Role of Christian Missionaries

Missionary activities in India There are two views among scholars about the origin of Christianity in India. According to one, the foundation of the Christian church in India was laid by Saint Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. The other view would ascribe the arrival of Christianity in India to the enterprise of … Read more

Health, Education, Human Resources

Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources. Health Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health through disease prevention and treatment. Medicine is a profession that deals … Read more

Samagra Shiksha Scheme: Investing in India’s Future Through Holistic Education

Samagra Shiksha, launched in 2018, is India’s flagship scheme for strengthening school education across the nation. It represents a comprehensive approach, envisioning quality education that is equitable, inclusive, and fosters human development in an evolving knowledge society. Understanding Samagra Shiksha Integration: Samagra Shiksha subsumes three earlier schemes – Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan … Read more

ARPIT: Revolutionizing Professional Development for Higher Education Faculty

The Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT) is a transformative initiative launched by India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Aimed at the professional development of faculty in higher education, ARPIT leverages the power of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to deliver high-quality training and resources on a vast scale. Why ARPIT Matters Continuous Learning: The … Read more