The Ikshvaku dynasty

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The Ikshvaku Dynasty (c. 225-340 A.D) was a feudatory tribe under the patronage of the great Satavahana Empire that ruled the Andhra region, delta of the Krishna and Godavari rivers on the east coast, situating their capital at Dharanikota (present day Amravati). Their downfall around the 3 rd  century C.E due to the internal skirmishes of its feudatories- the Abhiras, Traikutas, Brihatphalayans and the Salankayanas in order to gain power and the internal confusion rising due to such circumstances strengthened the hold of the ikshvakus.

As per the palaeographic and other archaeological evidences it appears that the ikshvakus were the first to grow powerful in the Krishna-Guntur region 1  and to throw off the Satavahana suzerainty in order   to gain independent authority of the areas such as the Khammam, Nalgonda and Mahabubnagar of present day Telangana and areas of Maharashtra.

The Ikshvaku rule in the Krishna- Guntur valley saw the continuation of Amravati school of art (150 B.C- 350 A.D) that reached its peak during the reign of the Satavahana dynasty. Nagarjunakonda remained the centre of major sculptural and architectural activities as evidenced by  the relics, artifacts and inscriptions extracted during the excavations.


Although the origin of the Ikshvaku clan is still debatable but we do find references that are replete with the origin and existence of this dynasty. The Ikshvakus inscriptions obtained from Nagarjunakonda, Jaggayyapetta, Amravati and bhattiprolu record their activities such as donation, construction, religious faith, social outlook and so on. The Puranas * also record the existence of ikshvakus as Andhrabhrtyas (servants of the Andhras) and as Sriparvatiyas.

In the Ikshvaku inscriptions sriparvatiya is mentioned in relation to vijayapuri (ancient name of the Ikshvaku capital) as Sriparvate vijayapure  which appears to be the ancient name of the Nallamalai Range.

As per a Kannada poem Dharmamrita, the Andhra Ikshvakus were the descendents of the renowned Ikshvakus of North India though its authenticity is debatable as this was possibly done to raise the status of the tribe in the eyes of the people.

The Andhra Ikshvakus certainly believed that claiming descent from the mythological Ikshvakus of Ayodhya to which Lord Rama (the mythological hero) also belongs would lend them familiarity and respect among their subjects. Oriental scholars such as Buhler and Rapson are of the view that northern Ikshvakus migrated to the south and established their Sovereignty.

The political history of the Ikshvakus who reigned for a brief period of about 100 years is one of achievements and advancements. Their capital at Vijayapuri along with other areas of Krishna-Guntur region witnessed extensible changes that are still marvelled and cherished. As stated earlier the main sources of their political accomplishments are basically the inscriptions found from pillars and temples and the coins with epithets of the king describing extent of their power.

The Prakrit inscriptions incised in Brahmi Script found at Nagarjunakonda (ancient Vijayapuri) serve as an important authority of the rule of the Ikshvakus. The Ikshvaku inscriptions belong to about middle and 2 nd  half of 3 rd  century A.D.

Art and Architecture

During the Ikshvaku reign The Ikshvakus are known for their dual affinities in terms of religious beliefs which were reflected in their art and architectural projects. Their inscriptions record facts such as donations for construction of chaityas and viharas at Bhattiprolu, Jaggayyapeta as well as building of temples during the reign of each ruler which points to the fact that they believed in both Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism and Brahminism.

Also, as per the inscriptions of Jaggapatteya, Kottampalugu and Nagarjunakonda, It seems that most of the Ikshvaku Women of royal families were patrons of Buddhism since they mostly funded for Buddhist construction. This reign marks the cultural and religious Growth and development of the Krishna- Guntur region.

So, the architectural splendour of the ikshvakus manifest in the Mahachaitas and Viharas and the richly ornate temples particulary at the site called Nagarjunakonda prove that they patronised both vedic and Buddhist faiths.

Ikshvaku sculpture

The sculptures of the ikshvakus are categorised under the declining phase of glorious art tradition that started with the Amravati and Jaggapatteya art in the 2 nd  century B.C. Ikshvaku art acted as the last flicker in the lamp of the great tradition of satavahana art that started around 230 B.C.E. THE sculptural tradition of the ikshvakus had its own history of development.

