
Kabir Scholars differ about Kabir’s parentage, his family, the place of his birth, the time and place of his death etc. Instead of concentrating on various beliefs about Kabir’s life, the scholar deems it appropriate to side with the beliefs that are widely accepted. Scholars agree with the fact that Kabir belonged to the time … Read more

Religious Movements, Saints& Lok devtas of Rajasthan.

    Religious Movements in Rajasthan Rajasthan is blessed with multi-religious Society and all the religions found in the country are practiced in Rajasthan in Harmony to each other. Vedic Religion has been practiced in the state since ancient times and worship of sun has been center of religious practice for several communities. Religious movements … Read more

Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period.

Although the Rig Veda deals with devotional work of religious nature, yet it gives a vivid picture of the early Vedic civilization. The Vedic Civilization is best understood from the social life, political organisation, economic life and religious beliefs. The Kula or family was the basic unit of Rig-Vedic Society. The Kula was headed by … Read more

Religious Movements, Saints& Lok devtas of Rajasthan.

    Religious Movements in Rajasthan Rajasthan is blessed with multi-religious Society and all the religions found in the country are practiced in Rajasthan in Harmony to each other. Vedic Religion has been practiced in the state since ancient times and worship of sun has been center of religious practice for several communities. Religious movements … Read more

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India is an open ended topic and as mentioned in RAS Mains updated syllabus we have bifurcated the topic to cover the topic in entity for RAS Mains exam. Hinduism-as-a-federation-of-various-sects-shaiva-vaishnava-and-shakta/”>Hindu Sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta Nature and scope … Read more

Ramanuja – Statue of Equality

Ramanujacharya Statue of Equality The Ramanujacharya Statue of Equality is a statue of Ramanujacharya, a 12th-century Hindu philosopher and theologian. The statue is located in Muchintal, a village in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana, India. It is the second tallest statue in India, after the Statue of Unity. Ramanuja: Philosopher and Saint Commemorating 1,000th Birth … Read more


Sankardev (1449-1568) was a 16th-century Assamese polymath, social reformer, religious leader, and playwright. He is considered one of the most important figures in Assamese culture and history. Sankardev was born in the village of Barpeta in Assam. He was the son of a Brahmin priest. Sankardev showed an early interest in religion and philosophy. He … Read more


Nimbarka was a 12th-century Indian philosopher and theologian who founded the Nimbarka Sampradaya, one of the four major Vaishnava sampradayas. He is also known as Vallabhacharya or Vallabhacharyacharya. Life and Teachings Philosophy (Dvaitadvaita) Nimbarka Sampradaya Founder of the worship of Radha and Krishna as a divine couple Life and Teachings Little is known for certain … Read more

Sharada Peeth

Sharada Peeth is a Hindu temple located in the town of Sharada Peeth in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Sharada, who is also known as Saraswati. Sharada Peeth is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Hindus in Kashmir. The temple is believed to have … Read more