Philosophy Thinkers

     Saint Anselm Ontological argument for the existence of God   Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that God exists, from premises which are supposed to derive from some source other than observation of the world—e.g., from reason alone. In other words, ontological arguments are arguments from what are typically alleged … Read more

India in the Eighteenth Century

Bahadur Shah 1 (1707-12) Muzam succeeded Aurungzeb after latter’s death in 1707 He acquired the title of Bahadur Shah. Though he was quite old (65) and his rule quite short there are many significant achievements he made He reversed the narrow minded and antagonistic policies of Aurungzeb Made agreements with Rajput states Granted sardeshmukhi to … Read more

Anglo-Dutch war(1672-74)

The Anglo-Dutch War (1672–74), also known as the Third Anglo-Dutch War, was a conflict fought between the Kingdom of England and the Dutch Republic. The war was caused by a number of factors, including English jealousy of Dutch commercial success, Dutch support for the French in the Franco-Dutch War, and English fears of a Dutch … Read more