The Working Class Movements

There were some working class movements in second half of 19th century. However, they were impulsive and not very well organized. The early nationalists had a lukewarm Attitude towards the question of workers. This war because initially Congress wanted to focus on issues which were of common concern to all the people of India. There … Read more

Need for Investment

The following are the subtopics under the need for InvestmentInvestment: Investment is a way to grow your MoneyMoney. When you invest, you are putting your money into something that you believe will increase in value over time. This can be anything from stocks and BondsBonds to real estate and businesses. Investment can help you reach … Read more

Non-Statutory Bodies

What are Non-Statutory Bodies? Non-statutory bodies are organizations that are not created by law. They are usually created by a government agency or a private organization to carry out a specific task or function. Non-statutory bodies can be very diverse in their size, structure, and purpose. Some examples of non-statutory bodies include: Advisory bodies: These … Read more