FUNCTIONAL Classification OF TOWN AND PROBLEM OF HUMAN SETTLEMENT The definition of function varies across the disciplines. In political science it refers to duties, in mathematics it means the relationship between two variables and in geography it is synonymous to occupation. Geographers have classified towns on the basis of their site, situation, size, rank, location … Read more

Types of Settlements : rural and urban

  Settlement can be defined as any form of human habitation which ranges from a single dwelling to large city. The word settlement has another connotation as well as this is a process of opening up and settling of a previously uninhabited area by the people. In geography this process is also known as occupancy. … Read more

Direct Democracy

Direct democracy is a form of government in which the citizens of a country or other polity decide on policy initiatives directly. This differs from representative democracy, in which elected representatives make decisions on behalf of the people. Direct democracy has a long history, dating back to ancient Greece. The Athenians were the first to … Read more

Urban Local Bodies

Urban Local Bodies Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are local governments in urban areas in India. They are responsible for providing basic services such as water supply, sanitation, drainage, roads, and street lighting. They also play a role in planning and development, and in providing social services such as education, health care, and poverty alleviation. There … Read more