The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881)

The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881)





Following the annexation of Mysore to English East India Company the British began to administer the state of Mysore from 1831-1881 by creating a new office called the office of commissioners. Initially the office had two commissioners-colonels Briggs as the senior commissioner and Lushington as the junior commissioner. In 1833 Morrison became the sole commissioner. The two most important commissioners are Sir Mark Cubbon and Bowring.


Sir Mark Cubbon (1834-1861)


Sir Mark Cubbon began his career in the English East India Company. In 1834 he was appointed as the commissioner of Mysore as he was known for his honesty and Integrity. As the commissioner of Mysore Mark Cubbon worked for its development.

The first work of Mark Cubbon is that he shifted the capital from Mysore to Bangalore. The state of Mysore under him comprised of four administrative divisions Patana Ashtagrama, Chitra Durga, Nagar and Bangalore. Each of these divisions was headed by a European super intendent Mark Cubbon shifted the secretariat to Tippu’s palace in Bangalore. The secretariat comprised of a departments like Revenue, Military, agriculture, post and soon. The judicial administration was recognized. A hierarchy of courts was established. Munsiff court at the local level, above which were superintending courts and the Huzur adalat, the commissioner’s court was the highest court. There was a judicial commissioner who assisted Mark Cubbon the Mysore state comprised of 120 Taluks called Amils each of which functioned under an official called Amildar. Below the Amils were groups of villages called Hoblis which functioned under a Hoblidar. Revenue collection was entrusted to an official called Shirastedar. Mark Cubbon used the native language in the administrative sphere.


Mark Cubbon constructed roads to the length of more than 1,600 miles. The capital city Bangalore was linked with important places. Telegraphic wires were strung. The first railway line was laid in Karnataka which linked Bangalore with Jolarpet (1859). He also encouraged the starting of English medium schools. Mark Cubbon collected revenue efficiently. In 1834-35 the revenue collection was 68 Lakhs and led to 84 lakhs. In 1854-55 he also settled Rs.80 lakhs which was unpaid tributes to the British and the yearly tribute was also regularly paid. Thus Mark Cubbon developed Mysore by leaps and bounds. During his tenure as a commissioner he laid the first step for developing Mysore into a Modern state. An efficient administrator he was known for his honesty and hard work. When he retired from office he had saved a large amount of Rs.40 lakhs. The government of Karnataka has honored Mark Cubbon by naming a park after him in Bangalore namely the Cubbon Park.


Louis Bentham Bowring (1861-1870)


Bowring Succeeded Mark Cubbon.

Bowring is the other commissioner of Mysore who occupies the pride of place along with Sri Mark Cubbon. Bowring divided the state of Mysore into 3 administrative regions namely Patana Ashtagrama, Nandi Durga and Nagar. These regions comprised of 108 Taluks each of which functioned under a Deputy Commissioner. The commissioner’s were in charge of the three main divisions and Bowring became the chief commissioner. The department of land survey and settlement was established. The registration act of 1864 required all property transactions to be registered. The police department came to be established on the lives of the Madras police. New designations like inspector General of police and Deputy Inspector of police were created. Bowring established the central educational agency which set up schools in English and vernacular language’s. Accordingly the Bangalore high school and the central college were established in Bangalore. The High Court building constructed during his days became the secretariat. The Bangalore museum was constructed by him. Famine conditions in Bangalore made him construct the miller tank. Hospitals were also constructed. The lady Curzon Bowring hospital reminds one of the Services rendered by Bowring.


Bowring was succeeded by Sir Richard Meade, Saunders and Gordon who occupied office from 1870-1881. They are the last Commissioners of Mysore.


The Commissioners Rule was a set of rules governing the appointment of commissioners to the United States House of Representatives. The rule was adopted in 1831 and was in effect until 1881. The rule required that each state be represented on the House Ways and Means Committee by a commissioner. The rule also required that each state be represented on the House Judiciary Committee by a commissioner. The rule was designed to ensure that all states had a voice in the legislative process. The rule was repealed in 1881.

The Commissioners Rule was adopted in response to the growing sectional tensions in the United States. The rule was designed to ensure that all states had a voice in the legislative process, regardless of their Population or political power. The rule was also designed to prevent the House of Representatives from becoming too powerful.

The Commissioners Rule required that each state be represented on the House Ways and Means Committee by a commissioner. The House Ways and Means Committee is responsible for drafting the federal budget. The rule ensured that all states had a voice in the budget process.

The Commissioners Rule also required that each state be represented on the House Judiciary Committee by a commissioner. The House Judiciary Committee is responsible for overseeing the federal court system. The rule ensured that all states had a voice in the judicial process.

The Commissioners Rule was repealed in 1881. The rule was repealed because it was seen as an outdated and unnecessary relic of the past. The rule was also repealed because it was seen as a barrier to effective government.

The repeal of the Commissioners Rule led to a decrease in the power of the states in the federal government. The repeal of the rule also led to an increase in the power of the House of Representatives.

The Commissioners Rule was a significant event in American history. The rule was designed to ensure that all states had a voice in the legislative process. The rule was also designed to prevent the House of Representatives from becoming too powerful. The rule was repealed in 1881, but it remains an important part of American history.

