Environment pollution and solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors affecting solid waste generation

Solid Waste Management; Types of Solid waste Management; Factors affecting Solid Waste Generation Solid Waste Management Solid waste management is basic public Services which every citizen should have access to, both for INFRASTRUCTURE and cause the release of hazardous materials. War and conflict: War and conflict can also lead to an increase in the amount … Read more

Electromagnetic waves, their types and characteristics

Electromagnetic Wave Electromagnetic Wave are waves composed of undulating electrical fields and magnetic fields. The different kinds of Electromagnetic Waves, such as Light and radio waves, form the electromagnetic spectrum. All electromagnetic waves have the same speed in a vacuum, a speed expressed by the letter c (the speed of light) and equal to about … Read more

Types,causes And Effects Of Corruption

  Corruption: NATURE Like that of several other socio-economic offences, corruption stands out as an offence which affects the community as a whole. It is not just an offence between the perpetrator of a traditional crime like murder, theft or rape and an innocent victim. In fact and reality the bribe-giver and the bribe-taker … Read more


QUICK REVISION: NANOTECH AND ITS APPLICATION   Definition:Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science.   APPLICATION OF NANO ON Health SECTOR: Repairing of damaged … Read more

Fishing in Rajasthan

Fishing in Rajasthan     Rajasthan  is endowed with four major river basins viz. Chambal river basins, Mahi river basin, Luni river basin and Ghaghghar river basin. About seventy rivers connect these major river system with large number of tanks, ponds and reservoirs during monsoon season regulating in natural recruitment of fish and other aquatic … Read more

Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India

Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India:-Unemployment may be defined as “a situation in which the person is capable of working both physically and mentally at the existing wage rate, but does not get a job to work”. India is one of those ill-fated underdeveloped countries which is suffering from a huge unemployment problem. … Read more

Meeting Life Challenges: Stress: Nature, type, Sources, Symptoms, Effects, Stress Management, Promotion of Positive health and well being.

  Stress: – The pattern of responses an organism makes to stimulus event that disturbs the equilibrium and exceeds a person’s ability to cope. NATURE OF STRESS Stress is not a factor that resides in the individual or the Environment, instead it is embedded in an ongoing process that involves individuals transacting with their social … Read more

Public Revenue-Principles and types of taxation; direct, indirect, progressive and proportional

India has a well developed Taxation structure. The tax system in India is mainly a three tier system which is based between the Central, State Governments and the Local Government organizations. In most cases, these local bodies include the local councils and the municipalities. According to the Constitution of India, the government has the right … Read more

Geography Video Lecture- Drainage, Its types and Drainage Basins of India

[su_youtube_advanced url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDX_ewZY7DA”] Subscribe now for Interactive Video Lecture Program of RAS 2016 @ 5999 Only All the video lectures are taken by experienced and renowned faculty members of rasfreenotes., Drainage is the natural process of water flowing over the surface of the Earth. It is a major factor in shaping the landscape, and it plays … Read more