Uttarakhand: Migration

<2/”>a >With a Population of 10.09 million in 2011, Uttarakhand is at 20 position among Indian states. According to 2011 Population Census, nearly 70 per cent of Uttarakhand population lives in its rural areas.

The ten hill districts (generally referred as Hill Region) of the State account for 48.1 per cent of its population. The State has witnessed significant changes in its demographic structure, particularly during the decade of 2001- 2011—a period of high economic Growth in the State.

It has registered a moderate growth in its population (1.74 per cent per annum) during the decade 2001-11, which is comparatively higher than the national Average. Moreover, the Hill Region of the state witnessed much lower growth in population (0.70 per cent) as compared to plain districts (2.82 per cent). More so, the rural areas of hill districts registered a lowest growth of 0.38 per cent in population during 2001-2011. Population in urban areas of hill districts substantially increased during the period. Thus, much of this growth in population in plain districts of Uttarakhand is contributed by Migration from hill districts.

Major Disadvantage of Out-migration of hill population to plains are:-

 Loss of young and most able

 Loss of young men creates an unbalanced population structure

 Loss of working age people

 Loss of those most likely to have Education and skills

 Division of families

 Elderly population remains, so there’s a higher death rate

The policy framework for the all-round development of Hill Region of Uttarakhand is the need of the hour. However, the New Industrial Policy of the State, which has almost remained ineffective in attracting Investment to hill areas of the State, needs to be re-looked and made more effective to ensure balanced industrial growth by attracting more capital to backward districts, particularly in the hill areas. Thus, the real challenge is to create Environment friendly micro and small enterprises in the Hill region.


Uttarakhand is a state in India that is located in the Himalayas. It is a popular tourist destination, and is known for its natural beauty. However, the state also faces a number of challenges, including POVERTY, Unemployment, and Environmental Degradation. These challenges have led to a significant amount of migration, both within the state and to other parts of India.

Migration to Uttarakhand

There are a number of reasons why people migrate to Uttarakhand. Some people migrate to the state in search of better job opportunities. Others migrate to Uttarakhand in search of a better Quality Of Life. The state’s natural beauty and its proximity to the Himalayas are also attractive to many migrants.

Migration from Uttarakhand

There are also a number of reasons why people migrate from Uttarakhand. Some people migrate from the state in search of better job opportunities in other parts of India. Others migrate from Uttarakhand to escape poverty or environmental degradation. The state’s high cost of living is also a factor that drives some people to migrate.

Internal migration in Uttarakhand

Internal migration is the movement of people within a country. In Uttarakhand, internal migration is often driven by economic factors. People migrate from rural areas to urban areas in search of better job opportunities. They also migrate from areas with high levels of poverty to areas with lower levels of poverty.

International migration in Uttarakhand

International migration is the movement of people from one country to another. In Uttarakhand, international migration is often driven by political factors. People migrate from Uttarakhand to other countries in search of better political and economic opportunities. They also migrate to escape persecution or violence.

Causes of migration in Uttarakhand

The causes of migration in Uttarakhand are complex and varied. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Economic factors: Poverty, unemployment, and low wages are all major factors that drive migration in Uttarakhand.
  • Environmental factors: Environmental degradation, such as deforestation and Soil erosion, can also lead to migration.
  • Political factors: Political instability and violence can also force people to migrate.
  • Social factors: Social factors, such as caste discrimination and gender inequality, can also contribute to migration.

Effects of migration in Uttarakhand

Migration has both positive and negative effects on Uttarakhand. Some of the positive effects include:

  • Increased economic activity: Migration can lead to increased economic activity in the areas where migrants settle. This can create jobs and boost the local economy.
  • Transfer of knowledge and skills: Migrants often bring with them new knowledge and skills that can benefit the local economy.
  • Increased cultural diversity: Migration can lead to increased cultural diversity in the areas where migrants settle. This can enrich the local culture and make it more vibrant.

However, migration also has some negative effects on Uttarakhand. Some of the negative effects include:

  • Brain drain: The migration of skilled workers from Uttarakhand can lead to a brain drain in the state. This can make it difficult for the state to develop and grow.
  • Social unrest: Migration can lead to social unrest in the areas where migrants settle. This can be due to competition for Resources, such as jobs and housing.
  • Environmental degradation: Migration can also lead to environmental degradation. This is because migrants often put pressure on Natural Resources, such as forests and water.

Policies to address migration in Uttarakhand

The government of Uttarakhand has implemented a number of policies to address the challenges of migration. Some of these policies include:

  • Promoting Economic Development: The government is promoting economic development in the state in order to create jobs and reduce poverty.
  • Investing in education and healthcare: The government is investing in education and healthcare in order to improve the quality of life in the state.
  • Promoting social harmony: The government is promoting social harmony in the state in order to reduce social unrest.
  • Protecting the environment: The government is protecting the environment in the state in order to reduce environmental degradation.

Research on migration in Uttarakhand

A number of studies have been conducted on migration in Uttarakhand. These studies have found that migration is a complex phenomenon with both positive and negative effects. The studies have also found that the government of Uttarakhand has implemented a number of policies to address the challenges of migration. However, the studies have also found that these policies need to be improved in order to be more effective.

