Soil Profile

SoilSoil Profile A Soil profile is a vertical section of the soil that shows the different layers of soil. The layers of soil are formed by the interaction of the parent material, climate, organisms, and time. The parent material is the material from which the soil is formed. It can be rock, sand, or other … Read more

Sheet erosion

Sheet Erosion Sheet erosion is the most common type of erosion, and it occurs when water flows over the surface of the land, carrying away SoilSoil particles. It can be caused by rain, snowmelt, or irrigation water. Sheet erosion can be a serious problem, as it can remove topsoil, which is the most fertile layer … Read more

Gully Erosion

What is Gully Erosion? Gully erosion is a type of SoilSoil erosion that occurs when water flows over land and creates channels or gullies. These gullies can be small or large, and they can cause significant damage to land and property. Gully Formation and Development Causes of Gully Erosion Concentrated Water Flow Land Use and … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Tundra: Arctic tundra Alpine tundra Arctic climate Alpine climate Permafrost Taiga Tundra biome Tundra ecosystem Tundra plants Tundra animals Tundra peoples Tundra conservation Tundra is a type of biome found in the high latitudes, around the Arctic and Antarctic. It is characterized by a cold … Read more

Savannah Climate

Here is a list of subtopics about Savannah Climate: Climate Temperature Rainfall Humidity Wind Vegetation Animals SoilSoil Landforms Human activity Conservation Threats Future Climate Change Savannahs are a type of grassland that is found in tropical and subtropical regions around the world. They are characterized by a mix of GrassesGrasses, trees, and shrubs, and are … Read more

Elements of Weather and Climate

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Elements of Weather and Climate: Air pressure Air temperature Atmospheric moisture Clouds PrecipitationPrecipitation Wind Waves Tides Ocean currents Climate Weather forecasting Climate Change The elements of weather and climate are the factors that determine the state of the AtmosphereAtmosphere at a particular time and place. … Read more

Carbon Sink

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Carbon Sink: Oceans Forests Soils Permafrost Artificial Carbon Sinks The Role of Carbon Sinks in Climate Change The Future of Carbon Sinks A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores carbon. The Earth’s carbon cycle is a complex system that … Read more

Measurement of Biodiversity

Here is a list of subtopics on measurement of biodiversity: Species richness Species evenness Species diversity Phylogenetic diversity Genetic diversity Ecosystem diversity Landscape diversity Functional diversity Biotic integrity Bioindicators Biodiversity indices Biodiversity monitoring Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity valuation Biodiversity policy Biodiversity ethics I hope this is helpful! Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It … Read more

National Bamboo Mission (NBM): Promoting the ‘Green Gold’ of India

Bamboo, often referred to as “green gold,” is a versatile and fast-growing grass with immense economic and ecological potential. The National Bamboo Mission (NBM), launched in 2006-07 and restructured in 2018, is a flagship initiative aimed at developing a comprehensive and sustainable bamboo sector in India. Key Objectives of the NBM Increasing Bamboo Production: Expand the … Read more