Two Major Schools or Sects under Jainism

Two Major Schools or Sects under Jainism

Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that teaches that the way to liberation and bliss is to live a life of harmlessness and renunciation. The religion has two major schools or sects: Digambara and Svetambara.

The Digambara sect believes that monks and nuns should live naked, while the Svetambara sect believes that they should wear white clothes. The Digambara sect also believes that women cannot attain moksha, or liberation, while the Svetambara sect believes that they can.

Despite their differences, the two schools of Jainism share many similarities. Both believe in the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, and both practice vegetarianism. They also both believe in the cycle of rebirth, and in the goal of moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

Jainism is a minority religion in India, with about 4.5 million followers. However, it has a long and rich history, and its teachings have influenced many other religions, including Buddhism and Hinduism.

The Digambara Sect

The Digambara sect is the older of the two major schools of Jainism. It is believed to have been founded by Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara, or spiritual teacher, of Jainism.

The Digambara sect believes that monks and nuns should live naked. This is because they believe that clothes are a form of attachment, and that attachment is one of the causes of suffering.

The Digambara sect also believes that women cannot attain moksha, or liberation. This is because they believe that women are not capable of controlling their senses, and that this is necessary for liberation.

The Digambara sect is concentrated in the southern states of India, particularly Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

The Svetambara Sect

The Svetambara sect is the younger of the two major schools of Jainism. It is believed to have been founded by Bhadrabahu, a disciple of Mahavira.

The Svetambara sect believes that monks and nuns should wear white clothes. This is because they believe that white is a symbol of purity.

The Svetambara sect also believes that women can attain moksha, or liberation. This is because they believe that women are capable of controlling their senses, and that this is necessary for liberation.

The Svetambara sect is concentrated in the northern states of India, particularly Gujarat and Rajasthan.

Similarities Between the Two Schools

Despite their differences, the two schools of Jainism share many similarities. Both believe in the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, and both practice vegetarianism. They also both believe in the cycle of rebirth, and in the goal of moksha, or liberation from the cycle of rebirth.


What are the two main sects in this tradition?

The two main sects are the Digambara and the Svetambara.

How do the Digambara and Svetambara sects differ in their practice of asceticism?

Digambaras practice more extreme asceticism, including renouncing clothing, while Svetambaras wear simple white clothes.

What is the primary difference in the interpretation of scripture between the two sects?

Digambaras believe that women cannot achieve liberation without being reborn as men, while Svetambaras believe women can achieve liberation.

Do the two sects have different texts or scriptures?

Yes, there are differences in their scriptures. For example, the Svetambaras accept the Angas and other texts, while the Digambaras have their own texts, such as the Shatkhandagam and the Kasayapahuda.

How do the sects differ in their portrayal of idols and images?

Digambara idols are often depicted as unclothed, symbolizing renunciation, while Svetambara idols are clothed.

What are the key festivals or rituals unique to each sect?

While many festivals are common, Digambaras and Svetambaras may celebrate certain rituals differently or place emphasis on different aspects of shared festivals.

Which sect believes in the concept of kevala jnana (omniscience) and its attainability?

Both sects believe in kevala jnana, but they differ on how it is attained and who has attained it historically.

Is there a difference in the dietary practices between the two sects?

Both sects follow strict vegetarianism, but there may be minor differences in specific dietary rules and practices.

Do the sects have different views on the status and role of women in religious practice?

Yes, there are differences. For example, Svetambaras allow women to become nuns and attain spiritual liberation, while Digambaras have more restrictive views.

How do the two sects view the concept of ahimsa (non-violence)?

Both sects place a strong emphasis on ahimsa, but their interpretations and applications in daily life and monastic practice may differ slightly.


  • What are the two main sects in this tradition?
    • A) Theravada and Mahayana
    • B) Digambara and Svetambara
    • C) Shvetashvatara and Advaita
    • D) Vaishnavism and Shaivism
  • Which sect practices extreme asceticism, including renouncing clothing?
    • A) Svetambara
    • B) Digambara
    • C) Both
    • D) Neither
  • Which sect believes women cannot achieve liberation without being reborn as men?
    • A) Svetambara
    • B) Digambara
    • C) Both
    • D) Neither
  • Which texts are accepted by one of the sects as part of their scripture?
    • A) Vedas
    • B) Tripitaka
    • C) Angas
    • D) Guru Granth Sahib
  • How are idols typically depicted in one of the sects?
    • A) Clothed
    • B) Unclothed
    • C) Sitting in a lotus position
    • D) Standing with folded hands
  • Which sect allows women to become nuns and attain spiritual liberation?
    • A) Svetambara
    • B) Digambara
    • C) Both
    • D) Neither
  • What is the term for the concept of omniscience that both sects believe in?
    • A) Moksha
    • B) Kevala jnana
    • C) Nirvana
    • D) Ahimsa
  • Which sect has texts like the Shatkhandagam and the Kasayapahuda?
    • A) Svetambara
    • B) Digambara
    • C) Both
    • D) Neither
  • What is the primary difference in their portrayal of idols?
    • A) Color of the idols
    • B) Clothed vs. unclothed depiction
    • C) Material used
    • D) Size of the idols
  • Which sect has a more restrictive view on the status and role of women in religious practice?
    • A) Svetambara
    • B) Digambara
    • C) Both have the same view
    • D) Neither has restrictions