Training and Development

Training and Development: the employees to improve their knowledge and skill so as to be able to perform their tasks more efficiently is known as training. It is an organised activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of people for a specific purpose. The term ‘development ‘refers to the process of not only building up the skill and abilities for specific purpose but also the overall competence of employees to undertake more difficult and challenging tasks. It is generally used with reference to the training of managers and executives. Training and Development Training is an act of increasing the knowledge and technical skills of an employee for doing a particular job efficiently.

Different Training Interventions for the Civil Services

?Induction training

?Mid Career training

?Domestic Long Term Public Policy Programmes

?Domestic Funding of Foreign Training Scheme- Long term, Short term and Partial Funded Programs

?Customised/ tailor Made Programmes on Specific Subjects

?Funding to State Training programmes

?Intensive Training programme

?Distance /E-Learning.

Introductory Training:-

?Foundation Course-15 wks

?Economics, History, General Principles of Law, Legal Concepts, Rule of Law,Rule of Law, civil and Criminal Courts, Public Administration, New Paradigm in Governance, Justice/”>Principles Of Natural Justice, CrPC, Culture, project management, Gender Sensitisation, Preventing Corruption, Human Rights, Administrative Laws &Tribunals, Disaster Management.

?Phase I-  26 wks

?District Administration and its Regulatory role, Land Administration, Decentralisation, Panchayati Raj, Rural and Urban development, Health, Education, Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, Project Management, Elections, Environment, PUBLIC FINANCE, Leadership and HRM.

?District Training- 54 wks

?Attachment at District and State Head Quarters, Independent Charges, Language Instructions and Learning.

?Phase II-8 wks

?Presentations and De-Briefing session on the experience s during district training, foreign exposure and  Seminars.

Development refers to the learning opportunities designed to help employees to grow. It involves Growth an individual in all areas. Development help workforce to improve technical skills, problem solving skills and DECISION MAKING skills. Training is necessary for new employees as well as the existing employees for improving their performance at work. For new employees, training is necessary to help them get acquainted with the method of operation and skill requirement of the job. For existing employees, training at periodical intervals is helpful for learning better ways of doing the work, and also as and when they have to undertake new jobs. Thus, training helps employees to improve their knowledge and skill and make them perform their tasks more efficiently. It also helps them in promotion and improves their attitudes and confidence levels.


Importance of Training and Development Benefits of training for organisations:


Methods of Training There are different methods of giving training to the employees which can be divided into two broad categories.


On-the-Job methods and Off-the-Job methods.


  1. On-the-Job methods : In these methods, the employees learn about their jobs while doing the work duly assisted by their supervisors or seniors. These methods encourage self-learning through practice. Job instruction or coaching, and job rotation, learning while working as an assistant to a senior, understudy positions, temporary promotions are some of the common methods of on-the-job training.


  1. Off-the-Job methods: These methods involve training employees away from the work place so that experts may conduct the training and employees are free from immediate pressure of completing the jobs at hand. Lectures with demonstration, conferences, case discussions, video shows and films are some of the common methods used as off-the-job training methods. Then, there is another off the job method of training called vestibule training. The vestibule training refers to the training in specially designed workshops in which an attempt is made to duplicate as closely as possible the actual conditions of the work place. In such workshops a large number of employees can be trained in a relatively short period of time.


Training and development (T&D) is a process for improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of employees. It can be used to help employees learn new skills, improve their performance, or prepare for new challenges. T&D can be conducted in a variety of ways, including formal training programs, on-the-job training, and mentoring.

There are many benefits to T&D. It can help employees:

  • Learn new skills
  • Improve their performance
  • Prepare for new challenges
  • Stay up-to-date on Industry trends
  • Be more productive
  • Be more satisfied with their jobs
  • Be more likely to stay with the company

T&D can also benefit the company as a whole. It can help the company:

  • Improve its products and services
  • Increase its productivity
  • Reduce its costs
  • Attract and retain top talent
  • Be more competitive

There are many different types of T&D programs. Some common types include:

  • Apprenticeship: An apprenticeship is a program in which a worker learns a trade or skill by working under the supervision of a skilled worker.
  • Assessment: Assessment is the process of measuring an employee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Coaching: Coaching is a process in which a more experienced employee helps a less experienced employee develop their skills and abilities.
  • Competency-based training: Competency-based training is a type of training that focuses on developing the skills and knowledge that employees need to be successful in their jobs.
  • E-learning: E-learning is a type of training that is delivered electronically, usually through the Internet.
  • Executive development: Executive development is a type of training that is designed for senior-level employees.
  • Feedback: Feedback is information that is given to an employee about their performance.
  • Grooming: Grooming is the process of preparing an employee for a promotion or other advancement.
  • Job rotation: Job rotation is a type of training in which employees are rotated through different jobs in order to learn new skills.
  • Leadership development: Leadership development is a type of training that is designed to help employees develop the skills and knowledge they need to be effective leaders.
  • Mentoring: Mentoring is a relationship in which a more experienced employee (the mentor) provides guidance and support to a less experienced employee (the mentee).
  • On-the-job training: On-the-job training is a type of training that is conducted in the workplace.
  • Performance appraisal: Performance appraisal is a process in which an employee’s performance is evaluated.
  • Professional development: Professional development is a type of training that is designed to help employees improve their skills and knowledge in their field.
  • Retraining: Retraining is a type of training that is designed to help employees learn new skills in order to keep up with changes in their jobs or the industry.
  • Skill development: Skill development is the process of learning new skills or improving existing skills.
  • Training needs analysis: A training needs analysis is a process of identifying the skills and knowledge that employees need to be successful in their jobs.
  • Transfer of training: Transfer of training is the process of applying what has been learned in a training program to the job.
  • Work-based learning: Work-based learning is a type of learning that takes place in the workplace.

