Acids, Bases and Salts.

Acid An acid is a substance which forms H+ ions as the only positive ion in aqueous solution. Examples:- Hydrochloric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and Cl– ions HCl —> H+ + Cl–   Sulphuric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and SO42- ions H2SO4 —>2H+ + SO42-   Nitric acid forms H+ and NO3– ions when dissolved in water HNO3 —> H+ + NO3–   … Read more

Humidity and Types of Humidity

Here is a list of subtopics about humidity and types of humidity: Absolute humidity Atmospheric humidity Dew point Relative humidity Specific humidity Vapor pressure Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air. Atmospheric humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Dew point is the temperature at which … Read more