Sixth Scheduled areas -Scheduled and Tribal Areas

The Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India lists certain areas in the country as Scheduled Areas. These areas are inhabited by tribal peoples who have been granted special protection under the Indian Constitution. The Sixth Schedule provides for a number of measures to safeguard the interests of tribal peoples, including the establishment of autonomous … Read more

Raut Naach

Raut Naach Raut Naach is a traditional dance form from the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is a folk dance that is performed by both men and women. The dance is characterized by its vigorous movements and its use of colorful costumes and props. The Raut Naach is believed to have originated in the 16th … Read more

Tribal painting of India

Tribal Painting of India Tribal art is a form of art that is created by indigenous peoples. It is often characterized by its use of natural materials, its vibrant colors, and its intricate designs. Tribal art can be found in many different parts of the world, including India. India is home to a wide variety … Read more

Indian Paintings

Indian painting is a diverse and rich art form with a long and storied history. From the earliest cave paintings to the sophisticated miniatures of the Mughal period, Indian artists have always found new and innovative ways to express themselves through their work. The History of Indian Painting The earliest known Indian paintings date back … Read more