Missionary activities in India

Missionary activities in India There are two views among scholars about the origin of Christianity in India. According to one, the foundation of the Christian church in India was laid by Saint Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. The other view would ascribe the arrival of Christianity in India to the enterprise of … Read more

Christian doctrine and theology

Christian doctrine and theology Christian doctrine There are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible and sacred tradition on which Christianity is based. Because of these irreconcilable differences in theology and a lack of consensus on the core tenets of Christianity, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox often deny that members of certain other branches … Read more

Problem of Evils

Social issues (also social problem, social evil, and social conflict) refers to any undesirable condition that is opposed either by the whole Society or by a section of the society. It is an unwanted social condition, often objectionable, the continuance of which is harmful for the society. India is facing a large number of social … Read more

Saint Anselm Ontological argument for the existence of God

Ontological arguments are arguments, for the conclusion that God exists, from premises which are supposed to derive from some source other than observation of the world—e.g., from reason alone. In other words, ontological arguments are arguments from what are typically alleged to be none but analytic, a priori and necessary premises to the conclusion that God exists. … Read more

Unity and universality of religions

Diversity in religious practice is evident in the global community. Various sects, schools, denominations, and factions of religions can be found throughout the world, and being in close proximity to one another necessitates some form of dialogue between separate traditions. Expressions of religious feelings in practical life are not the monolithic. In our daily life … Read more

Nature And Scope Of Philosophy And Religion (2)

 Nature and scope of philosophy and religion Philosophy:Nature and scope The word ‘philosophy’ is derived from two Greek words philos and sophia. Philos stands for love and sophia for wisdom. It stood for serious cultivation of the intellect and understanding. It was a searching inquiry into the deeper values of life. But simply … Read more

Christian Doctrine And Theology (1)

 Christian doctrine and theology Christian doctrine There are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible and sacred tradition on which Christianity is based. Because of these irreconcilable differences in theology and a lack of consensus on the core tenets of Christianity, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox often deny that members of … Read more


Kitab-ul-Hind is a 12th-century treatise on Hinduism written by Al-Biruni, a Persian polymath and scholar. The book is considered to be one of the most important sources of information on Hinduism from the medieval period.  Author: Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni Original Title (Arabic): Kitab al-Hind Translated Title: Alberuni’s India Topics Covered: Religion (Hinduism) Philosophy Mathematics Astronomy … Read more

Sikh Literature

Sikh Literature Sikh literature is a vast and rich body of work that encompasses a wide range of genres, from poetry and hymns to historical accounts and philosophical treatises. The literature reflects the unique religious and cultural traditions of the Sikh people, and it has played a vital role in shaping Sikh identity and community. … Read more