UDID Project: Enhancing Accessibility and Inclusivity for Persons with Disabilities

The Unique DeviceIdentification (UDID) project, spearheaded by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), is a transformative initiative aimed at creating a comprehensive national database of persons with disabilities (PwDs) in India. This project seeks to streamline the issuance of disability certificates, provide better access to assistive devices and technology, and ensure the effective delivery of benefits and welfare schemes.

Key Components of the UDID Project

  • Unique ID: Assigns a unique disability ID card to each PwD, containing their demographic details, type and extent of disability, and other relevant information.
  • National Database: Maintains a centralized database of registered PwDs, facilitating tracking of service delivery and enabling data-driven policymaking.
  • Web Portal: Provides a user-friendly online platform for PwDs to register, apply for disability certificates, and access various government schemes and benefits.
  • Assistive Device Distribution: Streamlines the process of identifying, assessing, and providing appropriate assistive devices to PwDs based on need.

Benefits of the UDID Project

  • Easy Identification: Eliminates the need for PwDs to carry multiple documents as proof of disability and enhances ease of availing benefits.
  • Enhanced Service Delivery: Enables seamless tracking of applications, monitoring of welfare schemes, and improved government outreach to PwDs.
  • Targeted Interventions: Data insights aid in the formulation of policies tailored to the specific needs of individuals based on their disability type.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Reduces duplication, prevents fraudulent claims, and ensures more equitable distribution of resources.
  • Empowerment: Gives PwDs greater agency and control over accessing the benefits and services they are entitled to.

FAQs About the UDID Project

  • Who is eligible for a UDID card? All persons with disabilities, as defined under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, are eligible.
  • How can I register for a UDID card? PwDs can register online through the UDID web portal or visit designated government centers.


The primary purpose of the UDID project is to:

A. Provide modern housing for PwDs

B. Increase employment in IT-based jobs

C. Promote tourism to historical monuments

D. Create a centralized database and streamline services for PwDs

Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of the UDID card?

A. Easy access to welfare schemes

B. Reduced paperwork for PwDs

C. Free healthcare in private hospitals

D. Data-driven policymaking