Time And Distance And Intrest

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Time and distance

Relationship between speed, distance and time

Speed = Distance / Time or

Distance = Speed × Time

Average Speed = 2xy / x+y

where x km/hr is a speed for certain distance and y km/hr is a speed at for same distance covered.

  • As we know, Speed = Distance/ Time. Now, if in questions Distance is constant then speed will be inversely proportional to time i.e. if speed increases ,time taken will decrease and vice versa.

Example 1 : A man covers a distance of 600m in 2min 30sec. What will be the speed in km/hr?

Speed =Distance / Time

Distance covered = 600m, Time taken = 2min 30sec = 150sec

Therefore, Speed= 600 / 150 = 4 m/sec

4m/sec = (4*18/5) km/hr = 14.4 km/ hr.


Example 2: A boy travelling from his home to school at 25 km/hr and came back at 4 km/hr. If whole journey took 5 hours 48 min. Find the distance of home and school.

 In this question, distance for both speed is constant.

Average speed = (2xy/ x+y) km/hr, where x and y are speeds

Average speed = (2×25×4)/ 25+4 =200/29 km/hr

Time = 5hours 48min= 29/5 hours

Now, Distance travelled = Average speed × Time

Distance Travelled = (200/29)×(29/5) = 40 km

Therefore distance of school from home = 40/2 = 20km.


Simple and compound  interest

Simple Interest is calculated on the principal, or original, amount of a loan.  

Compound Interest is calculated on the principal amount and also on the accumulated interest of previous periods, and can thus be regarded as “interest on interest.”    

Simple Interest = Principal x Interest Rate x Term of the loan

        = P x i x n


Compound Interest = Total amount of Principal and Interest in future (or Future Value) less the Principal amount at present called Present Value (PV). PV is the current worth of a future sum of Money or stream of cash flows given a specified rate of return.   

 =    [P (1 + i)n] – P

  =    P [(1 + i)n – 1]

where P = Principal, i = annual interest rate in Percentage terms, and

 n= number of compounding periods for a year.

Compounding Periods

When calculating compound interest, the number of compounding periods makes a significant difference. Generally, the higher the number of compounding periods, the greater the amount of compound interest. So for every $100 of a loan over a certain period, the amount of interest accrued at 10% annually will be lower than interest accrued at 5% semi-annually, which will, in turn, be lower than interest accrued at 2.5% quarterly.    

In the formula for calculating compound interest, the variables “i” and “n” have to be adjusted if the number of compounding periods is more than once a year.  

That is, within the parentheses, “i” or interest rate has to be divided by “n,” the number of compounding periods per year. Outside of the parentheses, “n” has to be multiplied by “t,” the total length of the Investment.  

Therefore, for a 10-year loan at 10%, where interest is compounded semi-annually (number of compounding periods = 2), i = 5% (i.e. 10% / 2) and n = 20 (i.e.10 x 2).















Time is a fundamental part of the universe, and it is one of the most difficult concepts to understand. We all experience time, but we don’t really know what it is. Time is often described as a linear progression of events, but this is not entirely accurate. Time is actually more like a river, with events flowing past us in a never-ending stream.

Time measurement is the process of assigning a numerical value to periods of time. The most common units of time are the second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. These units are based on the Earth’s rotation on its axis and its orbit around the Sun.

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time passes more slowly for objects that are moving at high speeds or in strong gravitational fields. This is due to the fact that the speed of Light is the same for all observers, regardless of their motion. When an object moves at high speeds, the light from it takes longer to reach an observer, which makes the object appear to be moving in slow motion. Similarly, when an object is in a strong gravitational field, the light from it is bent, which also makes the object appear to be moving in slow motion.

Time travel is the hypothetical ability to travel through time. There are many different theories about how time travel might be possible, but there is no scientific evidence to support any of them. Some theories suggest that time travel could be achieved by traveling faster than the speed of light, while others suggest that it could be achieved by creating a wormhole. However, these theories are all based on very speculative physics, and it is not clear if they are actually possible.

Distance is the measure of how far apart two objects are. Distance can be measured in a variety of units, including the meter, kilometer, mile, and foot. The most common way to measure distance is to use a ruler or a tape measure.

Distance formula is a mathematical formula that can be used to calculate the Distance Between Two Points. The formula is:

$d = \sqrt{(x_1 – x_2)^2 + (y_1 – y_2)^2}$

where $d$ is the distance between the two points, $(x_1, y_1)$ and $(x_2, y_2)$ are the coordinates of the two points.

Speed is the rate at which an object moves. Speed is measured in units of distance per unit time, such as meters per second or kilometers per hour. The most common way to measure speed is to use a speedometer.

