The Chandelas

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Facts related to Uttar Pradesh

  • Yashovarman, also known as Lakshavarman, was a king of the Chandela dynasty of India. He ruled in the Jejakabhukti region (Bundelkhand in present-day Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh).
  • The Khajuraho inscription also states that Yashovarman turned the rivers Ganga and Yamuna into his "pleasure-lakes", and that the waters of these rivers became muddy when his might elephants bathed in them. This suggests that Yashovarman controlled the area around present-day Allahabad.
  • initially ruled as feudatories of the Pratiharas of Kanyakubja (Kannauj).





From the ninth century to the 13th century, the Chandelas ruled over central India. Their first capital city was Khajuraho, which was later shifted to Mahotsava Nagar or Mahoba. They are regarded to be Chandravanshi; i.e., the descendents of Soma (Sanskrit literal meaning: moon). The roots of Chandela Rajput can be traced to Sapai, which was popularly known as Samapada Nagar. The title given to them was Rao. They are the only hereditary title holders of Kanpur district. After the Muslim invasion the royals resided in Sapai. It was also called Sampada Nagar.

The kingdom of the Chandels of Khajuraho were always a part of this large empire of the Gurjara Pratiharas, the extent of which varied with the fortunes of the kings. The Chandel rulers for about hundred years that is, from Nannuk till Harsh Dev, were but vassals of the Pratiharas. They proclaimed themselves independent when the Pratihara empire weakened and disintegrated. Earlier, the Pratiharas helped the Chandels and other kings of the region in defending the country from the aggression of Muslim invaders from the Middle East. This collective defence against the invaders rendered security in the region which created favourable circumstances for encouraging art and culture.

The founder of the Chandel dynasty, Nannuk was the ruler of a small kingdom. According to inscriptions, he was the chief of his clan in the first quarter of the ninth century. Epigraphic records show that Khajuraho, then called Khajuravatika -Bearer of Dates or Khajuravatika – Garden of Dates, was the stronghold of Nannuk and his people. Later on, his descendants linked their lineage with the Moon or with Chandratreya of the legend, in order to attribute some divine links to the origin of their dynasty. Vakapati succeeded his father Nannuk during the second quarter of the ninth century.

The celebrated Gurjar king, Mihir Bhoja was his contemporary. Samrat Mihir Bhoj had to fight many battles against his two enemies, the Devapala of Bengal and Kokal, the Kalchuri king. Vakapati the ruler of Khajuraho, had to often assist Pratiharas in the battle field, because he was a vassal of the Pratiharas. The inscription mention the Vindhya Hills, one of the frequent places of warfare, as the pleasure mount (Krida-giri) of Vakapati. It can be inferred on the basis of this inscription that Vakapati managed to extend his territory so as to include some hills of the Vindhyas, Jaishakti and Vijayshakti, the two sons of Vakapti, succeeded him, one after the other. Both the princes were strong and valorous and annexed considerable territories to their kingdom.

Jaishakti, the elder brother who ruled first, was also called Jai Jak and from this name the region ruled by the Chandelas acquired the name of Jaijikbhukti. He was succeeded on the throne by his younger brother, Vajaishakti. According to Khajuraho inscriptions, Vijaishakti fought many battles and subjugated a number of neighbouring areas. The exploits and deeds of bravery of Jai and Vijai are oftern sung in ballands as if the two were joint rulers. Nannuk, Jai and Vijai over a period of time added large chunks of adjoining territories to their domain, and whatever was their status viz a viz The Palas of Bengal and Pratiharas their overlords, they always were the master of the land they held. Rahil, the son of Vijaishakti, ascended the throne after him.

The village Rahilya which is 3 km south west of Mohaba was named after him. There he also built a tank known as Rahilyasagar and a temple on its banks, which is now in ruins. The period of rule of Rahil is said to be of only twenty years and is credited to the end of the ninth century. He was succeeded by his son Harshdev around 900 AD. Harshdev earned for himself a memorable place in the history of Chandel rulers. In the 25 years or so of his rule, he extended his territory and enhanced the prestige of his dynasty. He was the first Chandel prince whose power was to be reckoned with in those times.



The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over central India from the 10th to the 14th centuries. They were known for their military prowess and their patronage of art and architecture. The Chandelas built a number of impressive temples, including the Khajuraho temples, which are now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Chandelas were originally a branch of the Pratihara dynasty, which ruled over much of northern India in the 8th and 9th centuries. In the 10th century, the Chandelas broke away from the Pratiharas and established their own kingdom in central India. The Chandelas reached the height of their power in the 11th and 12th centuries, under the rule of kings such as Dhanga and Vidyadhara.

The Chandelas were a Hindu dynasty, and they built a number of temples dedicated to Hindu deities. The most famous of these temples are the Khajuraho temples, which are located in the present-day state of Madhya Pradesh. The Khajuraho temples are known for their erotic sculptures, which are considered to be some of the finest examples of Indian art.

The Chandelas were defeated by the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century, and their kingdom declined thereafter. However, they left behind a legacy of great art and architecture, which continues to be admired today.

History of the Chandelas

The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over central India from the 10th to the 14th centuries. They were originally a branch of the Pratihara dynasty, which ruled over much of northern India in the 8th and 9th centuries. In the 10th century, the Chandelas broke away from the Pratiharas and established their own kingdom in central India. The Chandelas reached the height of their power in the 11th and 12th centuries, under the rule of kings such as Dhanga and Vidyadhara.

