Changes In Administrative Structure During British Period (1)

 Changes in Administrative structure during British period In the beginning, the Company left the administration of its possessions in India in Indian hands, confining its activities to supervision. But soon found `that British aims were not adequately served by following old methods of administration. Consequently, the Company took all aspects of administration in … Read more

Administrative Changes After 1858

 Administrative changes after 1858 The Revolt of 1857 gave a severe jolt to the British administration in India and made its re-organization inevitable. The Government of India’s structure and policies underwent significant changes in the decades following the Revolt. Changes in Administration By the Act of Parliament of 1858, the power to govern … Read more

DPPQ-Constitutional Developement in India

Question:Which of the following has the greatest influence on Indian Constitution >>>GOI Act 1935 >>>British Constitution >>>American Constitution >>>Canadian Constitution >>> >>>option1 Question:Which of the following end the dual government >>>Regulation Act of 1773 >>>Pits India Act of 1784 >>>Charter Act of 1793 >>>Charter Act of 1813 >>> >>>option1 Question:Which of the following established a … Read more

Administrative Organization of the British- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Army Army fulfilled four important functions: Instrument to conquer Indian powers Defended the British Empire in India against foreign rivals Safe-guarded against internal revolt Chief instrument for extending and defending the British Empire in Asia and Africa. Bulk of the army consisted of Indians. In 1857, of the total strength of 311400, about 265900 were … Read more

Saadat Khan(1722-39)

Saadat Khan(1722-39) Saadat Khan (1722-39) was a Mughal nobleman who served as the governor of Awadh from 1722 to 1739. He was a powerful and influential figure in the Mughal Empire, and he played a major role in the decline of the empire. Saadat Khan was born in 1673 in the city of Agra. He … Read more

Francisco De Almeida

Here is a list of subtopics about Francisco de Almeida: Early life Career Death Legacy Francisco de Almeida was a Portuguese nobleman and military commander who served as the first Viceroy of Portuguese India from 1505 to 1509. He was a key figure in the early Portuguese expansion into the Indian Ocean, and his victories … Read more

Vasco Da Gama

Vasco da Gama Early life Voyage to India Return to Portugal Later life and death Legacy See also References Vasco da Gama (c. 1460 – 24 December 1524) was a Portuguese explorer and navigator who was the first European to sail directly from Europe to India. He was born in Sines, Portugal, and died in … Read more

The Crown Rule (1858-1947)

The Crown Rule (1858-1947) The Crown Rule was a period of British rule in India that lasted from 1858 to 1947. It was a time of great change and upheaval for India, as the country was transformed from a collection of independent kingdoms into a single, unified nation. The Crown Rule began with the Indian … Read more

The Company Rule (1773 – 1858)

The Company Rule (1773 – 1858) Introduction The Company Rule was the period of British rule in India from 1773 to 1858. It was a time of great change and upheaval for the Indian subcontinent, as the British East India Company gradually consolidated its power and transformed India into a colony. The Company Rule had … Read more

The Government of India Act (1858)

The Government of India Act (1858) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that transferred the government of India from the British East India Company to the British Crown. The Act was passed in response to the Indian Rebellion of 1857, which had led to the deaths of thousands of British and … Read more