Water quality and water purification

  Safe drinking water is the birthright of all humankind – as much a birthright as clean air. The majority of the world’s Population, however, does not have access to safe drinking water. This is certainly true in most parts of Africa and Asia. Even in relatively advanced countries such as India, safe drinking water … Read more

Wetland Conservation Programme

    Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic system where the water table is usually near the water surface and land is covered by shallow water. Essential as: control floods, water treatment, recharging of water sources, reduce sediments, check Soil erosion, bulwark against encroachment by the sea, winter resort for birds and important … Read more

Water Resources : Availability

  Water is a prime natural resource, a basic human need and a precious national asset. Planning, development and management of water Resources need to be governed by national perspectives. India accounts for about 2.45 per cent of world’s surface area, 4 per cent of the world’s Water Resources and about 16 per cent of … Read more

Wetland Conservation Programme, Ramsar Convention and The Montreux Record.

Wetland Conservation Programme Wetlands are lands transitional between terrestrial and aquatic system where the water table is usually near the water surface and land is covered by shallow water. Essential as: control floods, water treatment, recharging of water sources, reduce sediments, check Soil erosion, bulwark against encroachment by the sea, winter resort for birds and … Read more

Wetland Farming

Wetland Farming Types of Wetlands Suitable Crops Water Management SoilSoil Adaptation Nutrient Management in Wetlands Pest and Disease Control Ecological Considerations Economic Benefits Types of Wetlands Wetland farming takes place in various naturally or artificially flooded areas: Freshwater Marshes: Shallow areas with emergent vegetation, ideal for crops like rice and cranberries. Bogs: Primarily peat-forming wetlands with specific … Read more

Water Logging

             Water Logging What is Water Logging? Water logging is a condition in which the SoilSoil is saturated with water. This can occur when there is too much rainfall, when snow melts, or when irrigation water is not properly drained. Water logging can damage plants and crops, and it can … Read more

Indian Drainage Systems

The Indian drainage system is a complex network of rivers, streams, and tributaries that drain the Indian subcontinent. The system is divided into three major drainage basins: the Indus basin, the Ganges basin, and the Brahmaputra basin. The Indus basin is the largest drainage basin in India, covering an area of about 1.2 million square … Read more

The Changwon Declaration on human well-being and wetlands

The Changwon Declaration on human well-being and wetlands is a declaration that was adopted at the 13th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. The declaration recognizes the importance of wetlands for human well-being and calls for action to protect and restore them. The subtopics of the declaration are: … Read more

Natural Sites – UNESCO’S List of World Heritage Sites

Natural Sites – UNESCO’S List of World Heritage Sites The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes international collaboration among its 193 Member States. UNESCO’s mandate encompasses education, science, culture, and communication. One of UNESCO’s most important programs is the World Heritage List, which … Read more