
Tolerance: Definition

Tolerance is the willingness to accept actions we believe to be inappropriate or even wrong because it would be worse to take action against them. Tolerance is community-oriented. Ideally, all bad behavior should cease, but it is unrealistic to think that Society could succeed in enforcing this ideal. Tolerance understands this.

Determining what should and what should not be tolerated takes experience and prudence. Every society must tolerate some wrongdoing, because the price of eliminating it might be greater than the price of allowing it. For example, so long as private wrong doing does no serious harm to the public, tolerance is required; for the invasion of privacy necessary to correct every personal fault would likely be worse than the fault itself.

However, it cannot be that serious wrongdoings should be tolerated for social order. Some situations warrant the toleration of some wrongdoing, but no situation makes every act permissible. We should, as a society, tolerate a certain amount of rudeness in the name of free speech and arrogance in the name of individual expression. But to tolerate crimes such as rape and murder would be wrong, since tolerating them would do greater harm to the humanity as a whole.

Importance of Tolerance in society

Tolerance is important term of coming into compromise (agreement) and solving arguments; it’s essential to find out a solution to the question that states how is the nature of tolerance which arises from saying impatience brings humanity to hell. We can point out from the aforementioned opinions that tolerance is formed as a result of reverse moral effect against incidents which appear because of different worldviews and create foundation for religious wars. Tolerance under the protection of the government does not consider being forbearing and patient towards all social events and actions as lawful. Giving tolerance legal image across the country creates necessary conditions for the formation of democratic governance. Nowadays, tolerance which is being passionately promoted is not limited only by showing Empathy to people of alien nations and religions or detecting incidents of violation of Human Rights in specific country. Such an empirical position can lead to confusion between the concept of tolerance and discrimination. Tolerance needs to be regarded as positive integral phenomenon of social life. And the perfect meaning of tolerance can be achieved by understanding its Integrity. Therefore, tolerance is realizing deeply that diversities, different merits and characteristics are integral and important part of one whole universe. Intolerance is ignoring reality of social life.

There is a specific technique for solving the meaning of tolerance. Each citizen realizes his own personal dignity and position, and consequently designates his political culture by showing respect to a different subject. There is also a moral side in this issue: social status, dignity is not taught in family, and also not formed in Education system. As a result, citizen makes conclusions from his natural and social distinction and acts according to them. Depending on which social consciousness dominates (in high degree) in a person’s mind, different types of tolerance are formed. Independent society composed of free social and cultural structure, and different origins needs tolerance to ensure its own prosperity. And the efficiency of tolerance depends on how suitable can be dominant mythological, religious, and scientific types of consciousness.

Tolerance is manifested as a social phenomenon by shown Attitude in social communications between people, and government and social organizations. Such kinds of attitude, in the sense not being pressure, consist of attracting the attention of government and social organizations to a specific important issue and suggestions that appeared from the concerns of people regarding the issue. Sciences, deliberate nurturing, discussions, and freedom of opinion, conscious, and beliefs help the formation and the establishment of tolerance in national consciousness. Training tolerance is one of the important conditions of developing civil society.,

Tolerance is the ability to accept people or things that are different from oneself. It is a key ingredient in a peaceful and harmonious society.

There are many reasons why tolerance is important. First, it allows us to live together in peace and harmony. When we are tolerant of others, we are less likely to be prejudiced or discriminatory. We are also more likely to be understanding and compassionate.

Second, tolerance helps us to learn and grow. When we are exposed to different cultures and ideas, we are forced to think about our own beliefs and values in a new way. This can lead to personal Growth and development.

Third, tolerance is essential for a healthy Democracy. In a democracy, we are all equal citizens with the right to our own opinions. If we are not tolerant of others, then our democracy will be in danger.

There are many ways to promote tolerance. One way is to educate people about different cultures and religions. Another way is to encourage people to interact with people who are different from them. We can also promote tolerance by being tolerant ourselves.

Tolerance is a virtue that we should all strive to cultivate. It is essential for a peaceful and harmonious society.

