Union Administration: Cabinet Secretariat; Central Secretariat; PMO etc

<<2/”>a >h4 style=”text-align: center;”>Cabinet Secretariat

The Cabinet Secretariat is responsible for the administration of the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961 and the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules 1961, facilitating smooth transaction of business in Ministries/ Departments of the Government by ensuring adherence to these rules. The Secretariat assists in decision-making in Government by ensuring Inter-Ministerial coordination, ironing out differences amongst Ministries/ Departments and evolving consensus through the instrumentality of the standing/ adhoc Committees of Secretaries. Through this mechanism new policy initiatives are also promoted.The main functions of Secretariat are as follows:-

1. Making and modifying policies from time to time.

2. Forming legislation rules and regulations.

3. Sectoral planning and programme formulation,

4. BUDGETING and control of expenditure,

5. Supervision and control over execution of policies and programmes by field agencies and evaluation of results,

6. Coordination and integration of policies and programmes, contact with state governments.

7. Developing greater organizational competence, and

8. Assisting the minister in discharge of his parliamentary responsibilities.


Central Secretariat

The work of the government of India is divided into ministries and departments which together constitute the Central Secretariat. Administrative Machinery at the Central Level: central secretatiat may be defined as a common name for all the ministeries and departments of the central government. The political head of the ministry is the minister and administrative head is the Secretary. The department is centre of two or more wings. A wing consists of two or more divisions and a division consists of two or more branches. At the lowest level is the office which may consist of a number of secretariats. A ministry may be composed of one department or more than one department. The main function of the secretariat is to advise the minister concerned in matters of policy and administration. Each minister is aided by the secretariat staff.


The Prime Minister’s Office provided the administrative, logistical and liaison support to the Prime Minister so that he could function effectively, but it is the Cabinet Secretary and his team of officers who carried on the functions of government and so far as the Prime Minister was concerned, in the subjects of the Ministry it was the Secretary of the Ministry who ultimately advised the Prime Minister.,

The Union Administration of India is the System of Government that runs the country. It is made up of a number of different bodies, each with its own role to play.

The Cabinet Secretariat is the highest-ranking body in the Union Administration. It is responsible for providing advice and support to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. The Central Secretariat is the administrative arm of the government. It is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the Cabinet and the Parliament.

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) is the office of the Prime Minister of India. It is responsible for providing administrative and policy support to the Prime Minister. The President’s Secretariat is the office of the President of India. It is responsible for providing administrative and policy support to the President.

The Vice President’s Secretariat is the office of the Vice President of India. It is responsible for providing administrative and policy support to the Vice President. The Planning Commission is a body that was set up to plan the Economic Development of India. It was disbanded in 2014 and its functions were transferred to the NITI Aayog.

The Finance Commission is a body that is appointed every five years to review the financial position of the states and recommend the distribution of central taxes among them. The Election Commission is an independent body that is responsible for conducting Elections to the Parliament and the state legislatures.

The Central Vigilance Commission is an independent body that is responsible for preventing and investigating Corruption in the government. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is an independent body that is responsible for investigating serious crimes, including corruption.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India. It is responsible for managing the country’s Monetary Policy and regulating the Banking system. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator of the securities market in India.

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a committee of the Parliament that is responsible for examining the accounts of the government. The Estimates Committee is a committee of the Parliament that is responsible for examining the estimates of expenditure of the government.

The Public Undertakings Committee is a committee of the Parliament that is responsible for examining the working of Public Sector Undertakings. The Standing Committees on various subjects are committees of the Parliament that are responsible for examining the working of various Ministries and Departments of the Government.

The Departments of the Government of India are the executive arms of the government. They are responsible for carrying out the policies and programmes of the government. The Ministries of the Government of India are the policy-making arms of the government. They are responsible for formulating and implementing the policies of the government.

The Autonomous Bodies under the Government of India are bodies that are set up by the government to perform specific functions. They are not part of the government but are accountable to it. The Statutory Bodies under the Government of India are bodies that are set up by the Parliament or the state legislatures. They are also not part of the government but are accountable to it.

The Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) are companies that are owned by the government. They are run by boards of directors that are appointed by the government. The PSUs are an important part of the Indian economy.

The Union Administration of India is a complex system that is responsible for running the country. It is made up of a number of different bodies, each with its own role to play. The system is designed to ensure that the government is able to carry out its functions effectively and efficiently.

Cabinet Secretariat

  1. What is the Cabinet Secretariat?
    The Cabinet Secretariat is the highest civil service organization in India. It is responsible for providing administrative and secretarial support to the Cabinet of India, the Prime Minister’s Office, and other important government bodies.

  2. Who is the head of the Cabinet Secretariat?
    The Cabinet Secretary is the head of the Cabinet Secretariat. He is a senior civil servant who is appointed by the President of India on the advice of the Prime Minister.

  3. What are the functions of the Cabinet Secretariat?
    The functions of the Cabinet Secretariat include:

  4. Providing administrative and secretarial support to the Cabinet of India

  5. Preparing the agenda for Cabinet meetings
  6. Recording the minutes of Cabinet meetings
  7. Implementing the decisions of the Cabinet
  8. Providing liaison between the Cabinet and other government bodies
  9. Maintaining the records of the Cabinet

Central Secretariat

  1. What is the Central Secretariat?
    The Central Secretariat is the administrative headquarters of the Government of India. It is located in New Delhi.

  2. What are the functions of the Central Secretariat?
    The functions of the Central Secretariat include:

  3. Providing administrative and secretarial support to the ministries and departments of the Government of India

  4. Preparing the agenda for meetings of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  5. Recording the minutes of meetings of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  6. Implementing the decisions of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  7. Providing liaison between the ministries and departments of the Government of India
  8. Maintaining the records of the Government of India


  1. What is the PMO?
    The PMO is the Prime Minister’s Office. It is the highest office in the Government of India.

  2. Who is the head of the PMO?
    The Prime Minister is the head of the PMO. He is assisted by a number of secretaries and other officials.

  3. What are the functions of the PMO?
    The functions of the PMO include:

  4. Providing administrative and secretarial support to the Prime Minister

  5. Preparing the agenda for meetings of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  6. Recording the minutes of meetings of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  7. Implementing the decisions of the Cabinet and other important government bodies
  8. Providing liaison between the Prime Minister and other government bodies
  9. Maintaining the records of the Prime Minister
  1. The Cabinet Secretariat is headed by the:
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) Cabinet Secretary
    (c) Home Minister
    (d) Finance Minister

  2. The Central Secretariat is headed by the:
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) Cabinet Secretary
    (c) Home Minister
    (d) Finance Minister

  3. The Prime Minister’s Office is headed by the:
    (a) Prime Minister
    (b) Cabinet Secretary
    (c) Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister
    (d) Secretary to the Prime Minister

  4. The Planning Commission was replaced by the:
    (a) National Development Council
    (b) NITI Aayog
    (c) Ministry of Finance
    (d) Ministry of Planning

  5. The Finance Commission is appointed by the:
    (a) President of India
    (b) Prime Minister of India
    (c) Parliament of India
    (d) Supreme Court of India

  6. The Election Commission is appointed by the:
    (a) President of India
    (b) Prime Minister of India
    (c) Parliament of India
    (d) Supreme Court of India

  7. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by the:
    (a) President of India
    (b) Prime Minister of India
    (c) Parliament of India
    (d) Supreme Court of India

  8. The Reserve Bank of India is headed by the:
    (a) Governor of RBI
    (b) Deputy Governor of RBI
    (c) Finance Minister
    (d) Prime Minister

  9. The Public Accounts Committee is a committee of:
    (a) Lok Sabha
    (b) Rajya Sabha
    (c) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    (d) None of the above

  10. The Estimates Committee is a committee of:
    (a) Lok Sabha
    (b) Rajya Sabha
    (c) Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
    (d) None of the above

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