
Tillage Tillage is the mechanical manipulation of SoilSoil to prepare it for planting. It is a fundamental practice in agriculture, and has been used for centuries to improve crop yields. However, tillage can also have negative environmental impacts, such as Soil erosion and nutrient loss. There are many different Types of Tillage, but they can … Read more

Blind Tillage

Blind TillageTillage Purpose Timing Crops Suitable for Blind Tillage Implements Used Advantages Disadvantages Purpose Blind tillage is a specialized form of tillage performed after the crop has been sown or planted but before it emerges from the SoilSoil, or while the plants are still very young. Its primary goals are: Weed Control: Blind tillage destroys newly … Read more

Zero Tillage (No tillage)

Zero TillageTillage (No Tillage) Zero tillage, also known as no-till farming, is a type of farming that minimizes SoilSoil disturbance. This is done by planting seeds directly into the Soil without plowing or disking. Zero tillage can help to conserve soil moisture, reduce erosion, and improve crop yields. Benefits of Zero Tillage There are many … Read more

Cropping Intensity

CroppingCropping Intensity Cropping intensity is a measure of how much land is being used for agriculture. It is calculated by dividing the number of crops grown in a year by the number of years that the land is in production. A higher cropping intensity indicates that more land is being used for agriculture, while a … Read more