T&D can be a valuable tool for improving employee performance and productivity. By providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful, T&D can help companies achieve their goals.

Here are some tips for developing an effective T&D program:

  • Identify the needs of your employees. What skills and knowledge do they need to be successful in their jobs?
  • Develop a training program that meets those needs. The program should be relevant to the employees’ jobs and should be delivered in a way that is effective for them.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your T&D program. Make sure that the program is meeting your needs and that the employees are learning what they need to learn.
  • Continuously improve your T&D program. As your employees’ needs change, you should update your T&D program to meet those needs.

What is the difference between training and development?

Training is the process of teaching employees the skills and knowledge they need to do their jobs. Development is the process of helping employees grow and progress in their careers.

What are the benefits of training and development?

Training and development can help employees improve their skills, knowledge, and performance. It can also help them develop new skills, which can lead to career advancement. Additionally, training and development can help employees feel more engaged and satisfied in their jobs.

What are the different types of training and development?

There are many different types of training and development, including on-the-job training, classroom training, e-learning, and mentoring.

What are the best practices for training and development?

The best practices for training and development vary depending on the type of training and development being offered. However, some general best practices include:

  • Identifying the needs of the employees. Before starting any training or development program, it is important to identify the needs of the employees. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.
  • Setting clear goals and objectives. Once the needs of the employees have been identified, it is important to set clear goals and objectives for the training or development program. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.
  • Designing a program that meets the needs of the employees. The training or development program should be designed to meet the needs of the employees. This means that the program should be relevant to the employees’ jobs and should be delivered in a way that is engaging and effective.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the program. After the training or development program has been completed, it is important to evaluate its effectiveness. This can be done by surveying the employees, observing their performance, or collecting data on their job performance.

What are the challenges of training and development?

There are a number of challenges associated with training and development, including:

  • Cost. Training and development can be expensive, especially if it is done off-site.
  • Time. Training and development can take time away from employees’ regular work.
  • Resistance to change. Some employees may be resistant to change, which can make it difficult to implement training and development programs.
  • Lack of Resources. Organizations may not have the resources, such as time, Money, or staff, to provide training and development.

What are the future trends in training and development?

The future trends in training and development include:

  • The rise of e-learning. E-learning is a type of training that is delivered online. It is becoming increasingly popular because it is cost-effective, time-efficient, and convenient.
  • The use of technology. Technology is being used more and more in training and development. For example, virtual reality is being used to provide immersive training experiences.
  • The focus on soft skills. In addition to hard skills, such as technical skills, employers are increasingly looking for employees with soft skills, such as Communication skills and teamwork skills.
  • The need for lifelong learning. In today’s rapidly changing world, employees need to be able to learn new skills and adapt to change. This means that lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important.
  1. Which of the following is not a type of training?
    (A) On-the-job training
    (B) Classroom training
    (C) E-learning
    (D) Mentoring

  2. Which of the following is not a benefit of training?
    (A) Increased productivity
    (B) Reduced turnover
    (C) Improved morale
    (D) Increased costs

  3. Which of the following is not a factor to consider when designing a training program?
    (A) The needs of the learners
    (B) The objectives of the training
    (C) The resources available
    (D) The budget

  4. Which of the following is not a method of evaluation?
    (A) Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation
    (B) Behavioral observation scales
    (C) Reaction surveys
    (D) Learning assessments

  5. Which of the following is not a type of e-learning?
    (A) Self-paced learning
    (B) Blended learning
    (C) Virtual classroom learning
    (D) Social learning

  6. Which of the following is not a benefit of e-learning?
    (A) Increased flexibility
    (B) Reduced costs
    (C) Increased access to training
    (D) Increased learner engagement

  7. Which of the following is not a challenge of e-learning?
    (A) Lack of social interaction
    (B) Lack of learner support
    (C) Technical issues
    (D) Lack of motivation

  8. Which of the following is not a type of mentoring?
    (A) Formal mentoring
    (B) Informal mentoring
    (C) Reverse mentoring
    (D) Peer mentoring

  9. Which of the following is not a benefit of mentoring?
    (A) Increased job satisfaction
    (B) Increased productivity
    (C) Increased career development
    (D) Increased turnover

  10. Which of the following is not a challenge of mentoring?
    (A) Finding a good mentor
    (A) Finding a good mentee
    (C) Managing the relationship
    (D) Maintaining confidentiality