To cope with climate challenge and to develop resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability ICAR has started NICRA. Discuss the features of this project.( schemes)

<<2/”>a >a href=””>Climate change is inevitable. The best strategy to deal with Climate Change is adoption of practices to make our farming more resilient. ICAR has launched a Network of project called NICRA. It stands for National innovation on climate resilient agriculture. The salient features of NICRA are as follows:


  • It takes into account the critical assessment of different

crops/zones in the country for vulnerability of rainfall.

  • It undertakes installation of state-of art equipment like flux towers for measurement of greenhouse gases in large field areas.
  • It undertakes comprehensive field evaluation of new and

emerging approaches of paddy cultivation.

  • The research on adaptation and mitigation covers crops,

Livestock, Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries and natural resource management.

5)The project consists of four components viz. Strategic

Research, Technology Demonstration, Capacity Building and

Sponsored/Competitive Grants


The National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a project launched by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to cope with climate change and develop resilience of Indian Agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability. The project has the following features:

  • It is a multi-disciplinary project involving scientists from different disciplines such as agronomy, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, plant breeding, Soil science, agricultural meteorology, agricultural economics, and extension Education.
  • It is a long-term project with a duration of 10 years.
  • It is a collaborative project involving ICAR, state agricultural universities, and other research institutions.
  • It has a strong focus on research and development of climate-resilient technologies.
  • It also has a strong focus on capacity building of farmers and extension workers to adopt climate-resilient technologies.
  • It is a well-funded project with a total budget of Rs. 1000 crore.

The project has been divided into the following schemes:

  • Scheme 1: Development of climate-resilient crop varieties
  • Scheme 2: Development of climate-resilient livestock breeds
  • Scheme 3: Development of climate-resilient aquaculture technologies
  • Scheme 4: Development of climate-resilient agricultural practices
  • Scheme 5: Capacity building of farmers and extension workers
  • Scheme 6: Monitoring and evaluation of the project

The project is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of climate-resilient Agriculture In India. It is expected to help farmers to adapt to climate change and reduce their vulnerability to climate risks. The project is also expected to help to increase agricultural productivity and reduce POVERTY in rural areas.

The project has already made significant progress in developing climate-resilient technologies. For example, it has developed a number of climate-resilient crop varieties that are tolerant to drought, heat, and salinity. It has also developed a number of climate-resilient livestock breeds that are resistant to diseases and pests. In addition, the project has developed a number of climate-resilient aquaculture technologies that can be used to produce fish and other aquatic animals in a sustainable manner.

The project has also made significant progress in capacity building of farmers and extension workers. It has trained a large number of farmers on climate-resilient agricultural practices. It has also trained a large number of extension workers on how to disseminate climate-resilient technologies to farmers.

The project is currently being monitored and evaluated to assess its progress and impact. The results of the monitoring and evaluation will be used to improve the project and ensure that it is meeting its objectives.

The NICRA project is a major initiative to develop climate-resilient agriculture in India. The project has made significant progress in developing climate-resilient technologies and capacity building of farmers and extension workers. The project is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of climate-resilient agriculture in India and help to reduce the Impact Of Climate Change on agriculture.

The project has also faced some challenges. One challenge is that the project is complex and involves a large number of stakeholders. Another challenge is that the project is long-term and it will take some time to see the full impact of the project. Despite these challenges, the NICRA project is a major initiative to develop climate-resilient agriculture in India and it is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of climate-resilient agriculture in India and help to reduce the impact of climate change on agriculture.

The National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) that aims to develop resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability. The project was launched in 2015 and is being implemented in 100 districts across the country.

The main objective of NICRA is to develop climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices that can be adopted by farmers to reduce the impact of climate change on their livelihoods. The project is also working to create awareness among farmers about climate change and its impact on agriculture, and to provide them with the necessary training and support to adopt climate-resilient practices.

NICRA is a comprehensive project that covers a wide range of activities, including:

  • Research on climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices
  • Development of climate-resilient agricultural extension and advisory Services
  • Capacity building of farmers and other stakeholders in climate-resilient agriculture
  • Promotion of climate-resilient agricultural practices through awareness campaigns and demonstration projects

The project is being implemented by ICAR in collaboration with other government agencies, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

NICRA is a major initiative that has the potential to make a significant contribution to the development of climate-resilient agriculture in India. The project is still in its early stages, but it has already made some progress in developing climate-resilient technologies and practices, and in creating awareness among farmers about climate change. The project is expected to have a major impact on the lives of millions of farmers in India.

Here are some frequently asked questions about NICRA:

  • What is NICRA?
    NICRA is the National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture. It is a project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) that aims to develop resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability.