The Chandelas were a Hindu dynasty, and they built a number of temples dedicated to Hindu deities. The most famous of these temples are the Khajuraho temples, which are located in the present-day state of Madhya Pradesh. The Khajuraho temples are known for their erotic sculptures, which are considered to be some of the finest examples of Indian art.

The Chandelas were defeated by the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century, and their kingdom declined thereafter. However, they left behind a legacy of great art and architecture, which continues to be admired today.

Art and architecture of the Chandelas

The Chandelas were patrons of art and architecture, and they built a number of impressive temples. The most famous of these temples are the Khajuraho temples, which are located in the present-day state of Madhya Pradesh. The Khajuraho temples are known for their erotic sculptures, which are considered to be some of the finest examples of Indian art.

The Chandelas also built a number of other temples, including the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, the Lakshmana Temple, and the Visvanatha Temple. These temples are all examples of the Nagara style of architecture, which is characterized by its tall towers and intricate carvings.

Khajuraho temples

The Khajuraho temples are a group of Hindu and Jain temples located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. The temples are famous for their erotic sculptures, which are considered to be some of the finest examples of Indian art.

The Khajuraho temples were built between the 10th and 13th centuries by the Chandela Dynasty. The temples are dedicated to a variety of Hindu and Jain deities, including Shiva, Vishnu, and Lakshmi.

The Khajuraho temples are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. They are one of the most popular tourist destinations in India.

Decline of the Chandelas

The Chandelas were defeated by the Delhi Sultanate in the 13th century, and their kingdom declined thereafter. The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim empire that ruled over much of northern India in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Delhi Sultanate was a powerful military force, and it was able to defeat the Chandelas and conquer their kingdom.

The decline of the Chandelas was due to a number of factors, including the rise of the Delhi Sultanate, internal conflicts within the Chandela dynasty, and the Mongol invasions. The Mongol invasions were a series of raids that were carried out by the Mongol Empire in the 13th and 14th centuries. The Mongol invasions devastated much of northern India, and they contributed to the decline of the Chandela dynasty.

Legacy of the Chandelas

The Chandelas left behind a legacy of great art and architecture, which continues to be admired today. The Khajuraho temples are one of the most popular tourist destinations in India, and they are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over the Bundelkhand region of central India from the 10th to the 16th centuries. They were known for their military prowess and their patronage of art and architecture.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Chandelas:

  1. Who were the Chandelas?
    The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over the Bundelkhand region of central India from the 10th to the 16th centuries. They were known for their military prowess and their patronage of art and architecture.

  2. When did the Chandelas rule?
    The Chandelas ruled over the Bundelkhand region from the 10th to the 16th centuries.

  3. Where did the Chandelas rule?
    The Chandelas ruled over the Bundelkhand region, which is located in central India.

  4. What was the capital of the Chandelas?
    The capital of the Chandelas was Khajuraho.

  5. What were the Chandelas known for?
    The Chandelas were known for their military prowess and their patronage of art and architecture.

  6. What are some of the famous monuments built by the Chandelas?
    Some of the famous monuments built by the Chandelas include the Khajuraho temples, the Ajaigarh Fort, and the Kalinjar Fort.

  7. What happened to the Chandelas?
    The Chandelas were overthrown by the Mughals in the 16th century.

  8. What is the legacy of the Chandelas?
    The Chandelas left behind a rich legacy of art, architecture, and culture. Their monuments are still admired today for their beauty and craftsmanship.

  1. The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over the Bundelkhand region of central India from the 10th to the 16th centuries. They were known for their military prowess and their patronage of art and architecture.
  2. The Chandelas were founded by Raja Paramara in the 10th century. He was a descendant of the Parmar Rajputs, who ruled over Malwa in central India.
  3. The Chandelas reached the height of their power under the reign of Raja Dhanga (1089-1100). He was a great warrior who defeated the Gahadavalas of Kanauj and the Kalachuris of Tripuri.
  4. The Chandelas were also patrons of art and architecture. They built many temples and palaces in the Khajuraho style, which is known for its erotic sculptures.
  5. The Chandelas were overthrown by the Mughals in the 16th century. However, their legacy lives on in the form of their temples and palaces, which are some of the most impressive examples of medieval Indian architecture.

Here are some MCQs about the Chandelas:

  1. The Chandelas were a Rajput dynasty that ruled over the Bundelkhand region of central India from the:
    (A) 10th to the 16th centuries
    (B) 11th to the 17th centuries
    (C) 12th to the 18th centuries
    (D) 13th to the 19th centuries

  2. The Chandelas were founded by Raja Paramara in the:
    (A) 10th century
    (B) 11th century
    (C) 12th century
    (D) 13th century

  3. The Chandelas reached the height of their power under the reign of Raja Dhanga (1089-1100). He was a great warrior who defeated the:
    (A) Gahadavalas of Kanauj
    (B) Kalachuris of Tripuri
    (C) Chalukyas of Gujarat
    (D) Cholas of Tamil Nadu

  4. The Chandelas were also patrons of art and architecture. They built many temples and palaces in the Khajuraho style, which is known for its:
    (A) erotic sculptures
    (B) intricate carvings
    (C) beautiful gardens
    (D) towering spires

  5. The Chandelas were overthrown by the Mughals in the:
    (A) 16th century
    (B) 17th century
    (C) 18th century
    (D) 19th century