What reasons can be attributed to the survival of Jainism as different religion?

<2/”>a >Reasons are:
The community’s tenacity and survival can be attributed to its intra-community bonding and relative affluence as a result of engagement with Trade and Commerce as its primary occupation.
the Jains “sought to outflank the Bhakti Movement by taking its main cult-figures as their own”
The Jain community of Medieval India shared relatively harmonious Bonds with Mughal ruling elite, via their spiritual leaders and affluent traders.
The community became very accomplished in the field of trade and commerce and grew affluent, which historically helped its members stay influential and relevant in medieval India’s multi-cultural Society.
Strong community fabric among the Jains.,

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and renunciation. It is one of the world’s oldest religions, and its roots can be traced back to the 6th century BCE. Jainism is a minority Religion in India, with about 4.5 million followers. However, it has a significant presence in other parts of the world, including South Asia, East Asia, and the West.

Jainism is a very diverse religion, with a wide range of beliefs and practices. However, there are some core teachings that are common to all Jains. These include the belief in reincarnation, the goal of liberation from the cycle of rebirth, and the practice of ahimsa, or non-violence.

Jainism is a very ascetic religion. Jains believe that the goal of life is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth, and they do this by practicing ahimsa (non-violence), vegetarianism, and celibacy. This strict lifestyle has helped to preserve Jainism over the centuries.

Jainism has a strong tradition of Education. Jains have always placed a high value on education, and they have produced many scholars and philosophers. This has helped to keep Jainism alive and vibrant.

Jainism is a very tolerant religion. Jains believe that all religions are valid paths to liberation, and they do not try to convert others to their faith. This Tolerance has helped to ensure that Jainism has survived in a world where other religions have often been intolerant.

Jainism is a very adaptable religion. Jains have been able to adapt their religion to changing times and cultures. This has helped them to survive and thrive in a world that is constantly changing.

These are just some of the reasons that can be attributed to the survival of Jainism as a different religion. Jainism is a complex and fascinating religion, and there are many other reasons why it has survived for so long.

One of the most important reasons for the survival of Jainism is its emphasis on non-violence. Jains believe that all life is sacred, and that any act of violence, even against the smallest insect, will lead to negative consequences. This belief has led Jains to develop a very strict Code Of Conduct that prohibits them from harming any living being. This code of conduct has helped to protect Jains from persecution, and it has also helped to create a strong sense of community among Jains.

Another reason for the survival of Jainism is its emphasis on education. Jains believe that education is essential for spiritual Growth, and they have always placed a high value on education. This emphasis on education has helped to produce a large number of Jain scholars and philosophers, who have helped to keep Jainism alive and vibrant.

Finally, Jainism has survived because it is a very adaptable religion. Jains have been able to adapt their religion to changing times and cultures, and this has helped them to survive and thrive in a world that is constantly changing. For example, Jains have adapted their dietary practices to accommodate the availability of food in different parts of the world. They have also adapted their religious practices to accommodate the needs of modern life. This adaptability has helped Jainism to remain relevant and vibrant in the 21st century.

Jainism is a religion that originated in India over 2,500 years ago. It is one of the world’s oldest religions, and it is still practiced by millions of people today. Jainism is a non-theistic religion, which means that it does not believe in a creator god. Instead, Jains believe that the universe is eternal and that it is governed by the law of karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect, and it states that every action has a corresponding reaction. Jains believe that the goal of life is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. They do this by following a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and self-control.

There are several reasons why Jainism has survived for so long. One reason is that it is a very adaptable religion. Jains have been able to adapt their beliefs and practices to different cultures and times. Another reason is that Jainism is a very tolerant religion. Jains believe that all religions are valid, and they respect the beliefs of others. Finally, Jainism is a very practical religion. Jains have developed a sophisticated system of ethics and morality that can be applied to everyday life.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Jainism:

  1. What is Jainism?
    Jainism is a religion that originated in India over 2,500 years ago. It is one of the world’s oldest religions, and it is still practiced by millions of people today. Jainism is a non-theistic religion, which means that it does not believe in a creator god. Instead, Jains believe that the universe is eternal and that it is governed by the law of karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect, and it states that every action has a corresponding reaction. Jains believe that the goal of life is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering. They do this by following a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and self-control.

