Electric Power Plant

 Electric power plant Electricity is produced at a an electric power plant. Some fuel source, such as coal, oil, natural gas, or Nuclear Energy produces heat. The heat is used to boil water to create steam. The steam under high pressure is used to spin a turbine. The spinning turbine interacts with a … Read more

Solid waste managment

Solid Waste Management; Types of Solid waste Management; Factors affecting Solid Waste Generation Solid Waste Management Solid waste management is basic public Services which every citizen should have access to, both for INFRASTRUCTURE (D) All of the above. What are some of the future trends in solid waste management? (A) Increased emphasis on recycling and … Read more

Waste to Energy

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Waste to Energy: Anaerobic digestion Biomass gasification Combustion Electricity generation Landfill gas Plasma gasification Refuse-derived fuel Waste-to-energy plant Waste-to-energy technology I hope this helps! Waste-to-energy (WTE) is the process of converting waste materials into energy. This can be done through a variety of methods, including … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics on renewable energy: Solar energy is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). Wind energy is the use of wind to generate electricity. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power, which is then … Read more

Waste to Energy

Waste to Energy Introduction Waste to energy (WTE) is a process that converts waste materials into energy. This can be done through a variety of methods, including incineration, gasification, and pyrolysis. WTE can be a valuable tool for managing waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. How does waste to energy work? There are a number … Read more