The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1986 to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. It is made up of 75 member countries, including 59 tropical timber producing countries and 16 consuming countries.

The ITTO’s main objectives are to:

  • Promote the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests;
  • Increase the trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed forests;
  • Provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries for the sustainable management of their forests;
  • Promote the use of tropical timber in environmentally friendly products;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of tropical forests and the need for their sustainable management.

The ITTO’s work is carried out through a number of programs and projects, including:

  • The Forest Management and Conservation Programme (FMCP);
  • The Tropical Forest Action Programme (TFAP);
  • The Sustainable Forest Management Programme (SFM Programme);
  • The Trade in Tropical Timber Programme (TTTP);
  • The Environmentally Friendly Products Programme (EFP Programme).

The ITTO also publishes a number of reports and publications, including:

  • The ITTO Yearbook;
  • The ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report;
  • The ITTO Tropical Forest Update;
  • The ITTO Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines;
  • The ITTO Environmentally Friendly Products Guidelines.

The ITTO is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan.
The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1986 to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. It is made up of 75 member countries, including 59 tropical timber producing countries and 16 consuming countries.

The ITTO’s main objectives are to:

  • Promote the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests;
  • Increase the trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed forests;
  • Provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries for the sustainable management of their forests;
  • Promote the use of tropical timber in environmentally friendly products;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of tropical forests and the need for their sustainable management.

The ITTO’s work is carried out through a number of programs and projects, including:

  • The Forest Management and Conservation Programme (FMCP);
  • The Tropical Forest Action Programme (TFAP);
  • The Sustainable Forest Management Programme (SFM Programme);
  • The Trade in Tropical Timber Programme (TTTP);
  • The Environmentally Friendly Products Programme (EFP Programme).

The ITTO also publishes a number of reports and publications, including:

  • The ITTO Yearbook;
  • The ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report;
  • The ITTO Tropical Forest Update;
  • The ITTO Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines;
  • The ITTO Environmentally Friendly Products Guidelines.

The ITTO is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan.

The ITTO’s work is important because tropical forests play a vital role in the global ecosystem. They provide habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals, help to regulate the climate, and are a source of food, water, and other resources for millions of people. However, tropical forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate, largely due to logging and conversion to agriculture. This destruction is having a devastating impact on the environment and on the people who depend on forests for their livelihoods.

The ITTO’s work is helping to address the problem of deforestation by promoting the sustainable management of tropical forests. The ITTO’s Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines provide a framework for countries to develop and implement sustainable forest management practices. The ITTO also provides technical and financial assistance to developing countries to help them implement these guidelines.

The ITTO’s work is making a difference. In recent years, there has been a decline in the rate of deforestation in tropical countries. This decline is due in part to the ITTO’s work, as well as to the efforts of other organizations and governments. However, much more needs to be done to protect tropical forests. The ITTO’s work is essential to ensuring the long-term health of the world’s forests and the people who depend on them.

The ITTO is facing a number of challenges, including:

  • The continued destruction of tropical forests;
  • The lack of political will to address the problem of deforestation;
  • The lack of funding for sustainable forest management;
  • The low prices of tropical timber;
  • The illegal logging trade.

Despite these challenges, the ITTO is making progress in its work to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. The ITTO’s work is essential to ensuring the long-term health of the world’s forests and the people who depend on them.

What is the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)?

The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1986 to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. It is made up of 75 member countries, including 59 tropical timber producing countries and 16 consuming countries.

What are the ITTO’s main objectives?

The ITTO’s main objectives are to:

  • Promote the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests;
  • Increase the trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed forests;
  • Provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries for the sustainable management of their forests;
  • Promote the use of tropical timber in environmentally friendly products;
  • Raise awareness of the importance of tropical forests and the need for their sustainable management.

How does the ITTO carry out its work?

The ITTO’s work is carried out through a number of programs and projects, including:

  • The Forest Management and Conservation Programme (FMCP);
  • The Tropical Forest Action Programme (TFAP);
  • The Sustainable Forest Management Programme (SFM Programme);
  • The Trade in Tropical Timber Programme (TTTP);
  • The Environmentally Friendly Products Programme (EFP Programme).

The ITTO also publishes a number of reports and publications, including:

  • The ITTO Yearbook;
  • The ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report;
  • The ITTO Tropical Forest Update;
  • The ITTO Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines;
  • The ITTO Environmentally Friendly Products Guidelines.

Where is the ITTO headquartered?

The ITTO is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan.

What are some of the challenges facing the ITTO?

The ITTO faces a number of challenges, including:

  • The continued loss of tropical forests;
  • The illegal logging of tropical timber;
  • The low prices of tropical timber;
  • The lack of political will to sustainably manage tropical forests.

Despite these challenges, the ITTO has made some progress in promoting the sustainable management of tropical forests. For example, the ITTO has developed a set of Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines, which are used by many countries to manage their forests sustainably. The ITTO has also helped to increase the trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed forests.

The ITTO is an important organization working to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. The ITTO’s work is essential to protecting the world’s tropical forests and the people who depend on them.
1. The International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental organization established in 1986 to promote the sustainable management of tropical forests. It is made up of 75 member countries, including 59 tropical timber producing countries and 16 consuming countries.


  1. The ITTO’s main objectives are to:

  2. Promote the conservation and sustainable management of tropical forests;

  3. Increase the trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed forests;
  4. Provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries for the sustainable management of their forests;
  5. Promote the use of tropical timber in environmentally friendly products;
  6. Raise awareness of the importance of tropical forests and the need for their sustainable management.


  1. The ITTO’s work is carried out through a number of programs and projects, including:

  2. The Forest Management and Conservation Programme (FMCP);

  3. The Tropical Forest Action Programme (TFAP);
  4. The Sustainable Forest Management Programme (SFM Programme);
  5. The Trade in Tropical Timber Programme (TTTP);
  6. The Environmentally Friendly Products Programme (EFP Programme).


  1. The ITTO also publishes a number of reports and publications, including:

  2. The ITTO Yearbook;

  3. The ITTO Tropical Timber Market Report;
  4. The ITTO Tropical Forest Update;
  5. The ITTO Sustainable Forest Management Guidelines;
  6. The ITTO Environmentally Friendly Products Guidelines.


  1. The ITTO is headquartered in Yokohama, Japan.


1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
