Uttarakhand :Climate

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Climate of Uttarakhand is generally temperate but varies greatly from tropical to severe cold , depending upon altitude .different parts of the state experience temperature variations due to difference in elevation.summers are pleasant in the hilly regions but in the doon areas ,it can get very hot .it can get even hotter in the plains of the state.

Temperature drops to below freezing point not only at high altitudes but also at places like dehradun in the winters. Average rainfall experienced in the state is around 1079 mm.average temperature ranges between a minimum of 1.9 degree and a maximum of 40.5degree Celsius.


The climate of Uttarakhand is temperate, with four distinct seasons. The summers are hot and humid, the winters are cold and dry, and the spring and autumn are mild. The average temperature in the state ranges from 10°C to 30°C. The rainfall is also seasonal, with most of it occurring during the monsoon season from June to September.


The temperature in Uttarakhand varies depending on the altitude. The higher the altitude, the colder the temperature. The average temperature in the state ranges from 10°C to 30°C. The coldest months are January and February, when the temperature can drop below freezing in the higher elevations. The hottest months are June, July, and August, when the temperature can reach 40°C in the lower elevations.


The rainfall in Uttarakhand is also seasonal, with most of it occurring during the monsoon season from June to September. The average annual rainfall in the state is about 1,500 mm. The wettest months are July and August, when the rainfall can exceed 200 mm. The driest months are December and January, when the rainfall can be less than 50 mm.


The humidity in Uttarakhand is also high, especially during the monsoon season. The average relative humidity in the state is about 70%. The highest humidity is found in the lower elevations, where it can reach 90% during the monsoon season. The lowest humidity is found in the higher elevations, where it can drop below 50% during the winter months.

Wind speed

The wind speed in Uttarakhand is generally low, averaging about 10 km/h. The wind speed is highest in the higher elevations, where it can reach 20 km/h during the winter months. The wind speed is lowest in the lower elevations, where it can be less than 5 km/h during the summer months.

Sunshine hours

The sunshine hours in Uttarakhand are also high, averaging about 300 hours per year. The highest sunshine hours are found in the higher elevations, where they can exceed 400 hours per year. The lowest sunshine hours are found in the lower elevations, where they can be less than 200 hours per year.

Cloud cover

The cloud cover in Uttarakhand is also high, averaging about 60%. The highest cloud cover is found in the higher elevations, where it can exceed 80% during the winter months. The lowest cloud cover is found in the lower elevations, where it can be less than 40% during the summer months.

Air quality

The air quality in Uttarakhand is generally good, with an average Air Quality Index (AQI) of 50. The AQI is a measure of the level of Air Pollution in the air. An AQI of 50 or below is considered good, while an AQI of 101-150 is considered moderate. An AQI of 151-200 is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups, while an AQI of 201-300 is considered unhealthy. An AQI of 301-500 is considered very unhealthy, while an AQI of 501-1000 is considered hazardous.

Climate Change

The climate of Uttarakhand is changing, with the average temperature increasing and the rainfall patterns becoming more erratic. The increase in temperature is causing the snowmelt to occur earlier in the year, which is leading to an increase in the number of floods and landslides. The erratic rainfall patterns are making it difficult for farmers to plan their crops, and are also leading to an increase in the number of droughts.

The government of Uttarakhand is taking steps to address the challenges of climate change. The state has developed a climate change action plan, which includes measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, adapt to the impacts of climate change, and raise awareness about climate change. The state is also working to improve the air quality in the state, by reducing emissions from vehicles and industries.

What is the climate of Uttarakhand?

The climate of Uttarakhand is diverse, ranging from tropical to alpine. The northern parts of the state are covered by the Himalayas, which experience a cold, dry climate. The southern parts of the state are warmer and more humid.

What is the best time to visit Uttarakhand?

The best time to visit Uttarakhand is during the spring (March-May) or autumn (September-November). The weather is pleasant during these months, and there are fewer tourists.

What are some of the popular tourist destinations in Uttarakhand?

Some of the popular tourist destinations in Uttarakhand include:

  • Haridwar: A holy city on the banks of the Ganges River.
  • Rishikesh: A popular destination for Yoga/”>Yoga and meditation.
  • Mussoorie: A hill station with stunning views of the Himalayas.
  • Nainital: A lakeside town with a British colonial feel.
  • Auli: A popular ski resort.
  • Kedarnath: A Hindu pilgrimage site.
  • Badrinath: A Hindu pilgrimage site.
  • Gangotri: A Hindu pilgrimage site.
  • Yamunotri: A Hindu pilgrimage site.

What are some of the things to do in Uttarakhand?

Some of the things to do in Uttarakhand include:

  • Hiking and trekking in the Himalayas.
  • White-water rafting on the Ganges River.
  • Bird watching in the Kumaon region.
  • Visiting temples and monasteries.
  • Shopping for handicrafts.
  • Camping in the Mountains.
  • Wildlife safaris in the Jim Corbett National Park.

What are some of the challenges facing Uttarakhand?

Some of the challenges facing Uttarakhand include:

  • Climate change: The Himalayas are melting at an alarming rate, which is causing flooding and landslides.
  • Deforestation: Trees are being cut down at an unsustainable rate, which is leading to Soil erosion and climate change.
  • Overpopulation: The Population of Uttarakhand is growing rapidly, which is putting a strain on the Environment and Resources.
  • POVERTY: Many people in Uttarakhand live in poverty, which makes them vulnerable to natural disasters and other challenges.
  • Corruption: Corruption is a major problem in Uttarakhand, which makes it difficult to address the challenges facing the state.
  1. Which of the following is not a state in India?
    (A) Uttarakhand
    (B) Uttar Pradesh
    (C) Madhya Pradesh
    (D) Maharashtra

  2. The capital of Uttarakhand is:
    (A) Dehradun
    (B) Haridwar
    (C) Rishikesh
    (D) Mussoorie

  3. The highest mountain in Uttarakhand is:
    (A) Nanda Devi
    (B) Kamet
    (C) Mana Peak
    (D) Kedarnath

  4. The main language spoken in Uttarakhand is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Garhwali
    (C) Kumaoni
    (D) Pahari

  5. The main religion in Uttarakhand is:
    (A) Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  6. The main crops grown in Uttarakhand are:
    (A) Rice
    (B) Wheat
    (C) Maize
    (D) Sugarcane

  7. The main industries in Uttarakhand are:
    (A) Tourism
    (B) agriculture
    (C) Mining
    (D) Manufacturing

  8. The main exports from Uttarakhand are:
    (A) Tea
    (B) Timber
    (C) Carpets
    (D) Handicrafts

  9. The main imports to Uttarakhand are:
    (A) Petroleum products
    (B) Machinery
    (C) Foodgrains
    (D) Fertilizers

  10. The main tourist attractions in Uttarakhand are:
    (A) The Himalayas
    (B) The temples of Haridwar and Rishikesh
    (C) The wildlife sanctuaries of Jim Corbett and Rajaji
    (D) All of the above