Public Accountability : Executive

EXECUTIVE–ITS ACCOUNTABILITY TO PARLIAMENT RELATION OF PARLIAMENT WITH THE EXECUTIVE One of the most important questions which engaged the attention of the framers of the Constitution was the nature of the Executive and its relation with the Legislature. Dr. Ambedkar observed in introducing the Constitution:   The decision of the Constituent Assembly on the form … Read more

Ethics and Values in Public Administration

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs Ethics refers to well-based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of duties, principles, specifc virtues, or benefts to Society. which can better be stated as:- Duties: Te behaviors expected … Read more

Whistleblower Protection and the Fight against Corruption

  Whistleblower Protection and the Fight against Corruption Whistleblower protection is essential to encourage the reporting of misconduct, fraud and corruption. The risk of corruption is significantly heightened in environments where the reporting of wrongdoing is not supported or protected. This applies to both public and private sector environments, especially in cases of bribery: Protecting … Read more

Lokpal And Redressel Of Citizens Grievances

 Lokpal and Redressel of Citizens grievances:- Introduction: The central theme of Democracy is that the ruler is accountable to the rules of all sorts of activities and policies. This has arisen due to the fact that the modern states are populous. Because of this and other reasons the Direct Democracy of ancient Greek … Read more

Transparency and accountability in administration

Transparency and Accountability in administration as the sine qua non of participatory Democracy, gained recognition as the new commitments of the state towards its citizens. It is considered imperative to enlist the support and participation of citizens in management of public Services. Traditionally, participation in political and economic processes and the ability to make informed … Read more

The Whistleblower Protection Bill: Safeguarding Integrity and Accountability

The Whistleblower Protection Bill: Safeguarding Integrity and Accountability The Whistleblower Protection Bill represents a pivotal piece of legislation aimed at safeguarding individuals who expose illegal activities, corruption, or threats to the public interest within organizations. This article delves into the essence of the Whistleblower Protection Bill, examining its significance, provisions, challenges, and impact, supported by … Read more

Whistleblower Protection Act

The Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) is a United States federal law that protects federal employees who report government waste, fraud, or abuse from retaliation. The WPA was enacted in 1989, and it has been amended several times since then. The WPA applies to all federal employees, including employees of the executive branch, the legislative branch, … Read more

Lokpal and Lokayuktas

Lokpal and Lokayuktas Introduction The Lokpal and Lokayuktas are anti-corruption institutions in India. The Lokpal is a national anti-corruption ombudsman, while the Lokayuktas are state-level anti-corruption ombudsman. Both institutions are responsible for investigating and prosecuting corruption cases involving public officials. History The idea of an anti-corruption ombudsman was first proposed in India in the early … Read more