Bihar Climate

Bihar Climate Introduction: Situated in the eastern piece of India, Bihar is a state with rich social legacy and is one of the most established occupied places on the planet. Atmosphere is one of the real reasons that made Bihar a noteworthy farming center, which may had influenced individuals to occupy this district in old … Read more

Current Account

Current Account Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Current Account: Current Account Balance Current Account Deficit Current Account Surplus Current Account Transactions Current Account Convertibility Current Account Convertibility in India Current Account Deficit in India Current Account Surplus in India Current Account Transactions in India Current Account Convertibility in the United … Read more

Hydro Power

Here is a list of subtopics about hydro power: Types of hydropower Run-of-river hydropower Pumped-storage hydropower Storage hydropower Components of a hydropower plant Dam Reservoir Powerhouse Turbine Generator Penstock Tailrace Benefits of hydropower Renewable energy source Low operating costs Reliable source of power Job creation Drawbacks of hydropower Environmental impact Social impact Cost The future … Read more