Industrial sickness

Industrial sickness One of the adverse trends observable in the corporate private sector of India is the growing incidence of sickness. It is causing considerable concern to planners and policymakers. It is also putting a severe strain on the economic system, particularly on the banks. There are various crite­ria of sickness. According to the criteria … Read more

Private Equity

Here is a list of subtopics related to private EquityEquity: Private equity firms are companies that raise MoneyMoney from investors to invest in private companies. Private equity funds are the InvestmentInvestment vehicles used by private equity firms to raise money from investors. Private equity investments are the companies that private equity firms invest in. Private … Read more

Venture Capital

Here is a list of subtopics related to venture capital: Angel investors Business plans Capital structure Exit strategies Financial projections Fund management InvestmentInvestment thesis Legal aspects of venture capital Liquidity events Market research Pitching Portfolio management Valuation Venture capital firms Venture capital funds Venture capitalists I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you … Read more