Interest is a fee paid for the use of money. Interest is usually calculated as a percentage of the principal amount, and it is paid on a regular basis, such as monthly or annually. The interest rate is the percentage of the principal amount that is paid as interest each year.

Simple interest is the simplest type of interest. It is calculated by multiplying the principal amount, the interest rate, and the number of years that the money is borrowed.

Compound interest is a more complex type of interest. It is calculated by multiplying the principal amount, the interest rate, and the number of years that the money is borrowed, and then adding the interest to the principal amount before calculating the interest for the next period. This process is repeated for each period, and the interest amount grows larger and larger over time.

Interest rates are the prices that borrowers pay lenders for the use of money. Interest rates are usually expressed as a percentage of the principal amount. The interest rate is determined by a number of factors, including the risk of the loan, the Inflation rate, and the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy.

Amortization is the process of paying off a loan over time. The monthly payment on an amortized loan consists of both interest and principal. The amount of interest paid each month decreases over time, as the principal amount is paid down.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the following topics:

  • Money

  • What is money?

Money is a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. It is used to facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers.

There are two main types of money: Fiat Money and Commodity Money. Fiat money is money that is not backed by any physical commodity, such as gold or silver. Commodity money is money that is backed by a physical commodity, such as gold or silver.

  • How does money work?

Money works by facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers. When a buyer wants to purchase a good or service from a seller, the buyer pays the seller with money. The seller then uses the money to purchase goods and Services from other sellers. This process of exchange continues until the money returns to the original buyer.

  • What are the benefits of money?

Money has several benefits. It facilitates transactions, it provides a unit of account, and it stores value.

  • What are the drawbacks of money?

Money also has some drawbacks. It can be used to buy goods and services that are harmful, such as drugs and alcohol. It can also be used to commit crimes, such as fraud and theft.

  • Time

  • What is time?

Time is a fundamental part of the universe. It is a dimension that is used to measure the order of events and the duration of events.

  • How does time work?

Time is a linear dimension. This means that it flows in one direction, from the past to the future. Time is also a relative concept. This means that the passage of time can be perceived differently by different people.

  • What are the benefits of time?

Time is a valuable resource. It can be used to accomplish tasks, to learn new things, and to spend time with loved ones.

  • What are the drawbacks of time?

Time is also a limited resource. It is impossible to stop time or to go back in time. This can be frustrating, as it means that we cannot always do everything that we want to do.

  • Distance

  • What is distance?

Distance is the measure of how far apart two objects are. It is a scalar quantity, which means that it has only magnitude and no direction.

  • How does distance work?

Distance is measured in units such as meters, kilometers, and miles. The distance between two objects can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem.

  • What are the benefits of distance?

Distance can be used to measure the size of objects and the area of regions. It can also be used to calculate the speed of objects.

  • What are the drawbacks of distance?

Distance can be a barrier to Communication and travel. It can also be a source of conflict, as people may compete for Resources that are located far away.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Time And Distance And Intrest:

  1. A car travels 100 miles at a speed of 50 miles per hour. How long does it take to travel this distance?
  2. A train travels 200 miles at a speed of 100 miles per hour. How long does it take to travel this distance?
  3. A plane travels 300 miles at a speed of 200 miles per hour. How long does it take to travel this distance?
  4. A boat travels 400 miles at a speed of 200 miles per hour. How long does it take to travel this distance?
  5. A bicycle travels 500 miles at a speed of 100 miles per hour. How long does it take to travel this distance?

The answers to these questions are:

  1. 2 hours
  2. 2 hours
  3. 1.5 hours
  4. 2 hours
  5. 5 hours

These questions are all about time and distance, but they do not mention the topic of time and distance explicitly. This is because the questions can be answered without any knowledge of the topic of time and distance. The answers to the questions can be found by simply plugging in the numbers and solving the equations.

Here are some more MCQs without mentioning the topic Time And Distance And Intrest:

  1. A bank offers a 10% interest rate on Savings accounts. If you deposit $1000 in a savings account, how much money will you have in the account after 1 year?
  2. A bank offers a 5% interest rate on loans. If you borrow $1000 from a bank, how much money will you owe the bank after 1 year?
  3. A stock is selling for $100 per share. If the stock price increases by 10%, how much will the stock be worth?
  4. A stock is selling for $100 per share. If the stock price decreases by 10%, how much will the stock be worth?
  5. A bond is selling for $1000 per bond. If the bond pays a 5% interest rate, how much interest will you earn in 1 year?

The answers to these questions are:

  1. $1100
  2. $1150
  3. $110
  4. $90
  5. $50

These questions are all about interest, but they do not mention the topic of interest explicitly. This is because the questions can be answered without any knowledge of the topic of interest. The answers to the questions can be found by simply plugging in the numbers and solving the equations.