Discussion Forum for JPSC Mains Exam

Dear All we have launched a discussion forum for the dedicated preparation and guidance for 6th JPSC Mains Exam. Users will be able to get following Services:- Doubt clearance for Mains topics by PSC Notes Experts. Continuation of Daily Mains Practice Question (DMPQ). Requests for redevelopment of notes (for topics not upto the students satisfaction). … Read more

Child labour in Telangana

Child Labour in Telangana Prosecution against employers of child labour has become a challenge. The Telangana child labour department rescued 1,706 kids in 2016 and 1,085 employers were booked under the Child Labour Act. The rest went scot-free by flashing age proofs issued by doctors without conducting tests. In some cases, parents, employers and the … Read more

Fluorosis in telangana

Fluorosis in Telangana Even as the Telangana State is yet to tackle the dreaded disease of fluorosis in Nalgonda district caused due to presence of alarming levels of fluoride in its ground water, there is more bad news for the State.  The tentacles of fluorosis that leaves people crippled is threatening to spread across the … Read more

Per capita income in Telangana

Per capita income The per capita income of Telangana was considerably lower than that of combined Andhra Pradesh State during 1960-1968. Even then, diversion of 4.9 per cent of its annual revenues ensured that the tragedy continued till the mid-seventies. Worst was to follow thereafter. Due to the absence of rural peace, the net sown … Read more

Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle

Telangana Peasants Armed Struggle This movement was launched in the state of Andhra Pradesh against the former Nizam of Hyderabad. The agrarian social structure in the Nizam’s Hyderabad was of a feudal order. It had two kinds of land tenure systems, namely, raiyatwari and jagirdari. Under the raiyatwari system, the peasants owned patta and were … Read more

Adivasi revolts in Telangana

Adivasi revolts Komaram Bheem Komaram Bheem belonged to Gond (Koitur) community, and was born in Sankepalli of Adilabad district, Telangana (in 1900). Adilabad district is located in north Telangana, making border with the state of Maharashtra. The region was predominantly populated by Gonds, and was under Sovereignty of Gond Kingdom of Chanda (Chandrapur) and Ballalpur. Bheem’s childhood was spent without any exposure … Read more

Primacy of Hyderabad in Telangana State

Primacy of Hyderabad in Telangana State Telangana is a state with 3.5cr. Population according to 2011 census in which 38.67% people living in urban areas. But in above 1.35 cr. People who living in urban areas 1cr.living in capital i.e. Hyderabad only. With Migration in future those numbers may increase. There is only one million … Read more