Umbrella Scheme for “Family Welfare and Other Health Interventions”

India’s commitment to accessible healthcare includes an overarching umbrella scheme dedicated to improving family welfare and addressing public health concerns. This scheme encompasses several programs designed to enhance maternal and child health, provide family planning services, and tackle critical health issues.

Objectives of the Umbrella Scheme

  • Population Stabilization: Promote population stabilization through voluntary and informed adoption of family planning methods.
  • Maternal and Child Health: Reduce maternal and infant mortality rates, ensure safe deliveries, and promote child health and nutrition.
  • Reproductive Health: Expand access to reproductive health services, including counseling, contraception, and management of reproductive tract infections (RTIs) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Disease Control: Strengthen programs for the prevention, control, and treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

Key Programs Under the Umbrella Scheme

Some of the significant initiatives covered under this comprehensive umbrella include:

  • Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): Encourages institutional deliveries to reduce maternal mortality.
  • Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK): Provides free healthcare services to pregnant women and sick infants.
  • Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK): Focuses on child health screening and early intervention.
  • National programs targeting diseases: Such as those for tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and vector-borne diseases.

Let’s explore a few programs in more detail:

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

  • Objectives: Reduce maternal mortality and promote institutional deliveries, particularly among women from low socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Features: Provides cash incentives to pregnant women undergoing institutional deliveries in public health facilities or accredited private institutions.
  • Impact: Contributed to a rise in institutional deliveries and increased access to pre- and post-natal care.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK)

  • Objectives Reduce out-of-pocket expenses for pregnant women and sick newborns and ensure quality care during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Features:
    • Free and cashless delivery services
    • Free treatment and care for sick newborns up to 30 days
    • Eliminates transport costs
  • Impact: Increased access to healthcare and reduced financial burden for families.

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)

  • Objectives Improve child health and well-being through early detection, management, and referral of health conditions grouped as the ‘4Ds’: Defects at birth, Diseases, Deficiencies, and Developmental delays including disabilities.
  • Features: Mobile health teams conduct health screenings of children (0-18 years) in schools and anganwadis.
  • Impact: Early identification and treatment of childhood illnesses, leading to improved health outcomes.

FAQs About the Schemes

  • Who is eligible for these programs? Programs vary, but broadly target pregnant women, infants, children, and those from marginalized communities.
  • How to access services? Individuals can approach public health facilities, anganwadi centers, or contact designated health workers.

MCQs (tailored to the specific schemes covered)


The umbrella scheme for “Family Welfare and Other Health Interventions” reflects India’s commitment to improving healthcare access and outcomes. Success depends on sustained funding, effective implementation, community awareness, and addressing gaps in healthcare delivery. These initiatives work towards healthier future generations and reduced inequities.

Let me know if you’d like a detailed look at other specific schemes under this umbrella!