During the initial phases (Virapurushadutta’s  reign) the carvings displayed on structures had less amount of stylisation and were made in low relief lacking vigour of mature Amravati trdition. The stupas were also plain with absolutely no anthropomorphic depiction and Buddha was represented in symbolic forms such as Wheel, Feet and throne with Swastika.

The mature phase was represented with sculptures having delicate poses and subtle expressions.   Mostly the themes behind the depicted sculptures remain jatakas such as the Mandhatu- jataka. Figures carved in round appear during the 11th  regnal year of Ehuvala Camtamula as found from the archaeological remains of a mutilated Buddha image found in an apsidal shrine from site 9 at Nagarjunakonda.

There is also an evolved phase in ikshvaku art, evidences of which were found through the dating of a long panel found from site 106 at Nagarjunakonda. This has been dated to 24th  regnal year of EHUVALA CAMTAMULA and has intricate depictions of mithuna figures and scenes from the life of Gautama Buddha. Other sculptures of this phase are sculpted in bold relief and show evolved features such as depiction of human emotions and expressions. Such expressions are visible in the sculptures of mithuna couples and several other dwarf figures.

The sources behind the major themes are great canons of Buddhist Literature and more than a dozen jataka stories such as Sasa jataka, Mahapaduma jataka, Vessantra jataka and Mahahamsa jataka. The themes depicted in the sculptures include Mara’s attack  and retreat, Muchalinda protecting Buddha and scenes from the lalit vistara.

In the Brahmanical art tradition of the Ikshvakus, the mature style of art appears to be prominent with intricately designed and beautifully carved reliefs of Sati, a female deity with two arms and Karttikeya sculptures carved in round.

The secular art tradition of the ikshvakus again coming from the mature phase but having different contents is manifest in the battle scenes depicted on pillars. Such scenes are indicate that the capital city of ikshvakus i.e. Vijayapuri did witness perils of war. An important scene depicted on the memorial of king Kulhaka-Chamtapula showing an elephant with a rider is a case in point.




The Ikshvaku dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled over the kingdom of Kosala in northern India. The dynasty was founded by Manu, the first man in Hindu mythology. The Ikshvakus were one of the most important dynasties in Indian history, and their rule is often associated with the golden age of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism.

The Ikshvakus were a solar dynasty, meaning that they claimed descent from the sun god Surya. The dynasty’s founder, Manu, was said to have been born from the sun’s rays. Manu’s son, Ikshaku, was the first king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. Ikshaku’s son, Vikukshi, was the second king of the dynasty. Vikukshi’s son, Raghu, was the third king of the dynasty. Raghu was the most famous king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He is the hero of the Ramayana, one of the two great Epics of Hinduism.

The Ikshvaku dynasty ruled over Kosala for many centuries. During their rule, the kingdom prospered and became a major center of Hindu culture. The Ikshvakus were eventually overthrown by the Haihaya dynasty, but their legacy continued to live on. The Ikshvakus are still remembered today as one of the most important dynasties in Indian history.


Manu was the first man in Hindu mythology. He was the son of Vivasvat, the sun god, and Aditi, the goddess of infinity. Manu was born from the sun’s rays, and he was raised by the sages Atri and Vashishta. Manu was a wise and just ruler, and he is credited with writing the Manu Smriti, one of the most important texts in Hindu law.


Ikshaku was the first king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He was the son of Manu, and he was the father of Vikukshi. Ikshaku was a wise and just ruler, and he is credited with building the city of Ayodhya, which became the capital of the Ikshvaku kingdom.


Vikukshi was the second king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He was the son of Ikshaku, and he was the father of Raghu. Vikukshi was a wise and just ruler, and he is credited with expanding the Ikshvaku kingdom.


Raghu was the third king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He was the son of Vikukshi, and he was the father of Aja. Raghu was the most famous king of the Ikshvaku dynasty. He is the hero of the Ramayana, one of the two great epics of Hinduism.


The Ramayana is an ancient Indian epic poem that tells the story of Rama, the hero of the Ikshvaku dynasty. Rama was a prince who was exiled from his kingdom by his stepmother. He spent fourteen years in exile in the forest, where he fought a great battle against the demon Ravana. Rama eventually defeated Ravana and returned to his kingdom, where he ruled wisely and justly for many years.