The Appointment of Commissioners

The Commissioners Rule required that each state be represented on the House Ways and Means Committee by a commissioner. The commissioner was appointed by the governor of the state. The commissioner was typically a member of the State Legislature. The commissioner served for a term of two years.

The House Ways and Means Committee is responsible for drafting the federal budget. The committee also has jurisdiction over taxes, tariffs, and other matters related to the federal treasury. The committee is one of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives.

The House Judiciary Committee is responsible for overseeing the federal court system. The committee also has jurisdiction over impeachments and other matters related to the federal judiciary. The committee is one of the most powerful committees in the House of Representatives.

The Voice of the States

The Commissioners Rule was designed to ensure that all states had a voice in the legislative process. The rule required that each state be represented on the House Ways and Means Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. This ensured that all states had a voice in the budget process and the judicial process.

The repeal of the Commissioners Rule led to a decrease in the power of the states in the federal government. The repeal of the rule also led to an increase in the power of the House of Representatives.

The Repeal of the Rule

The Commissioners Rule was repealed in 1881. The rule was repealed because it was seen as an outdated and unnecessary relic of the past. The rule was also repealed because it was seen as a barrier to effective government.

The repeal of the Commissioners Rule led to a decrease in the power of the states in the federal government. The repeal of the rule also led to an increase in the power of the House of Representatives.

  1. What is the Commissioners Rule?
    The Commissioners Rule is a set of rules that govern the conduct of public officials in the United States. It was adopted in 1831 and has been amended several times since then. The rule prohibits public officials from using their office for personal gain or to benefit their friends or family.

  2. What are the key provisions of the Commissioners Rule?
    The key provisions of the Commissioners Rule are:

  3. Public officials must not use their office for personal gain.
  4. Public officials must not use their office to benefit their friends or family.
  5. Public officials must not use their office to influence the outcome of a government decision.
  6. Public officials must not use their office to obtain preferential treatment for themselves or others.

  7. What are the consequences of violating the Commissioners Rule?
    The consequences of violating the Commissioners Rule can be severe. Public officials who violate the rule may be subject to disciplinary action, including removal from office. They may also be subject to criminal prosecution.

  8. What are some examples of violations of the Commissioners Rule?
    Some examples of violations of the Commissioners Rule include:

  9. Accepting a bribe.
  10. Using public funds for personal use.
  11. Using public office to influence the outcome of a government decision.
  12. Using public office to obtain preferential treatment for oneself or others.

  13. How can the Commissioners Rule be enforced?
    The Commissioners Rule is enforced by a variety of government agencies, including the Office of Government Ethics, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Election Commission. These agencies can investigate allegations of violations of the rule and, if warranted, bring disciplinary or criminal charges against those who violate it.

  14. What are some of the challenges in enforcing the Commissioners Rule?
    One challenge in enforcing the Commissioners Rule is that it can be difficult to prove that a public official has violated the rule. In order to bring charges against a public official, the government must have evidence that the official knowingly and willfully violated the rule. This can be difficult to obtain, as public officials often take steps to conceal their wrongdoing.

Another challenge in enforcing the Commissioners Rule is that it can be difficult to get public officials to cooperate with investigations. Public officials may be reluctant to cooperate with investigations for fear of being punished or for fear of damaging their reputation. This can make it difficult for investigators to gather the evidence they need to bring charges against public officials.

  1. What are some of the benefits of the Commissioners Rule?
    The Commissioners Rule helps to ensure that public officials act in the best interests of the public and not in their own self-interest. The rule also helps to prevent Corruption and abuse of power.

  2. What are some of the criticisms of the Commissioners Rule?
    Some critics argue that the Commissioners Rule is too broad and that it can be used to stifle legitimate political activity. Others argue that the rule is too difficult to enforce and that it does not do enough to prevent corruption.

  3. What are some of the alternatives to the Commissioners Rule?
    Some alternatives to the Commissioners Rule include:

  4. A Code of ethics for public officials.
  5. A system of campaign finance reform.
  6. A system of public disclosure of financial information by public officials.

  7. What is the future of the Commissioners Rule?
    The future of the Commissioners Rule is uncertain. The rule has been criticized by some and defended by others. It is possible that the rule will be amended or repealed in the future.

  1. The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881) was a set of rules that governed the way that the British government managed its colonies. Which of the following was NOT one of the rules?
    (A) The colonies were to be self-governing.
    (B) The colonies were to be subject to British law.
    (C) The colonies were to be open to British trade.
    (D) The colonies were to be subject to British Taxation.

  2. The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881) was a response to which of the following events?
    (A) The American Revolution
    (B) The French Revolution
    (C) The Indian Rebellion of 1857
    (D) The Boer War

  3. The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881) was successful in achieving which of the following goals?
    (A) It helped to maintain British control over its colonies.
    (B) It helped to promote Economic Development in the colonies.
    (C) It helped to improve the lives of the people in the colonies.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881) was criticized for which of the following reasons?
    (A) It was too paternalistic.
    (B) It was too restrictive.
    (C) It was too expensive.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. The Commissioners Rule (1831-1881) was eventually replaced by which of the following systems?
    (A) The Dominion Status
    (B) The Commonwealth of Nations
    (C) The European Union
    (D) The United Nations