Folk Dances of Karnataka

  Folk Dances of Karnataka Folk dances are dances that are developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or region.The term “folk dance” is reserved for dances which are to a significant degree bound by tradition and originated in the times when the distinction existed between the dances of “common folk” and the dances of the high Society. … Read more

Art Forms of Karnataka

Art Forms of Karnataka The southern Indian state of Karnataka  has a rich heritage of art and culture. From time immemorial, the region has been the origin and the culmination ground of Indian classical music and other art forms. Folk culture has its roots in this state and the art forms have heavily borrowed from … Read more

Classical music and dances of India

Classical music and dances of India Indian classical music The origins of Indian classical music can be found from the oldest of scriptures, part of the Indian tradition, the Vedas. Samaveda, one of the four Vedas, describes music at length. Indian classical music has its origins as a meditation tool for attaining self realization. All … Read more

Indian Theatre

Indian Theatre Introduction Indian theatre is a diverse and vibrant art form with a long and rich history. It encompasses a wide range of genres, from classical dance-dramas to folk performances to modern plays. Indian theatre is often used to explore social and political issues, and it can be both humorous and thought-provoking. History of … Read more

Indian folk dances

Indian folk dances Indian folk dances are a vibrant and diverse part of the country’s culture. They are performed all over India, and each region has its own unique style of dance. Indian folk dances are often performed at weddings, festivals, and other special occasions. They can also be seen in professional performances. There are … Read more