World Wars

First World War Background It was a result of growing inter-imperialist rivalries, growing chauvinism, antagonism and conflicts within Europe, formation of alliances and secret pacts, growing militarization, feverish preparations for war, were some of the marked features that harbingered war. There had been a number of crises which were temporarily resolved, but led to deep … Read more

Minor Relief of Ocean Floor

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Minor Relief of Ocean Floor: Abyssal plain Abyssal hill Guyot Seamount Submarine canyon Submarine plateau Trench The ocean floor is a vast and complex landscape, with a variety of features that have been shaped by the forces of plate tectonics, erosion, and sedimentation. The minor … Read more

Plate Tectonic Theory

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Plate Tectonic Theory: Plate tectonics Lithosphere Asthenosphere Plate boundaries Convergent boundaries Divergent boundaries Transform boundaries Plate motion Seafloor spreading Continental drift Mountain building Earthquakes VolcanoesVolcanoes Plate tectonics and Climate Change Plate tectonics and the evolution of life Plate tectonics and the future of Earth Plate … Read more