Punjab: Relief and Structure

        Punjab is made of two words Pun(five) + Aab(water) . This literally means a lands which is drained by five rivers. These five rivers are Satluj, Beas, Ravi, Jhelum and Chenab.   We can divide Punjab into following categories according to relief and its physical structure: Northern Shivalik Hills Great Alluvial … Read more

Gujarat: Fishing

Gujarat: Fishing   Gujarat has longest coastline (1600 kms.) and possess widest continental shelf aarea among maritime states of the country, which is broken by several bays, inlets, estuaries and marshy lands. This offers a huge scope of coastal aquaculture.   The available area for fishing activities extends from Lakhpat in Kachchh district in north … Read more

E-Technology in the aid of farmers and Technology Missions in Agriculture

E-Technology in the aid of farmers and Technology Missions in agriculture It is apparent that the tasks of meeting the consumption needs of the projected Population are going to be more difficult given the higher productivity base than in 1960s. There is also a growing realization that previous strategies of generating and promoting technologies have … Read more

Application of Space Technology in India with references to Education, Agriculture and Industry. Climatic change, Floods, Cyclone, Tsunami, Natural and Manmade Disaster Management

Applications of Space Technology in India agriculture Information on crop statistics is required for planning and DECISION MAKING purposes, such as, distribution and storage of food grains, Govt. policies, pricing, procurement and Food Security and so on. Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare effectively uses contemporary techniques of satellite remote sensing in such decision making. … Read more

Agriculture of Telangana

agriculture of Telangana  Agriculture and Cropping pattern of Telangana Salient Features of  Indian/Agriculture of Telangana  Subsistence Agriculture: Most parts of India have subsistence agriculture. This type of agriculture has been practised in India for several hundreds of years and still prevails in a larger part of India in spite of the large scale change in agricultural … Read more

Karnataka -Climate

Karnataka witnesses three types of Climate. The state has a dynamic and erratic weather that changes from place to place within its territory. Due to its varying geographic and physio-graphic conditions, Karnataka experiences climatic variations that range from arid to semi-arid in the plateau region, sub-humid to humid tropical in the Western Ghats and humid tropical monsoon in … Read more

El-Nino effect and cyclones

El Nino El Niño is the name given to the occasional development of warm ocean surface waters along the coast of Ecuador and Peru. When this warming occurs the usual upwelling of cold, nutrient rich deep ocean water is significantly El Niño normally occurs around Christmasand usually lasts for a few weeks to a few months. Sometimes … Read more

Introduction to Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System consists of 24 satellites, that circle the globe once every 12 hours, to provide worldwide position, time and velocity information. GPS makes it possible to precisely identify locations on the earth by measuring distance from the satellites. GPS allows you to record or create locations from places on the earth and … Read more

E-governance in Madhya Pradesh

MP: E-governance Finished in 11th FYP Implementation of e-District project in the five pilot districts, namely, Indore, Guna, Gwalior, Shivpuri & Sagar Developemnt of MP Online portal which is providing about 130 Services through its 6000 kiosks TCS is to establish its set up in Indore The project of State Wide Area Network envisages setting … Read more

Flood And Drought Occurance

 Flood and Drought Occurrence Drought Drought is a complex, slow-onset phenomenon of ecological challenge that affects people more than any other natural hazards by causing serious economic, social and environmental losses in both developing and developed countries. The period of unusual dryness (i.e. drought) is a normal feature of the Climate and weather … Read more