Usefulness Of Plants And Human Affairs

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Usefulness of Plants and human affairs (utility)


Plants are the main source of food for humans. Plants, unlike humans and animals, manufacture their own food. They do so by the process known as Photosynthesis in their green leaves by use of sunlight.  They can convert and store the Light energy in the form of Carbohydrates. This process takes place in the leaves (chlorophyll) by use of carbon-dioxide and water.

From this manufactured food, they consume some of it and store the remaining. This is stored in the form of fruits, seeds, tuberous roots, etc. This fruits and other parts of plants are consumed by humans. The food is in the form of vegetables, fruits, grains, Cereals, leaves, seeds, mushrooms, etc.


Plants are the largest providers of textile and fabric material.  These materials are eco-friendly, compatible and less expensive.  So they are used for making cloth and bedding material which is required by humans.

Furniture & Shelter

Plants are the important source of furniture. The plant wood is used to build houses and also to make other furniture items. We use wood for the purpose due to its features like durability, stylish finishing, resistance to temperature changes, etc. The trees like teak, neem, red sandal, etc. are good sources of wood for making doors, chairs, shelves, tables, etc.

Even the presence of plants around the area of human life relieves Stress. Hence we see many people growing small plants in their household to get fresh air and also give naturalness.


Flowers are used widely by humans. They are used for beauty, to convey feelings and also for their fragrance. In some countries, they worn as garlands and even in the hair on the head for beauty. While some use them to convey their love to their beloved ones. They are also used to produce fragrance, and even their scent is extracted for daily use.

Natural pesticide

Plants are also the source of insecticides and pesticides. Using artificial pesticides are harmful to the Environment. They may even enter food causing Health issue to human and animals. Using these naturally derived pesticides are safe. They degrade with time and even do not harm the Soil. Ex: Pyrethrin (as Mosquito repellant), Neem, bacteria, etc.


Some plants are also grown for the sake of bio-fuels. The plant’s fuel is less toxic since it does not emit harmful gasses and also less expensive. Even the plant waste is used to generate electricity.

Economic contribution

Plants are great contributors to an economy. Many countries rely on agriculture as one of the main sources of revenue.  Plants are responsible for the production of food, cosmetics, drugs, cloth, honey, gum, tannins, essential oils (perfumes), alkaloids, resins, etc. which are all Money yielding. So plants provide a great contribution to economic Growth. Even now many countries economies are primarily dependent on plant products.

Importance of Plants in nature

Environment and the Climate are interlinked mainly with plants. The presence of plants influences Rainfall, humidity, and temperature. Cutting down plants also imbalance the environment which will indirectly affect human life.

In cities and towns, there is a rise in gaseous pollution like(CO2, CO, SO2, etc.). So city environments are highly polluted and unsafe for living.  This is due to automobiles and factories ejecting toxic gases and also reducing the healthy Oxygen ratio of air. Air Pollution causes diseases of various types. So growing plants on the roadside, parks, etc. helps minimize the gaseous pollution. For the benefit of plants oxygen, they can even be grown in office, residential areas, Education institutes, etc. For this, we can use low maintenance plants like indoor potted plants, hanging plants, etc.

Miscellaneous benefits

They are the source of essential oils which are used in perfumes. Their material is used for making beverages like wine, beer, etc. Other items like paper, bio-diesel, bio-manure are also obtained by use of plant material.  So they contribute to all the types of living beings either big or small, on land or water.  But given the vast importance of plants to human, we need to strive for plant conservation.


Plants have been used by humans for thousands of years for food, medicine, clothing, shelter, fuel, paper, cosmetics, rubber, fibers, ornaments, toys, fertilizer, insecticides, pollination, soil conservation, water purification, climate regulation, air purification, noise reduction, recreation, education, religion, art, literature, music, dance, architecture, gardening, landscaping, agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, floriculture, herbalism, Apiculture, mycology, phycology, toxicology, phytochemistry, phytopharmacology, phytotherapy, and phytomedicine.

Plants are the basis of the food chain, and provide us with the nutrients we need to survive. They also provide us with medicine, which can be used to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. Plants are also used to make clothing, shelter, fuel, paper, cosmetics, rubber, fibers, ornaments, toys, fertilizer, insecticides, pollination, soil conservation, water purification, climate regulation, air purification, noise reduction, recreation, education, religion, art, literature, music, dance, architecture, gardening, landscaping, agriculture, forestry, horticulture, floriculture, herbalism, apiculture, mycology, phycology, toxicology, phytochemistry, phytopharmacology, phytotherapy, and phytomedicine.

Plants are essential to the survival of humans and other animals. They provide us with food, medicine, shelter, and clothing. They also help to regulate the climate and clean the air. Plants are a valuable resource that we should all appreciate.

Here are some specific examples of how plants are used in each of these areas:

  • Food: Plants provide us with a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. These foods are essential for our health and well-being.
  • Medicine: Plants have been used for centuries to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. Some common herbal remedies include chamomile for indigestion, ginger for nausea, and peppermint for headaches.
  • Clothing: Plants are used to make a variety of fabrics, including Cotton, linen, and wool. These fabrics are used to make clothes that keep us warm and comfortable.
  • Shelter: Plants are used to build homes and other structures. Wood is a common building material, and bamboo is used to make houses in some parts of the world.
  • Fuel: Plants can be used to produce biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel. These fuels can be used to power cars and other vehicles.
  • Paper: Paper is made from wood pulp, which is a byproduct of the papermaking process. Paper is used for a variety of purposes, including writing, printing, and packaging.
  • Cosmetics: Plants are used to make a variety of cosmetics, including perfumes, lotions, and soaps. These cosmetics are used to make us look and feel our best.
  • Rubber: Rubber is made from the sap of rubber trees. Rubber is used to make tires, shoes, and other products.
  • Fibers: Plants are used to make a variety of fibers, including cotton, linen, and wool. These fibers are used to make clothes, paper, and other products.
  • Ornaments: Plants are used to make a variety of ornaments, including flowers, leaves, and seeds. These ornaments are used to decorate homes and businesses.
  • Toys: Plants are used to make a variety of toys, including wooden blocks, dolls, and action figures. These toys are used to entertain children.
  • Fertilizer: Plants are used to make fertilizer, which is used to help crops grow. Fertilizer is made from a variety of materials, including manure, compost, and Bone Meal.
  • Insecticides: Plants are used to make insecticides, which are used to kill insects. Insecticides are made from a variety of plants, including pyrethrum, rotenone, and neem.
  • Pollination: Plants are pollinated by insects, birds, and other animals. Pollination is necessary for plants to reproduce.
  • Soil conservation: Plants help to conserve soil by preventing erosion. Plants also help to improve soil quality by adding nutrients and organic matter.
  • Water purification: Plants help to purify water by absorbing pollutants and removing sediments. Plants also help to regulate the flow of water.
  • Climate regulation: Plants help to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Plants also help to cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight.
  • Air purification: Plants help to purify air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen. Plants also help to reduce Noise Pollution.
  • Noise reduction: Plants help to reduce noise pollution by absorbing Sound waves. Plants also help to provide a buffer between noise sources and people.
  • Recreation: Plants are used for recreation in a variety of ways, including hiking, camping, and fishing. Plants also provide us with a place to relax and enjoy nature.
  • Education: Plants are used in education in a variety of ways, including teaching about botany, ECOLOGY, and conservation. Plants are also used in art and literature.
  • Religion:

What are the different types of plants?

There are two main types of plants: vascular plants and non-vascular plants. Vascular plants have a system of tubes that carry water and nutrients throughout the plant, while non-vascular plants do not. Vascular plants include trees, shrubs, and herbs, while non-vascular plants include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.

What are the functions of plants?

Plants perform many important functions in the environment, including:

  • Producing oxygen: Plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen, which is essential for all life on Earth.
  • Regulating the climate: Plants help to regulate the Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
  • Providing food and shelter: Plants provide food and shelter for animals, including humans.
  • Cleaning the air and water: Plants help to clean the air and water by absorbing pollutants.

What are the benefits of plants to humans?

Plants provide many benefits to humans, including:

  • Food: Plants provide us with food, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts.
  • Medicine: Plants are used to make many medicines, including aspirin, quinine, and morphine.
  • Clothing: Plants are used to make clothing, including cotton, linen, and wool.
  • Shelter: Plants are used to build homes, furniture, and paper.
  • Fuel: Plants are used to make fuel, including wood, charcoal, and ethanol.
  • Beauty: Plants are used to make our homes and gardens beautiful.

What are the threats to plants?

Plants face many threats, including:

  • Habitat loss: Plants need a place to live, and habitat loss is one of the biggest threats to plants. Habitat loss occurs when forests are cut down, wetlands are drained, and grasslands are converted to other uses.
  • Overexploitation: Plants are also threatened by overexploitation. This occurs when plants are harvested at a rate that is faster than they can reproduce.
  • Pollution: Pollution can also harm plants. Air pollution, Water Pollution, and Soil Pollution can all damage plants.
  • Climate Change: Climate change is another threat to plants. Climate change is causing changes in temperature, Precipitation, and sea level, which can all harm plants.

What can we do to help plants?

There are many things we can do to help plants, including:

  • Conserve habitat: We can conserve habitat by protecting forests, wetlands, and grasslands.
  • Reduce overexploitation: We can reduce overexploitation by harvesting plants sustainably.
  • Reduce pollution: We can reduce pollution by reducing air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.
  • Fight climate change: We can fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Educate others: We can educate others about the importance of plants and the threats they face.

What is the future of plants?

The future of plants is uncertain. The threats facing plants are serious, and if we do not take action to protect them, they could face extinction. However, there is still hope. If we work together, we can conserve habitat, reduce overexploitation, reduce pollution, fight climate change, and educate others about the importance of plants. By taking these actions, we can help to ensure the future of plants.

  1. Plants are important to humans because they provide us with:
    (A) Food
    (B) Oxygen
    (C) Shelter
    (D) All of the above

  2. Plants are a renewable resource because:
    (A) They can be replanted
    (B) They grow quickly
    (C) They are not used up when they are harvested
    (D) All of the above

  3. Deforestation is the removal of trees from a forest:
    (A) To make room for agriculture
    (B) To build roads and other Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE
    (C) To extract Minerals and other Resources
    (D) All of the above

  4. One of the main causes of deforestation is:
    (A) Agriculture
    (B) Logging
    (C) Mining
    (D) All of the above

  5. Deforestation can lead to:
    (A) Soil erosion
    (B) Climate change
    (C) Loss of Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity
    (D) All of the above

  6. One way to reduce deforestation is to:
    (A) Plant trees
    (B) Recycle paper
    (C) Buy products that are made from recycled paper
    (D) All of the above

  7. The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world. It is located in:
    (A) South America
    (B) Africa
    (C) Asia
    (D) Australia

  8. The Amazon rainforest is home to:
    (A) Millions of species of plants and animals
    (B) A large amount of fresh water
    (C) A significant amount of the world’s oxygen
    (D) All of the above

  9. The Amazon rainforest is important because it:
    (A) Regulates the Earth’s climate
    (B) Provides us with food and medicine
    (C) Is a source of oxygen
    (D) All of the above

  10. One way to protect the Amazon rainforest is to:
    (A) Reduce deforestation
    (B) Support Sustainable Agriculture
    (C) Buy products that are made from sustainable materials
    (D) All of the above