Temperature – Elements of Weather and Climate

The subtopics for Temperature – Elements of Weather and Climate are:

  • Absolute temperature
  • Air temperature
  • Average temperature
  • Celsius scale
  • Fahrenheit scale
  • Kelvin scale
  • Mean annual temperature
  • Mean daily temperature
  • Mean monthly temperature
  • Mean temperature
  • Temperature inversion
  • Temperature range
  • Temperature scale
  • Thermometer
  • Wet-bulb temperature
    Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. The higher the temperature, the faster the particles are moving. Temperature is an important factor in weather and climate. It affects the amount of water vapor in the air, the type of clouds that form, and the intensity of storms.

Absolute temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, regardless of the pressure or volume of the substance. The Kelvin scale is the most common scale for measuring absolute temperature. The Kelvin scale has its zero point at absolute zero, which is the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases.

Air temperature is the temperature of the air at a particular location. It is measured with a thermometer. Air temperature is affected by many factors, including the amount of sunlight, the amount of cloud cover, the wind speed, and the humidity.

Average temperature is the mean of the temperatures recorded over a period of time. The average daily temperature is the mean of the temperatures recorded each day over a period of time. The average monthly temperature is the mean of the temperatures recorded each month over a period of time. The average annual temperature is the mean of the temperatures recorded each month over a year.

The Celsius scale is a temperature scale that is commonly used in many countries around the world. The Celsius scale has its zero point at the freezing point of water and its 100 point at the boiling point of water.

The Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale that is commonly used in the United States. The Fahrenheit scale has its zero point at the freezing point of brine and its 100 point at the body temperature of a healthy adult.

The Kelvin scale is a temperature scale that is used by scientists. The Kelvin scale has its zero point at absolute zero and its 100 point at the triple point of water.

The mean annual temperature is the average temperature of a location over a year. The mean daily temperature is the average temperature of a location over a day. The mean monthly temperature is the average temperature of a location over a month. The mean temperature is the average temperature of a location over a period of time.

A temperature inversion is a condition in which the temperature increases with height instead of decreasing. Temperature inversions can occur in the AtmosphereAtmosphere, in the ocean, and in the ground. Temperature inversions can cause problems, such as smog and poor air quality.

Temperature range is the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures recorded over a period of time. The temperature range can be used to describe the climate of a location.

A temperature scale is a system for measuring temperature. The most common temperature scales are the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale, and the Kelvin scale.

A thermometer is a device for measuring temperature. There are many different types of thermometers, including mercury thermometers, alcohol thermometers, and digital thermometers.

Wet-bulb temperature is the temperature of a wet surface in contact with the air. The wet-bulb temperature is lower than the air temperature because the water on the surface evaporates, taking heat away from the surface. The wet-bulb temperature is used to calculate the dew point and the relative humidity.
Absolute temperature is the temperature at which the movement of particles in a substance is at a minimum. It is measured in kelvins (K).

Air temperature is the temperature of the air at a particular place and time. It is measured in degrees Celsius (°CC) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

Average temperature is the mean of the temperatures recorded over a period of time. It can be calculated for a day, a month, a year, or any other period of time.

Celsius scale is a temperature scale that is based on the freezing and boiling points of water. The freezing point of water is 0°C and the boiling point of water is 100°C.

Fahrenheit scale is a temperature scale that is based on the freezing and boiling points of water. The freezing point of water is 32°F and the boiling point of water is 212°F.

Kelvin scale is a temperature scale that is based on the absolute zero of temperature. Absolute zero is the temperature at which all molecular motion ceases. The Kelvin scale is the SI unit of temperature.

Mean annual temperature is the average temperature of a place over the course of a year. It is calculated by taking the average of the monthly temperatures.

Mean daily temperature is the average temperature of a place over the course of a day. It is calculated by taking the average of the high and low temperatures.

Mean monthly temperature is the average temperature of a place over the course of a month. It is calculated by taking the average of the daily temperatures.

Mean temperature is the average temperature of a place over a period of time. It can be calculated for a day, a month, a year, or any other period of time.

Temperature inversion is a condition in which the temperature of the air increases with height. This is usually caused by a layer of warm air trapping a layer of cold air near the ground.

Temperature range is the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures recorded over a period of time. It can be calculated for a day, a month, a year, or any other period of time.

Temperature scale is a system for measuring temperature. There are many different temperature scales, but the most common are the Celsius scale, the Fahrenheit scale, and the Kelvin scale.

Thermometer is an instrument used to measure temperature. There are many different types of thermometers, but the most common are the mercury thermometer, the alcohol thermometer, and the digital thermometer.

Wet-bulb temperature is the temperature of a thermometer that has been covered with a wet cloth. The wet-bulb temperature is always lower than the air temperature because the EvaporationEvaporation of water from the cloth takes heat away from the thermometer.
1. The temperature at which all molecular motion stops is called:
(a) Absolute zero
(b) Air temperature
(c) Average temperature
(d) Celsius scale
(e) Fahrenheit scale

  1. The temperature of the air at a particular place and time is called:
    (a) Absolute zero
    (b) Air temperature
    (c) Average temperature
    (d) Celsius scale
    (e) Fahrenheit scale

  2. The average of the temperatures recorded over a period of time is called:
    (a) Absolute zero
    (b) Air temperature
    (c) Average temperature
    (d) Celsius scale
    (e) Fahrenheit scale

  3. A scale of temperature in which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees is called the:
    (a) Absolute scale
    (b) Celsius scale
    (c) Fahrenheit scale
    (d) Kelvin scale
    (e) Wet-bulb scale

  4. A scale of temperature in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees is called the:
    (a) Absolute scale
    (b) Celsius scale
    (c) Fahrenheit scale
    (d) Kelvin scale
    (e) Wet-bulb scale

  5. The average temperature of a place over a year is called the:
    (a) Mean annual temperature
    (b) Mean daily temperature
    (c) Mean monthly temperature
    (d) Mean temperature
    (e) Temperature inversion

  6. The average temperature of a place over a day is called the:
    (a) Mean annual temperature
    (b) Mean daily temperature
    (c) Mean monthly temperature
    (d) Mean temperature
    (e) Temperature inversion

  7. The average temperature of a place over a month is called the:
    (a) Mean annual temperature
    (b) Mean daily temperature
    (c) Mean monthly temperature
    (d) Mean temperature
    (e) Temperature inversion

  8. The temperature at which the air temperature decreases with height is called a:
    (a) Temperature inversion
    (b) Temperature range
    (c) Temperature scale
    (d) Thermometer
    (e) Wet-bulb temperature

  9. The difference between the highest and lowest temperatures recorded over a period of time is called the:
    (a) Temperature inversion
    (b) Temperature range
    (c) Temperature scale
    (d) Thermometer
    (e) Wet-bulb temperature

  10. A device used to measure temperature is called a:
    (a) Temperature inversion
    (b) Temperature range
    (c) Temperature scale
    (d) Thermometer
    (e) Wet-bulb temperature

  11. The temperature of a wet bulb is lower than the temperature of the air because:
    (a) The water on the wet bulb evaporates, taking heat away from the bulb
    (b) The water on the wet bulb absorbs heat from the air
    (c) The water on the wet bulb reflects heat away from the bulb
    (d) The water on the wet bulb conducts heat away from the bulb
    (e) The water on the wet bulb insulates the bulb