Here are some examples of how tolerance can be demonstrated in everyday life:

  • Accepting people who have different beliefs or opinions. We may not agree with everything that someone says or believes, but we can still respect their right to have their own opinion.
  • Being open to new experiences. When we are open to new experiences, we are more likely to learn about different cultures and ways of life.
  • Being respectful of others. We should always treat others with respect, regardless of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Standing up against intolerance. If we see someone being intolerant, we should speak up and let them know that their behavior is not acceptable.

Tolerance is a valuable quality that can help us to live in a more peaceful and harmonious world. Let us all strive to be more tolerant of others, and to create a world where everyone is accepted and respected.

What is the difference between tolerance and acceptance?

Tolerance is the ability to accept or respect the beliefs or practices of others, even if you do not agree with them. Acceptance is the act of receiving or welcoming someone or something without objection or criticism.

What are the benefits of tolerance?

There are many benefits to tolerance, including:

  • Increased understanding and respect for others
  • Reduced conflict and violence
  • Increased cooperation and collaboration
  • Improved Communication and relationships
  • A more peaceful and harmonious society

What are the challenges of tolerance?

One of the biggest challenges of tolerance is dealing with people who have different beliefs or values than you. It can be difficult to understand or accept someone who has different views on important issues, such as religion, politics, or social issues.

Another challenge of tolerance is dealing with people who are intolerant of others. These people may be hostile or aggressive towards those who are different from them. It can be difficult to deal with these people, but it is important to remember that they are the ones who are intolerant, not you.

How can I be more tolerant?

There are many things you can do to be more tolerant, including:

  • Educate yourself about different cultures and beliefs.
  • Talk to people who have different beliefs than you.
  • Be open-minded and willing to listen to different points of view.
  • Respect the rights of others, even if you do not agree with them.
  • Be kind and compassionate to others.

What are some examples of tolerance?

Some examples of tolerance include:

  • A person who is tolerant of different religions may attend a religious service of another faith.
  • A person who is tolerant of different political views may vote for a candidate from a different party.
  • A person who is tolerant of different sexual orientations may have a friend who is gay or lesbian.

What are some examples of intolerance?

Some examples of intolerance include:

  • A person who is intolerant of different religions may vandalize a place of worship.
  • A person who is intolerant of different political views may verbally abuse someone who disagrees with them.
  • A person who is intolerant of different sexual orientations may discriminate against someone who is gay or lesbian.

What is the importance of tolerance in today’s society?

Tolerance is important in today’s society because it allows us to live together in peace and harmony. In a world that is increasingly diverse, it is more important than ever to be tolerant of others. Tolerance allows us to appreciate the differences between us and to learn from each other. It also helps us to build strong relationships and communities.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of tolerance?

(A) Cultural tolerance
(B) Religious tolerance
(C) Political tolerance
(D) Biological tolerance

(D) Biological tolerance is not a type of tolerance. It is a term used in biology to describe the ability of an organism to withstand changes in its Environment.

Question 2

Which of the following is an example of cultural tolerance?

(A) A person who is respectful of other cultures
(B) A person who is open to Learning about other cultures
(C) A person who celebrates diversity
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are examples of cultural tolerance.

Question 3

Which of the following is an example of religious tolerance?

(A) A person who respects other religions
(B) A person who is open to learning about other religions
(C) A person who celebrates diversity
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are examples of religious tolerance.

Question 4

Which of the following is an example of political tolerance?

(A) A person who respects other political views
(B) A person who is open to learning about other political views
(C) A person who celebrates diversity
(D) All of the above

(D) All of the above are examples of political tolerance.

Question 5

Which of the following is not a benefit of tolerance?

(A) It can lead to a more peaceful society
(B) It can lead to a more understanding society
(C) It can lead to a more diverse society
(D) It can lead to a more tolerant society

(D) (D) is not a benefit of tolerance. Tolerance is the ability to accept or respect the beliefs or practices of others, even if they are different from your own. It is not the same as being tolerant of intolerance.