World Distribution Of Bauxite

 World Distribution of bauxite The important bauxite producers are (their Percentage in world’s production is given in bracket): Australia (31.34%), China (18.41%), Brazil (13.93%), Guinea (8.36%), Jamaica (3.98%), Russia (1.64%), Venezuela (2.39%), Surinam (1.99%), Kazakhstan (2.44%), Greece (1.09%), Guyana (0.60%) and Vietnam (0.01%). Australia is the largest producer of bauxite in the world. … Read more

Equatorial Rain Forest Climate

Equatorial rain forest climate is a tropical climate that is characterized by warm temperatures and high rainfall. It is found near the equator, where the sun’s rays are most direct. Equatorial rain forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, and they play an important role in the Earth’s climate system. Subtopics: … Read more

The Dutch(1602-1759)

The Dutch (1602-1759) Dutch Golden Age Dutch Republic Dutch East India Company Dutch West India Company Tulip mania Eighty Years’ War Peace of Westphalia Glorious Revolution War of the Spanish Succession Seven Years’ War American Revolutionary War Batavian Revolution French Revolutionary Wars Napoleonic Wars Kingdom of the Netherlands United Kingdom of the Netherlands Belgian Revolution … Read more