  2. What are the basic beliefs of Jainism?
    The basic beliefs of Jainism are as follows:

  3. The universe is eternal and it is governed by the law of karma.
  4. The goal of life is to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering.
  5. Liberation can be achieved by following a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and self-control.
  6. All living beings are sacred and should be treated with respect.
  7. The body is a source of suffering and should be minimized.
  8. The mind is a source of suffering and should be controlled.
  9. The senses are a source of suffering and should be controlled.
  10. The world is a source of suffering and should be avoided.

  11. What are the practices of Jainism?
    The practices of Jainism include:

  12. Non-violence: Jains believe that all living beings are sacred and should be treated with respect. They avoid harming any living being, including insects.
  13. Non-attachment: Jains believe that attachment to material things leads to suffering. They try to live a simple life and avoid possessions.
  14. Self-control: Jains believe that self-control is essential for achieving liberation. They practice ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (celibacy), and aparigraha (non-attachment).
  15. Fasting: Jains believe that fasting helps to purify the body and mind. They often fast on certain days of the week or month.
  16. Meditation: Jains believe that meditation helps to control the mind and achieve liberation. They often meditate for several hours each day.

  17. What are the festivals of Jainism?
    The major festivals of Jainism are:

  18. Mahavir Jayanti: This festival celebrates the birth of Mahavira, the founder of Jainism. It is celebrated on the 12th day of the month of Chaitra (March-April).
  19. Paryushana: This is a nine-day festival of fasting and penance. It is celebrated in the month of Ashwin (September-October).
  20. Kartika Purnima: This festival celebrates the full moon day of the month of Kartika (November-December). It is a time for giving to charity and making offerings to temples.

  21. What are the sacred texts of Jainism?
    The sacred texts of Jainism are called the Agamas. There are over 40 Agamas, which are divided into two categories: the Shvetambara Agamas and the Digambara Agamas. The Shvetambara Agamas are the older texts, and they are believed to have been written in the 6th century BCE. The Digambara Agamas are the newer texts, and they are believed to have been written in the 1st century BCE.

  22. What are the symbols of Jainism?
    The most

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches a path of non-violence, non-attachment, and renunciation of the material world. It is one of the world’s oldest religions, and it is still practiced by millions of people today.

There are many reasons why Jainism has survived for so long. One reason is that it is a very adaptable religion. It has been able to change and evolve over time, while still maintaining its core principles. Another reason is that Jainism is a very tolerant religion. It does not try to convert people to its way of thinking, but instead allows people to follow their own path. Finally, Jainism is a very practical religion. It offers its followers a way to live a happy and fulfilling life, both in this world and in the next.

Here are some MCQs about Jainism:

  1. Which of the following is not one of the three main principles of Jainism?
    (A) Non-violence
    (B) Non-attachment
    (C) Renunciation of the material world
    (D) Accumulation of wealth

  2. The founder of Jainism was:
    (A) Mahavira
    (B) Gautama Buddha
    (C) Confucius
    (D) Jesus Christ

  3. Jains believe in reincarnation. This means that:
    (A) When a person dies, their soul is reborn into a new body.
    (B) There is no such thing as a soul.
    (C) The soul is eternal and does not change.
    (D) The soul is reincarnated into a higher or lower form of life depending on their actions in this life.

  4. Jains practice ahimsa, which means:
    (A) Non-violence
    (B) Non-attachment
    (C) Renunciation of the material world
    (D) All of the above

  5. The goal of Jainism is to achieve moksha, which means:
    (A) Liberation from the cycle of rebirth
    (B) Enlightenment
    (C) Nirvana
    (D) All of the above