Haihaya dynasty

The Haihaya dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled over the kingdom of Vidarbha in central India. The dynasty was founded by Vrishadarbha, the son of Yayati, the king of the Puru dynasty. The Haihayas were a powerful dynasty, and they ruled over Vidarbha for many centuries. The Haihayas were eventually overthrown by the Chalukya dynasty, but their legacy continued to live on. The Haihayas are still remembered today as one of the most important dynasties in Indian history.

Who were the Ikshvakus?

The Ikshvakus were a dynasty of kings who ruled over the kingdom of Kosala in northern India. They were said to be descended from the god Vishnu, and their most famous ruler was Rama, the hero of the Ramayana.

When did the Ikshvakus rule?

The Ikshvakus are believed to have ruled from around the 12th century BCE to the 6th century BCE.

Where did the Ikshvakus rule?

The Ikshvakus ruled over the kingdom of Kosala, which was located in northern India.

What was the capital of the Ikshvaku kingdom?

The capital of the Ikshvaku kingdom was Ayodhya.

What was the religion of the Ikshvakus?

The Ikshvakus were Hindus.

What was the culture of the Ikshvakus?

The Ikshvakus were a warrior people, and their culture was based on the values of strength, courage, and loyalty.

What was the legacy of the Ikshvakus?

The Ikshvakus were a powerful and influential dynasty, and their legacy can still be seen in the Hindu religion and culture today.

What are some interesting facts about the Ikshvakus?

  • The Ikshvakus were said to be descended from the god Vishnu.
  • Their most famous ruler was Rama, the hero of the Ramayana.
  • The Ikshvakus ruled over the kingdom of Kosala, which was located in northern India.
  • The capital of the Ikshvaku kingdom was Ayodhya.
  • The Ikshvakus were Hindus.
  • Their culture was based on the values of strength, courage, and loyalty.
  • The Ikshvakus were a powerful and influential dynasty, and their legacy can still be seen in the Hindu religion and culture today.
  1. The Ikshvaku dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled over the kingdom of Kosala in northern India. The dynasty was founded by Manu, the first man in Hindu mythology.
  2. The Ikshvaku dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in Indian history. The dynasty ruled for over 1,000 years and produced many great rulers, including Rama, the hero of the Ramayana.
  3. The Ikshvaku dynasty came to an end in the 6th century BC, when it was overthrown by the Nanda dynasty.

Which of the following is not true about the Ikshvaku dynasty?

(A) The Ikshvaku dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled over the kingdom of Kosala in northern India.
(B) The Ikshvaku dynasty was founded by Manu, the first man in Hindu mythology.
(C) The Ikshvaku dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in Indian history.
(D) The Ikshvaku dynasty ruled for over 1,000 years.
(E) The Ikshvaku dynasty came to an end in the 6th century BC.

The correct answer is (D). The Ikshvaku dynasty ruled for over 700 years, not over 1,000 years.

  1. The Ikshvaku dynasty was founded by Manu, the first man in Hindu mythology. Manu was a son of Brahma, the creator god. Manu was a great sage and a wise ruler. He is credited with writing the Manu Smriti, one of the most important texts in Hindu law.

Which of the following is not true about Manu?

(A) Manu was a son of Brahma, the creator god.
(B) Manu was a great sage and a wise ruler.
(C) Manu is credited with writing the Manu Smriti.
(D) Manu was the first man in Hindu mythology.
(E) Manu was the founder of the Ikshvaku dynasty.

The correct answer is (D). Manu was not the first man in Hindu mythology. That distinction goes to Svayambhuva Manu, who was born from the self-creation of the universe.

  1. The Ikshvaku dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in Indian history. The dynasty ruled for over 700 years and produced many great rulers, including Rama, the hero of the Ramayana.

Which of the following is not true about the Ikshvaku dynasty?

(A) The Ikshvaku dynasty was one of the most powerful dynasties in Indian history.
(B) The Ikshvaku dynasty ruled for over 700 years.
(C) The Ikshvaku dynasty produced many great rulers.
(D) Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, was a member of the Ikshvaku dynasty.
(E) The Ikshvaku dynasty came to an end in the 6th century BC.

The correct answer is (E). The Ikshvaku dynasty came to an end in the 5th century BC, not in the 6th century BC.