Ujala Yojana: Illuminating India with Energy Efficiency

The Ujala Yojana, also known as the National LED (Light-Emitting Diode) program, is a transformative initiative by the Government of India that aims to revolutionize lighting in the country. Launched in 2015, the scheme promotes the widespread adoption of energy-efficient LED bulbs, contributing substantially to energy conservation and reducing household electricity bills.

Key Components of the Ujala Yojana

  • Affordable LEDs: Ujala makes high-quality LED bulbs available at subsidized prices, significantly lower than market rates.
  • Distribution Network: The scheme utilizes multiple distribution channels, including DISCOMs (Electricity Distribution Companies), designated centers, and even doorstep delivery in some areas.
  • Zero Subsidy Recovery: The cost of subsidized LEDs is recovered through slightly higher electricity bills over a short period.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Ujala incorporates extensive awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the benefits of LED lights and promote their adoption.

The Benefits of Ujala Yojana

  • Energy Savings: LED lights consume up to 80% less electricity compared to traditional incandescent bulbs, leading to substantial energy savings at the national level.
  • Reduced Electricity Bills: Lower power consumption due to LEDs translates directly into reduced electricity bills for households.
  • Environmental Impact: The energy savings associated with the program significantly reduce carbon emissions, contributing to India’s climate action goals.
  • Boost for Domestic Manufacturing: Ujala has stimulated the domestic LED manufacturing industry, creating jobs and supporting economic growth.

Ujala Yojana in Action: Success Stories and Figures

  • Millions of LEDs Distributed: As of 2023, over 36 crore LED bulbs have been distributed nationwide through Ujala, making it one of the world’s largest energy-efficiency programs.
  • Household Savings: Consumers save substantial amounts on their electricity bills thanks to the switch to LEDs.
  • Reduction in Peak Demand: The scheme has helped reduce peak energy demand, easing stress on the power grid.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Where can I buy Ujala LED bulbs? Ujala LED bulbs are available at designated distribution centers, through electricity companies, and from some online retailers.
  • Is there a warranty on Ujala LED bulbs? Usually, Ujala LEDs come with a standard manufacturer’s warranty.
  • How much does an Ujala LED bulb cost? The price can vary slightly but is substantially lower than regular market prices for LEDs.


  1. Ujala Yojana primarily focuses on the distribution of:
    • A. Energy-efficient LED bulbs
    • B. Solar panels
    • C. Traditional incandescent bulbs
    • D. Water heaters
  2. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Ujala Yojana?
    • A. Increased electricity bills
    • B. Energy savings
    • C. Environmental protection
    • D. Support for domestic LED industry