Anglo-Dutch war(1672-74)

The Anglo-Dutch War (1672–74), also known as the Third Anglo-Dutch War, was a conflict fought between the Kingdom of England and the Dutch Republic. The war was caused by a number of factors, including English jealousy of Dutch commercial success, Dutch support for the French in the Franco-Dutch War, and English fears of a Dutch … Read more

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals

Inter-State Water Disputes Tribunals Introduction Water is a precious resource that is essential for life. It is also a finite resource, and as the world’s population continues to grow, the demand for water will only increase. This is leading to increased competition for water resources, both within and between countries. In India, there are a … Read more

Executive Powers of President

The President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States. The President is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces and has the power to veto legislation passed by Congress. The President also has the power to appoint federal judges, including the members of the … Read more

Exchange of territories with Bangladesh

Exchange of territories with Bangladesh The exchange of territories between India and Bangladesh is a complex and sensitive issue. The two countries share a long and troubled history, and the issue of territory has been a source of tension for many years. In 1971, Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan after a bloody war. The war … Read more