Paintings of tamil nadu

Paintings of Tamil nadu In the evolution of human cognitive expressions, painting is a significant milestone. Paintings fundamentally are made up of lines and colours. Humans used lines that enfold the space to fashion both abstract and real forms. What began as drawing lines to represent abstract forms several millenniums ago slowly evolved into depiction … Read more

Medieval history of tamil nadu

Medieval history of Tamil nadu Chola empire The founder of the Chola Empire was Vijayalaya, who was first feudatory of the Pallavas of Kanchi. He captured Tanjore in 850 A.D. He established a temple of goddess Nishumbhasudini (Durga) there. By the end of the ninth century, INFRASTRUCTURE. Corruption. Caste discrimination. Communal violence. Environmental Degradation. Terrorism. … Read more

Major cities and tourist attractions in Tamilnadu 2

Pudukkottai INTRODUCTION Often regarded as the perfect representation of Dravidian culture, the beautiful region of Puddukottai is blessed by a heritage that dates back to ancient antiquity. One of the best features of this culture, is the fact that the very essence of this is still held on to strongly in the minds and souls … Read more

Population Of Tamil Nadu

Population Of Tamil Nadu The fascinating state of Tamil Nadu is the emerging hub of technology and modern lifestyle in India. Home to several ancient monuments and temples, destinations in Tamil Nadu are very popular among tourist from all over the world. Tamil Nadu is one of the most developed states of India with 44% … Read more

Irrigation in Tamilnadu

Irrigation in Tamilnadu SOURCES OF IRRIGATION Water is an important determinant factor of production of crops in agriculture sector. Intensive and extensive cultivation of land depend mainly on the availability of water. Medium and minor irrigation schemes are implemented in the state for augmenting the irrigation for agriculture. The various sources of irrigation are canals, … Read more

Agriculture of Tamilnadu

agriculture of Tamilnadu Introduction Agriculture is socially, economically and culturally entwined with the lives of people of Tamil Nadu. Agriculture cannot be easily dispensed with as it is the key component of economic Growth and development. Agriculture is undergoing perceptible changes as it gets transformed from a traditional to modern economy which is an important step towards Economic … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Tamilnadu

Animal Husbandry of Tamilnadu Animal Husbandry sector plays a vital role in sustaining rural livelihoods and improving the economy of rural Population. Livestock sector provides productive EMPLOYMENT especially self employment and guaranteed supplementary household income to a majority of rural households particularly small and marginal farmers besides providing nutritious food products like milk, meat and … Read more

Tamil Nadu Rivers and Drainage System 2

Thamirabarani River Originates: In Western Ghats In Tirunelveli District Tributaries: River Servalar, Pachaiyar And Chittar The river Tambaraparani (Now people call Tambaraparani as Thamirabarani) originates on the eastern slopes of Western Ghats in Tirunelveli district of Tamil Nadu. The origins of Tambarabarani and its tributaries are situated at the peaks called “Aduppukkal Mottai”, “Agathimalai” and “Cherumunji Mottai”, at … Read more