Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) Scheme: Revolutionizing India’s Land Records

The Unique Land Parcel Identification Number (ULPIN) scheme is a visionary initiative under the Government of India’s Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP). ULPIN aims to create a standardized, transparent, and efficient land record management system across India by assigning a unique identification number to each land parcel.

Understanding ULPIN

  • The ID: ULPIN is a 14-digit alphanumeric code that accurately identifies a specific land parcel based on its geo-coordinates and boundaries.
  • Integrated System: ULPIN links with existing land records, revenue court data, and Aadhaar or other identity databases to ensure authenticity and prevent duplication.
  • Benefits: ULPIN offers numerous advantages for landowners, government, and society:
    • Clear Ownership: Promotes unambiguous land ownership records, reducing disputes and litigation.
    • Transparency: Creates easily accessible, accurate, and up-to-date land records for the public.
    • Ease of Transactions: Simplifies land buying, selling, and mortgage processes.
    • Improved Planning: Facilitates better land use planning and infrastructure development.
    • Reduced Fraud: Minimizes fraudulent transactions and encroachment.

ULPIN Implementation

  • Pilot Projects: ULPIN has been successfully piloted in ten states before nationwide rollout.
  • State-Level Responsibility: The implementation of ULPIN is the responsibility of respective state governments with central government support.
  • Gradual Rollout: ULPIN is introduced systematically, often starting with mapping and digitization of existing land records before ULPIN generation.

Success Stories and Impact

  • Maharashtra’s Example: Land records are available online with ULPIN-linked property cards, making transactions streamlined.
  • Reduced Disputes: Pilot areas have witnessed a reduction in land-related disputes due to clear and verifiable ownership records.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ULPIN

  • How can I get a ULPIN for my land? Landowners will receive their ULPIN when the scheme is fully implemented in their area.
  • Will ULPIN replace existing land documents? ULPIN complements and adds a unique identifier to existing land records.
  • Are there any privacy concerns? Stringent data security measures are in place to safeguard the privacy of land records.


  1. The primary purpose of ULPIN is to:
    • A. Provide housing for all
    • B. Promote agricultural development
    • C. Modernize land records
    • D. Increase wildlife conservation areas
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of ULPIN?
  • A. Reduced land disputes
  • B. Increased tax evasion
  • C. Simplified land transactions
  • D. Improved government planning