Adivasi revolts in Telangana

Adivasi revolts Komaram Bheem Komaram Bheem belonged to Gond (Koitur) community, and was born in Sankepalli of Adilabad district, Telangana (in 1900). Adilabad district is located in north Telangana, making border with the state of Maharashtra. The region was predominantly populated by Gonds, and was under Sovereignty of Gond Kingdom of Chanda (Chandrapur) and Ballalpur. Bheem’s childhood was spent without any exposure … Read more


 BEHAVIOR   MEETING LIFE CHALLENGES : STRESS   Stress: – The pattern of responses an organism makes to stimulus event that disturbs the equilibrium and exceeds a person’s ability to cope.   NATURE OF STRESS   Stress is not a factor that resides in the individual or the Environment, instead it is embedded … Read more

Psychology Stress Management

 Psychology Stress management Stress arises when individuals perceive a discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands of a situation and the Resources of his or her biological, psychological or social systems. There are many ways of coping with stress. Their effectiveness depends on the type of stressor, the particular individual, and the circumstances. … Read more

Human health and diseases

Human Health and diseases According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), health is defined as: Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. Good health of an individual is important in order to ensure happiness and our ability to work. There are many … Read more


      A tsunami is a very long-wavelength wave of water that is generated by sudden displacement of the seafloor or disruption of any body of standing water. Tsunami are sometimes called “seismic sea waves“, although they can be generated by mechanisms other than Earthquakes. Tsunami have also been called “tidal waves”, but this … Read more

Zero hour

Zero Hour Zero hour is the moment in time when a military operation is scheduled to begin. It is also used more generally to refer to any critical moment or deadline. The term “zero hour” originated in the military, and it is still used in that context today. For example, the zero hour for a … Read more

Controversies Regarding Emergency

Controversies Regarding Emergency Introduction The concept of emergency is a complex one that has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and legal scholars for centuries. There is no single definition of emergency that is universally accepted, and the meaning of the term can vary depending on the context in which it is used. In general, an … Read more

Lessons from Emergency

Lessons from Emergency Introduction The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a devastating event that left the country in ruins. In the aftermath of the disaster, many people were left homeless and without access to basic necessities. In order to provide relief to the Haitian people, the United Nations (UN) launched a massive humanitarian effort. One of … Read more