call their office
    (C) Both (A) and (B)
    (D) Neither (A) nor (B)