What is migration?

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can be voluntary or involuntary, and it can be short-term or long-term.

What are the causes of migration?

There are many reasons why people migrate. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Economic opportunity: People may migrate in search of better jobs or higher wages.
  • Political instability: People may migrate to escape war, violence, or persecution.
  • Natural disasters: People may migrate to escape natural disasters such as floods, Earthquakes, or droughts.
  • Environmental degradation: People may migrate to escape environmental degradation such as deforestation, pollution, or Climate change.
  • Family reunification: People may migrate to reunite with family members who live in another country.
  • Education: People may migrate to pursue higher education or vocational training.
  • Health care: People may migrate to seek better health care or to escape a health crisis.

What are the effects of migration?

Migration can have both positive and negative effects on the sending and receiving countries. Some of the positive effects of migration include:

  • Increased economic growth: Migration can lead to increased economic growth in both the sending and receiving countries. This is because migrants often send Remittances back to their home countries, which can help to boost the local economy. Additionally, migrants can bring new skills and ideas to the receiving country, which can lead to innovation and economic growth.
  • Reduced poverty: Migration can help to reduce poverty in both the sending and receiving countries. This is because migrants often earn higher wages in the receiving country than they would in their home country. Additionally, remittances from migrants can help to lift families out of poverty.
  • Increased cultural diversity: Migration can lead to increased cultural diversity in both the sending and receiving countries. This can be a positive thing, as it can help to promote understanding and Tolerance between different cultures.

Some of the negative effects of migration include:

  • Brain drain: Migration can lead to a brain drain in the sending country, as many of the most educated and skilled people leave the country. This can have a negative impact on the country’s economy and development.
  • Social unrest: Migration can lead to social unrest in the receiving country, as migrants may compete with locals for jobs and resources. This can lead to tensions and conflict between migrants and locals.
  • Environmental degradation: Migration can lead to environmental degradation in both the sending and receiving countries. This is because migrants often live in informal settlements that lack basic Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, such as sanitation and waste disposal. This can lead to pollution and the degradation of natural resources.

What are the policies that can be used to manage migration?

There are a number of policies that can be used to manage migration. Some of the most common policies include:

  • Immigration policies: Immigration policies regulate who can enter and stay in a country. These policies can be used to control the number of migrants, the types of migrants, and the reasons for migration.
  • Emigration policies: Emigration policies regulate who can leave a country. These policies can be used to prevent people from leaving the country, or to encourage people to leave the country.
  • Remittance policies: Remittance policies regulate how migrants can send Money back to their home countries. These policies can be used to encourage migrants to send money back home, or to discourage migrants from sending money back home.
  • Integration policies: Integration policies help migrants to adjust to life in a new country. These policies can provide migrants with language training, job training, and other support Services.

What is the future of migration?

The future of migration is uncertain. However, it is likely that migration will continue to be a major issue in the world. This is because the factors that drive migration, such as economic inequality, political instability, and environmental degradation, are likely to continue to exist. Additionally, the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, which makes it easier for people to move from one place to another.

  1. Which of the following is not a reason for migration in Uttarakhand?
    (A) EMPLOYMENT opportunities
    (B) Education
    (C) Climate Change
    (D) Natural disasters

  2. The majority of migrants in Uttarakhand come from which state?
    (A) Uttar Pradesh
    (B) Bihar
    (C) Madhya Pradesh
    (D) Rajasthan

  3. The main destination for migrants in Uttarakhand is?
    (A) Dehradun
    (B) Haridwar
    (C) Mussoorie
    (D) Nainital

  4. The main reason for migration to Dehradun is?
    (A) Employment opportunities
    (B) Education
    (C) Climate change
    (D) Natural disasters

  5. The main reason for migration to Haridwar is?
    (A) Employment opportunities
    (B) Religion
    (C) Climate change
    (D) Natural disasters

  6. The main reason for migration to Mussoorie is?
    (A) Tourism
    (B) Education
    (C) Climate change
    (D) Natural disasters

  7. The main reason for migration to Nainital is?
    (A) Tourism
    (B) Education
    (C) Climate change
    (D) Natural disasters

  8. The impact of migration on Uttarakhand is?
    (A) Positive
    (B) Negative
    (C) Both positive and negative
    (D) None of the above

  9. The main positive impact of migration on Uttarakhand is?
    (A) Increased economic activity
    (B) Increased social diversity
    (C) Increased cultural exchange
    (D) All of the above

  10. The main negative impact of migration on Uttarakhand is?
    (A) Decreased availability of resources
    (B) Increased pollution
    (C) Increased crime
    (D) All of the above

  11. The government of Uttarakhand is taking steps to address the challenges of migration. These steps include?
    (A) Providing employment opportunities in rural areas
    (B) Providing education and training to migrants
    (C) Providing housing and other infrastructure to migrants
    (D) All of the above

  12. The future of migration in Uttarakhand is?
    (A) Likely to continue
    (B) Likely to decrease
    (C) Impossible to predict
    (D) None of the above