Handicrafts of Nagaland

Handicrafts of Nagaland It is well known that Nagas are the living examples of skilled labours and craftsman and their handiworks are famous worldwide. Although we have come across several centuries since humans have learnt to make clothes, learnt Pottery, do farming etc. But the people in Nagaland, mainly the tribes still make their things … Read more

Art Forms of Odisha

ART  FORMS OF ODISHA Odisha has a rich cultural and artistic heritage. Due to the reign of many different rulers in the past, arts and crafts in Odisha underwent many changes giving an artistic diversity today in the forms of traditional handicrafts, painting and carving, dance and music. Sand art In Odisha ,a unique type … Read more

Art and crafts in tamil nadu

Art and crafts in Tamil nadu The graceful arts and crafts of Tamil Nadu have found generous mention in the archives of Kautilya, Pliny and a number of other scholars who were in awe of the soft muslin, fine silk, elaborate ivory work and precious gems like tortoise shells, diamonds, pearls and rubies produced by … Read more

Art ,Handicrafts  and Paintings  Forms of Assam

Art ,Handicrafts  and Paintings  Forms of Assam The Arts and Crafts of Assam are world famous for unique traditional methods of production and for tribal Art Forms. The people of Assam have traditionally been craftsmen. Assam is mostly known for its exquisite silks and the bamboo and cane products, several other crafts are also made … Read more

Art and culture of uttar pradesh

Art and culture of uttar pradesh The culture of Uttar Pradesh is painted in the form of folk dances, conventional cuisines, long imparted values and traditions. It draws a large number of tourists worldwide because of the historic cities, rustic ancient forts, bustling markets and vibrant culture. Other than the Folk Music, dance, art and … Read more

Cottage and Small Scale Industries. in Himachal Pradesh

Cottage and Small Scale Industries. in Himachal Pradesh Industrialization in Himachal Pradesh is comparatively a recent phenomenon. The severe climatic conditions topographical and geographical severities throw challenges in the process of industrialization. In such a scenario, the benefits in the form of incentives and subsidies as well as the development of appropriate Horticulture, Forestry, mining, … Read more

Handicrafts of Himachal Pradesh

Handicrafts of Himachal Pradesh Among handicrafts that come out of Himachal Pradesh state in India are carpets, leather works, shawls, paintings, Metal ware, woodwork and paintings. Pashmina  shawl is the product which is highly in demand not only in Himachal but all over the country. Colourful Himachali caps are also famous art work of the people. One tribe, Dom, is expert in … Read more

Telangana Industries

Telangana Industries Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal, clinical and botanical products constitute about 29% of the GVA within the manufacturing sector, followed by manufacture of electrical equipment (11%), manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (9 %) and manufacturing of food products (9 %). In terms of Investment, manufacture of pharmaceuticals, other non-metallic mineral products, rubber and … Read more

Art Forms of Bihar

Art Forms of Bihar Registered Geographical Indications (GI) belonging to Bihar are-   MADHUBANI PAINTINGS (Registered G.I. as a Handicraft) Madhubani painting is also known as Mithila Paintings as it is practiced in the Mithila Region of Bihar. Painting is done with fingers, twigs, brushes, nib-pens, and match-sticks using natural dye and mineral pigments. There … Read more

Fungi and their beneficials

Fungi fungi, any of about 99,000 known species of organisms of the kingdom Fungi, which includes the yeasts, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds, and mushrooms. There are also many funguslike organisms, including slime molds and oomycetes (water molds), that do not belong to kingdom Fungi but are often called fungi. Many of these funguslike organisms are … Read more