Jawaharlal Nehru

Jawaharlal Nehru Nehru’s Nationalism and his role in the Freedom Movement are closely interrelated, since it was the nature of Nehru’s Nationalist ideas that dictated his course of action in the freedom movement of India. Nehru’s Nationalism: Nehru’s nationalism was not one of mindless jingoism. He was able to reach a common ground between an … Read more

Philosophical  and social thoughts of Maharshi Arvind

Philosophical  and social thoughts of Maharshi Arvind Sri Aurobindo believed that the highest truths, the truth contained of science and religion were already contained in Vedas. The Gita and the Upanishads are nothing but a logical continuation of the Vedas. He believes in traditional concept of man and accepts the classical views about the union … Read more

Dr B.R. Ambedkar and his Contributions

Dr B.R. Ambedkar and his Contributions Due to his seminal role in the framing of the Indian Constitution, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar is popularly known all over India as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. His efforts to eradicate social evils were remarkable and that is why he is called the “messiah” of the Dalits … Read more


div class=w-full text-token-text-primary data-testid=conversation-turn-97> Unveiling the Legacy of Harisena: A Visionary in Ancient India Harisena, a prominent figure in ancient Indian history, left an indelible mark through his contributions to literature, art, and politics. In this article, we delve into the life and achievements of Harisena, shedding light on his remarkable legacy and enduring influence. … Read more