Forest policy of Himachal Pradesh

Forest policy of himachal pradesh The need for a new forest sector policy emerges from the realization that there has been a paradigm shift in the objectives and management practices of Forestry at the state and the national level. Post the first state forest policy for the Himachal Pradesh adopted on 3rdSeptember 1980 in furtherance … Read more

Objectives of Indian Constitution

Objectives of Indian Constitution Sovereignty By declaring us as a sovereign entity, Preamble emphasizes complete political freedom. It implies that our state is internally powerful and externally free. She is free to determine for herself without any external interference. There is none within her to challenge her authority. Only this attribute of sovereignty has made … Read more

National Commission for Backward Classes

National commission for Backward classes The NCBC is a body set up under the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993. It has the power to examine complaints regarding inclusion or exclusion of groups within the list of backward classes, and advise the central government in this regard. Composition of the commission Commission will consist … Read more

India joined Hague code of conduct in 2016. What is this hague code of conduct?

The International Code Of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, also known asthe Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC), was established on 25 November 2002 as anarrangement to prevent the proliferation of ballistic missiles. It is the result of international efforts to regulate access to ballistic missileswhich can potentially deliver weapons of mass destruction. The HCOC is … Read more

Functions and Role of NDC, Planning Commission.

The principal function of planning, especially in a federal system, is to evolve a shared vision of and commitment to the national objectives and development strategy not only in the government at all levels, but also among all other economic agents. NITI Aayog acts as the quintessential platform of the Government of India to bring … Read more

Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

  Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose Arjun Sen Gupta   Public Sector Enterprise Autonomy Committee         Rangarajan Committee   Disinvestment of PSUs & Balance of Payments. Malhotra Committee   Insurance Sector & its regulation. Follow up led to setting up of IRDA. Madhukar Committee   Gold exchange traded fund implementation. L.C. Gupta Committee … Read more


Surds A surd is a square root which cannot be reduced to a rational number. For example,  is not a surd. However  is a surd. If you use a calculator, you will see that  and we will need to round the answer correct to a few decimal places. This makes it less accurate. If it is left as , then the … Read more

Fundamental Rights and Duties

The Indian constitution originally provided 7 categories of Fundamental Rights. But one fundamental right, that to property was removed from the list of fundamental rights by 44th amendment. Right to Property now is an ordinary legal right. Thus there are now 6 categories of fundamental rights. These are:  (1) Right to Equality (Arts. 14-18). In … Read more