  • What are the objectives of NICRA?
    The main objective of NICRA is to develop climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices that can be adopted by farmers to reduce the impact of climate change on their livelihoods. The project is also working to create awareness among farmers about climate change and its impact on agriculture, and to provide them with the necessary training and support to adopt climate-resilient practices.

  • What are the activities being carried out under NICRA?
    NICRA is a comprehensive project that covers a wide range of activities, including:

  • Research on climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices

  • Development of climate-resilient agricultural extension and advisory services
  • Capacity building of farmers and other stakeholders in climate-resilient agriculture
  • Promotion of climate-resilient agricultural practices through awareness campaigns and demonstration projects

  • Who is implementing NICRA?
    NICRA is being implemented by ICAR in collaboration with other government agencies, research institutions, and non-governmental organizations.

  • What is the progress made so far under NICRA?
    NICRA is still in its early stages, but it has already made some progress in developing climate-resilient technologies and practices, and in creating awareness among farmers about climate change. The project is expected to have a major impact on the lives of millions of farmers in India.

  • What are the expected impacts of NICRA?
    NICRA is expected to have a major impact on the development of climate-resilient agriculture in India. The project is expected to:

  • Develop climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices that can be adopted by farmers to reduce the impact of climate change on their livelihoods

  • Create awareness among farmers about climate change and its impact on agriculture
  • Provide farmers with the necessary training and support to adopt climate-resilient practices
  • Promote climate-resilient agricultural practices through awareness campaigns and demonstration projects

  • What are the challenges faced by NICRA?
    The main challenges faced by NICRA are:

  • The complexity of climate change and its impact on agriculture

  • The lack of awareness among farmers about climate change
  • The lack of Resources to implement NICRA
  • The lack of coordination among the different stakeholders involved in NICRA

  • What are the future plans for NICRA?
    The future plans for NICRA include:

  • To continue to develop climate-resilient agricultural technologies and practices

  • To increase awareness among farmers about climate change and its impact on agriculture
  • To provide farmers with the necessary training and support to adopt climate-resilient practices
  • To promote climate-resilient agricultural practices through awareness campaigns and demonstration projects

The National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) is a project launched by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to cope with climate change and develop resilience of Indian agriculture covering crops, livestock and fisheries to climatic variability. The project aims to:

  • Develop climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish;
  • Promote climate-smart agricultural practices;
  • Strengthen research and extension on climate change adaptation;
  • Build capacity of farmers and other stakeholders to adapt to climate change;
  • Raise awareness about climate change and its impacts on agriculture.

The project is being implemented in a phased manner, with the first phase (2015-2020) focusing on developing climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish. The second phase (2021-2025) will focus on promoting climate-smart agricultural practices, strengthening research and extension on climate change adaptation, and building capacity of farmers and other stakeholders to adapt to climate change. The third phase (2026-2030) will focus on raising awareness about climate change and its impacts on agriculture.

The project is being implemented in collaboration with various national and international organizations, including the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

The project has made significant progress in the first phase. A number of climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish have been developed and released. Climate-smart agricultural practices have been promoted through training and extension programs. Research and extension on climate change adaptation has been strengthened. Capacity of farmers and other stakeholders to adapt to climate change has been built. Awareness about climate change and its impacts on agriculture has been raised.

The project is expected to make a significant contribution to the development of climate-resilient agriculture in India. The project will help to increase agricultural productivity, reduce vulnerability to climate change, and improve Food Security in India.

Here are some MCQs on NICRA:

  1. What is NICRA?
    (A) National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture
    (B) National Initiative on Climate Change Adaptation
    (C) National Initiative on Climate Change Research
    (D) National Initiative on Climate Change Mitigation

  2. What is the objective of NICRA?
    (A) To develop climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish
    (B) To promote climate-smart agricultural practices
    (C) To strengthen research and extension on climate change adaptation
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is not a component of NICRA?
    (A) Developing climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish
    (B) Promoting climate-smart agricultural practices
    (C) Strengthening research and extension on climate change adaptation
    (D) Raising awareness about climate change and its impacts on agriculture

  4. Which of the following is a major achievement of NICRA in the first phase?
    (A) Development of climate-resilient varieties of crops, livestock and fish
    (B) Promotion of climate-smart agricultural practices
    (C) Strengthening research and extension on climate change adaptation
    (D) All of the above

  5. What is the expected impact of NICRA?
    (A) Increase agricultural productivity
    (B) Reduce vulnerability to climate change
    (C) Improve food security in India
    (D) All of the above