Types of Intercropping

Types of IntercroppingIntercropping

Intercropping is a CroppingCropping system in which two or more crops are grown simultaneously on the same piece of land. This can be done in a number of ways, including:

  • Row intercropping: This is the most common type of intercropping, in which two or more crops are grown in alternating rows. This can help to reduce weed growth and improve SoilSoil fertility.
  • Strip Intercropping: This is similar to row intercropping, but the crops are grown in strips that are wider than the rows. This can help to improve crop yields and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Mixed intercropping: This is a more complex type of intercropping, in which two or more crops are grown together in a random pattern. This can help to improve the use of resources, such as sunlight and water, and can also help to suppress WeedsWeeds.

Benefits of Intercropping

There are many benefits to intercropping, including:

  • Increased crop yields: Intercropping can help to increase crop yields by up to 30%. This is because the different crops can complement each other, using different resources and providing different benefits. For example, one crop may provide shade for another, which can help to reduce water loss and improve crop growth.
  • Reduced weed growth: Intercropping can help to reduce weed growth by up to 50%. This is because the different crops can compete with Weeds for sunlight, water, and nutrients.
  • Improved Soil fertility: Intercropping can help to improve soil fertility by up to 20%. This is because the different crops can add different nutrients to the soil, and can also help to improve Soil Structure.
  • Reduced pest and disease pressure: Intercropping can help to reduce pest and disease pressure by up to 70%. This is because the different crops can attract different pests and diseases, and can also help to provide a physical barrier between crops.
  • Increased BiodiversityBiodiversity: Intercropping can help to increase Biodiversity by up to 50%. This is because the different crops can provide a habitat for different types of animals and insects.

Types of Intercrops

There are many different types of intercrops, but some of the most common include:

  • Cereal-legume intercropping: This is a type of intercropping in which a cereal crop, such as corn or rice, is grown with a legume crop, such as beans or peanuts. This type of intercropping can help to improve soil fertility and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Vegetable-vegetable intercropping: This is a type of intercropping in which two or more Vegetable Crops are grown together. This type of intercropping can help to improve crop yields and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • Fruit-tree intercropping: This is a type of intercropping in which fruit trees are grown with other crops, such as vegetables or herbs. This type of intercropping can help to improve the use of resources, such as sunlight and water, and can also help to suppress weeds.
  • frequently asked questions

  1. What is intercropping?
    • Intercropping is a farming method where two or more crops are grown together in the same field simultaneously.
  2. What are the benefits of intercropping?
    • Intercropping can enhance soil fertility, increase biodiversity, maximize land use efficiency, and reduce pest and disease pressure.
  3. What are the different types of intercropping?
  4. What is strip intercropping?
    • Strip intercropping involves planting different crops in alternating strips or rows within the same field.
  5. What is mixed intercropping?
    • Mixed intercropping involves growing two or more crops together simultaneously without a distinct pattern.
  6. What is relay intercropping?
    • Relay intercropping involves planting a second crop into the same field after the first crop has already been established but before it is harvested.
  7. What is Alley Cropping?
    • Alley cropping involves planting rows of trees or shrubs alongside rows of crops in the same field.
  8. How does intercropping improve soil fertility?
    • Intercropping allows for complementary nutrient uptake by different crops, reducing soil depletion and enhancing overall fertility.
  9. Does intercropping require special management practices?
    • Yes, intercropping may require adjustments in irrigation, fertilization, and pest management practices to optimize crop growth and yield.
  10. Can intercropping help with weed control?
    • Yes, intercropping can suppress weed growth by creating a dense canopy, shading out weeds, and reducing available resources for weed germination and growth.


  1. Which farming method involves growing two or more crops together in the same field simultaneously?
    • A) MonocultureMonoculture
    • B) Polyculture
    • CC) Intercropping
    • D) Crop Rotation
    • Correct answer: C) Intercropping
  2. What is the term for planting different crops in alternating strips or rows within the same field?
    • A) Relay intercropping
    • B) Mixed intercropping
    • C) Strip intercropping
    • D) Alley cropping
    • Correct answer: C) Strip intercropping
  3. Which type of intercropping involves planting a second crop into the same field after the first crop has already been established but before it is harvested?
    • A) Relay intercropping
    • B) Mixed intercropping
    • C) Strip intercropping
    • D) Alley cropping
    • Correct answer: A) Relay intercropping
  4. What is the term for growing two or more crops together simultaneously without a distinct pattern?
    • A) Relay intercropping
    • B) Mixed intercropping
    • C) Strip intercropping
    • D) Alley cropping
    • Correct answer: B) Mixed intercropping
  5. Which type of intercropping involves planting rows of trees or shrubs alongside rows of crops in the same field?
    • A) Relay intercropping
    • B) Mixed intercropping
    • C) Strip intercropping
    • D) Alley cropping
    • Correct answer: D) Alley cropping